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so pretty sure i have a bfp,so now im terrified of becoming a mom,and want to take it back. Why?

Is this normal,i mean i am totally freaking out bout finaces,patience,db not being happy,God some one help me please.....

5 Answers • 13 years ago



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Answers (sorted by informative)

1 - 5 of 5 Answers

Hello- I wanted to let you know that in 2007 i had my first child. When i found out i was pregnant I was fine and as time went on many different fears came and wnet for me regarding money and raising a child. You will be fine it is totally natural. Once you get your first ultra sound and see that little flickering heart beat your fears will be replaced by joy!! Just have faith in yourself a child is God's greatest gift!! ENJOY IT!!

13 years ago


TOTALLY normal!! Having a baby is this biggest change your life will ever go through! It's a big deal, and of course you're going to experiences every single emotion! :) You will have the negative emotions, but you will also have joy and excitement! It's a roller coaster trying to get pregnant, and then it's another roller coaster once you are pregnant! Don't ignore the fear, but just accept it as part of the journey. It will pass and be replaced with all the good feelings. Once you get more used to the idea, it won't be quite so overwhelming... (but don't forget about those hormones! sometimes the drama we feel when we're pregnant is just those crazy hormones :) )

I wish you all the best during your pregnancy!! Happy and Healthy!

13 years ago

Hi, i'm married for 4 months and desperately wanted to be pregnant and now that I am, i'm not excited anymore. I completely understand how you feel. Will I be able to cope with a small tiny baby and will me and my husband be able to still spend quality time together. I hope everything will change once I see the heartbeat on the ultrasound, like PaysMom commented. Take care and stay in touch. Mwah!!

13 years ago


I went through this more when we started TTC. I got worried about losing my freedom, my identity, my body, the financial means to do what I want instead of buy diapers, etc. When I found out that I was pregnant, much of that dissolved, but I do still have moments. What really helped me was to look at other women who've had babies who are not necessarily defined by it. Realizing that I can still be me AND be a mom calmed me down. And about the money, one thing that really helped was to start looking at facts. For example, knowing that childcare, once I return to work, will be around $900 per month is a lot less scary than "I heard that childcare is insanely expensive and I bet it will drain every resource I have." Plus, if you're going on maternity leave, you won't have your normal spending habits (in my case, going out to eat with the hub, work clothes, book downloads, music downloads and so on) PLUS the baby. Anyway, what you're feeling is normal. Hang in ther

13 years ago

oh my god, thank god I'm not alone! I have been wanting a baby every day for the last 4 years but now that we're trying I have moments where I get scared and want to "take it back" like you said. But I think that's just the fear of the unknown talking.

13 years ago

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