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Getting Very Excited! 4.5 weeks!

*** Monday 13th July *** cycle day 34 = 4 and a half weeks pregnant!

I am now getting very very excited! I think its finally sunk in and I keep remembering that I'm having a baby and feeling like skipping!

I'm still having the same symptoms as before: vivid dreams, hunger and tired- although I'm sure I will be a lot tireder in a few weeks if its anything like last time. I'm also getting nausea (already!) and cant stomach meat sometimes. My poor hubby cooked this delicious slow cooked pork and veggies stew and it looked amazing and I couldnt eat it, in fact I can feel my stomach heaving just thinking about it :-/ ... I'm sure it was after 6 weeks last time when I started getting sick!!! Yikes!!! I'm also getting pains in my pelvis already :-( I'm still having physio from the SPD last time! I'm really nervous about it, but hopefully with doing my exercises and having physio it wont be so bad... but I'm only 4 weeks.... oh man!!!

I'm also nervous about actually having kids 22months apart and what it will be like breast feeding (which takes hours at first) with a toddler running around! But I think my DD will love being a big sis and they will grow up so close in age it will be lovely!

I cant wait to tell other people now as feeling really excited but we are still keeping it a secret apart from immediate family. Although I have a few friends who are TTC and feel a bit nervous about how they will feel. One of my best friends was TTC before we were for number one (so its been over 3 years) and they still haven't conceived. They have had the first round of tests and everything seems fine, so they are going for more tests I think. They didnt get tests for so long as they were trying to be patient and peaceful about it but I'm glad they are getting tests done now. And my other friend I'm nervous about telling is my closest friend at work, she started TTC for number 2 end of last year I think and then had a miscarriage. She has been telling me that she is finding it hard as there are always loads of pregnant women at work! And now I'm one of them! Hope both these friends get pregnant soon and then we can be happy together!

One really cool thing is I happened to find my old friend from TTC and being on this CTP website from the first time of TTC, and now we are both pregnant again :-) very fun!

Hope everyone else gets their BFP soon! xxxxx

Remember: 'hurt people hurt people' - dont let those around you be collateral damage of TTC! x

3 Comments • 8 years ago



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I know how you feel about telling those you love who've had difficulties conceiving. My brother and his wife, my son's godparents, have been trying since 2009 with no luck. I just found out I'm pregnant with my second and I dreaded telling them. But I finally did on Saturday and they seemed genuinely excited. My SIL says it's contagious (ever notice how there are always a dozen of your friends getting pregnant at the same time?) so it made her smile. Good luck and congratulations!

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8 years ago

Thanks Amanda! I think my friends will be excited for us but then I think she will go home and cry which is almost worse! I just had a read of your journal and cant believe your period was so late and you didnt take a test! Congratulations! xxx

Remember: 'hurt people hurt people' - dont let those around you be collateral damage of TTC! x

8 years ago • Post starter

Congrats on your BFP!!!! It's hard to tell those you love who are having a hard time conceiving, as well as those who want to whose spouses have changed their minds about having kids. My Sister-in-law has been wanting to have a baby for years, but her husband has decided that he now doesn't want kids. When I broke the news to the family, she ran out of the room crying and shut herself in the bathroom. I went in to console her, and tell her that I'm on her side and understand her reaction, which is why I broke the news in a very monotone voice without showing my excitement, because I didn't want her to hurt. I'n hopeful that since her husband is the baby of the family, that the fact the two older brothers he looks up to the most have babies on the way, that he'll change his mind.

8 years ago

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