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CD1 March 6th Cycle buddy?

Anyone want a cycle buddy. I have a 29 day cycle cd 1 on march 6th. On clomid and Metformin and using some other fertility aides also.

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11 Replies • 13 years ago



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Replies (sorted by informative)

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I was also CD 1 on the 6th of March. My cycle is usually 26 days long.

Here's wishing lots of for the both of us this month

User Image - 29th May 2010. Our ectopic angel will never be forgotten

13 years ago

I am CD 1 March 4th. 30 day cycle just a few dayz ahead of you guyz!!


13 years ago

Good luck to you all. What are you guys trying?

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13 years ago • Post starter

you mean to help get pregnant? I am gonna try temping

how aout u guyz?


13 years ago

I'm right with you ladies! CD1 today (March 7th). I usually have a 30-34 day cycle. This will be month 7 of trying. Maybe 7 will be my lucky number?!

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13 years ago

I've just ordered some OPKs online, but know that I usually ovulate between CD10 and CD14.
Due to ovulate in or around St Patrick's Day this month, and as I'm Irish I'm hoping the luck of the Irish will be with me this month

User Image - 29th May 2010. Our ectopic angel will never be forgotten

13 years ago

OK well I'm trying a little bit of everything. Clomid 100mg, Metformin 1500mg, Instead softcups, BBT charting and OPKS. We have been TTC for 2 years now.

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13 years ago • Post starter

XDANCER: Girl lets hope the luck of the Irish is with you!

SL: soundz like you are doin a lot!! I hope it wqrks for you!

I am hopin to get my thermometer this weekend


13 years ago

SL - I hope all that works for you for you

leelee - I hope you get your thermometer.

I have ordered OPKs and thermometer online. I hope they arrive by next week. Fingers crossed.

User Image - 29th May 2010. Our ectopic angel will never be forgotten

13 years ago

do you guyz know when u ovulate?


13 years ago

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