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Who wants to try an experiment?!

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TWO people that I know of (on this site!) got pregnant recently on their FIRST month trying EVENING PRIMROSE OIL! After TTC for over a year and starting my 3rd clomid cycle, I am ready to give this a whirl! I'm on CD 2 and took my first dose tonight. Anyone else want to see if we can get some more s?!?!?!?

304 Replies • 13 years ago



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Hi everyone,
I hope you don't mind me jumping in on this thread. My insurance co won't pay for any treatments and I am 42 ttc for 14 months so I am always looking for new things to try on my own. Does anyone know if there are any situations when it is NOT a good idea to use epo? I read about a different home remedy which I was all ready to try but then learned you should not use it if your cycle is regular so just trying to figure out what this one works best for. Also, for those of you that use it, how much do you take?
Thank you so much and to all.

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12 years ago

Hi ladies

Victoria - I guess it's possible. My O date was later than normal this cycle too... maybe there is a connection??

pilotbaby - Hi welcome to the thread! As far as I know there arent any reasons why you shouldnt use epo (unless your pg) Though you are only supposed to take it from af till O day. (So once you're in the 2ww make sure you stop)
As for dosage, my epo vitamins are only 500mg each, so I took 2 a day (so 1000mg per day)
I was ttc for about 15 mos. before I got my bfp last week (also had 1 m/c in sept 2010) so hopefully cycle 15 & your 1st cycle on epo will be lucky for you too!

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12 years ago

Thank you for the response Expectingtoexpect...or should we just call you expecting now? So happy for you!!! Sounds like you had a long wait like must be excited!

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12 years ago

Victoria: as far as I can tell my o was about 4days late- could have been the stress, but now im wondering if epo was an accomplice? I should mention that although I totally noticed increased cm, I did not notice increase in ewcm. It's usually really noticable for 2-4 days, this cycle only 1 day and not very much. However, I did skip a few days of epo during the move then o'd (on the 4th) 2 days after I started again. Hmmm. Hoping and praying u o soon and that a delay is in your favor!

Pilotbaby: welcome to the thread! I read 3000mg, but decided it may be unnecesarily high. I took 2000mg once p/day. And, just as joy (expecting) mentioned, take from cd1- o day then stop. Best of luck!

Joy!!!: so glad u r still here! We need u 2 cheer us on!

Peasmummy: been waiting to hear about your hpt (or should I say bfp!) Hope all is well with u!
Wishing the best for all u ladies!

12 years ago

Thanks Liz...wondering about the late O too. I am always very regular and this month out of nowhere it was almost two weeks late! I panicked of course, b/c I am 42 and thought the worst. It finally happened but of course now my whole cycle is messed up. No idea why it was so late but hoping it doesn't happen again as I've heard that when it is late it is almost impossible to get that month. Thanks so much for the welcome and for the info. I think I will try epo this next time around.

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12 years ago

Hi ladies!

pilotbaby - Thanks sweetie! I am really excited! with the epo this cycle!! Where are you in your cycle right now?

Liz - Of course I am still here!! I am anxiously awaiting all the bfp's that are going to be coming for you ladies!!

Anyone close to the end of their cycles yet? Feels like it's been forever!! LoL, but I guess I came into this site in my tww while you guys were just starting, but should be getting those bfps pretty soon!!


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12 years ago

Hi Ladies!

So FINALLY I have a +OPK! I'm on CD 23 and I usually O within a day of my positive so that will put me about 3-4 days late with the epo as well. A friend of mine also recommended Maca which is a supplement known to be stronger than epo and regulates your hormones. It is suggested that you do not take it with clomid but I may give it a try next month if I don't get a bfp (and go off the clomid of course).

Pilotbaby - Welcome! I hope you get your bfp soon! Nothing is more stressful than ttc!

Joy - How is your little bean doing? So glad you are sticking around here! You are the sweetest!

Liz - Where are you in your cycle now? I think I am behind all of you seeing as I'm O'ing so late. for so more s soon!!!!


12 years ago • Post starter

Im cd24 today. Usually around 30 day cycle, but with, what im sure was, late o maybe more like 34 days this cycle. Im thinkin if it doesnt happen this cycle I may try to suggest DB go for SA! Touchy subject tho, not sure how I would bring it up... Any suggestions?
How many days are u all from trying an hpt? I figure if the witch doesnt show by the 20th im going to test!
Baby dust to u all!

12 years ago

Hi ladies!!

(Anyone ever notice I am on here a LOT?? And I check in a LOT more than I post!! It's seriously an addiction!!)

Liz - Ooo, very exciting!! Can't wait for you to test!!

Victoria - Aw thanks sweetie! I am assuming my little bean is doing great! Had TONS of nausea today, so I take that as a healthy sign... I actually worry when it goes away for a while!! Congrats on finally getting your +opk!! Keeping my that good things are happening today/tomorrow!!

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12 years ago

Hello ladies! I realize this post has been up for about 3 weeks, but I was wondering if you all wouldn't mind me jumping in on the "experiment"?
My name is Nicole, I am 26, and DH is 27. We live in Brazil at the moment. We have only been TTC for a few months, but I figure this couldn't hurt, right? I have had extremely irregular cycles since I got off BCPs about 6 months ago and I can't seem to get back on track. I was thinking of trying this method, as I have read rave reviews recently, and it seems this may help me to regulate my cycles. I have had monster PMS, and my last cycle was 37 days. BTW - ignore my info in the little box because its probably all wrong.
Hope you girls don't mind me barging in like this, I've been lurking around this thread for a few days.
Good luck to you all, best wishes, I hope everyone gets the results they're looking for!

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12 years ago

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