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Who wants to try an experiment?!

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TWO people that I know of (on this site!) got pregnant recently on their FIRST month trying EVENING PRIMROSE OIL! After TTC for over a year and starting my 3rd clomid cycle, I am ready to give this a whirl! I'm on CD 2 and took my first dose tonight. Anyone else want to see if we can get some more s?!?!?!?

304 Replies • 13 years ago



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Hi ladies! I hope the day finds you well. Today seems to be moving so slowly! Ugh lol. I keep feeling like I am out for this month, regardless of the fact the the symptoms are different, and my bbt chart appears to be triphasic. (feel free to take a look at it and offer insight lol, any and all would be great!) I am just so terrified of yet another bfn...i know you can relate!

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12 years ago

Hi ladies. Bfn again today. That's negatives at 10 and 12 dpo. I'm trying so hard to stay positive. No real AF symptoms yet. I'm actually quite nauseous this morning which is why i decided to test. I guess I can't be nauseous though if there isn't even enough hormone to turn a test positive. Maybe I have myself that worked up. Stay positive ladies start in the next few days. We're not out yet!

12 years ago

Hi Ally, I am with ya! Df made me test last night (10 dpo) because I was so emotional, and as I guessed, bfn. Today I am very stuffed up, bad headache, and certain smells are nauseating me, like coffee, and I love coffee! Mother nature isn't playing fair at all lol. Bbt dipped a tenth of a degree, so of course I panicked. Keep trying to stay positive, because you are right, it isn't over till the evil witch sings.

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12 years ago

Good morning ladies,

It's been a while since I checked in since we've had houseguests and then our 1 year anniversary on Sunday. [We've been together 10 years]

I'm pretty sure Ov day was 29th july, but just in case I'm counting from 30th which puts me at 11dpo. Haven't tested yet since I only have one FRER in the back of the cupboard.

My boobs have been WAY more sore than normal, but I'm also been drinking coffee (only one cup), so maybe it's that? I'm crampy like AF is due, and I'm cycle day 27 (of a normally 27-29 day cycle).

I can't tell if I've been more tired than usual because my good friend and her four year old daughter were staying with us and everything seems exhausting when chasing a 4 year old ;)

Anywayyy, I guess now that life has settled back to routine, I'll check in regularly with all of you and cross my fingers for my tww buddies Ally, Alli and Crashbunny.

Here's to waiting and seeing!


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12 years ago

ps. Increased creamy cm before AF is due? Is that something?

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12 years ago

I could cry right now. One brown small glob of 'stuff' today. Nothing since, no cramps and my boobs are still a bit sensitive. I feel out though. Husband was there when i saw it because he was begging me test right then. He looked devastated. We both thought this was our month. I'm 12 dpo today and don't think that is a good sign 2 days before AF is due. I know this is WAY gross, but yesterday and the rest of today I've been having more of a little yellow discharge than clear or white. I've never experienced this before. Is this a sign of something bad? Praying that AF holds off and this was a freak thing but I see myself being very down and sad tomorrow or soon after. Thanks for letting me complain ladies.

12 years ago

Ally, yellow cm can be a sign of progesterone which rises during luteal phase and continues to raise once pregnant. Also implantation bleeding usually happens hours to a day after implantation so it could still be that. Just don't want you to be too down, these symptoms don't mean an end all! Good luck hun!

AFM: 8dpo weird feelings in my lower belly today, not sure how to explain them. Hopefully whatever it was was something good!

Allison User Image

12 years ago

Oh ladies. I think I'm out. After that brown glob yesterday my temp dropped to my pre-o temp this morning. I haven't bled anymore and am not having my typical horrible cramps yet, but feel it's only a matter of time. Dh last night said that since it's been a year of tracking everything, pills, timing and pressure he would like to take three months of doing nothing before going and seeing a specialist. I don't blame him. It might be good for us to. I'm just very discouraged and disappointed today. Supposed to get AF today or tomorrow, so I'll let you know.
Thanks for the advice last night Allison. I've never had yellow cm before. It's been a year off birth control but after 15 years of taking it and still getting new symptoms each month sometimes I feel like my body is still adjusting, haha. Where are you at now in your cycle?
I hope the rest of you ladies are doing well!

12 years ago

My temp also dipped below my coverline this morning...bbs don't hurt anywhere near as bad as this past week. I keep running to the bathroom because I am cramping and feel like af is here, but nothing yet. I cried in df's arms this morning, and I think I saw him wipe his cheek when he turned away. I feel just awful.

On the upside, I will be using epo again...and I will give caffiene up. Hope I haven't bummed you ladies out...and I hope you are doing better than me. Xoxo

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12 years ago

My temp went down yesterday and stayed down at the same point today. Generally before o I'm in the upper 96's and low 97's after o in the upper 97's. I was at 97.9 for 11 days and dropped to 97.2 the past two mornings. I didn't start yesterday but probably will today. To make it all better my best friend in the world is coming for the weekend with her adorable 10 mos old daughter. I love the little girl to death, but what a day to start my period. This is cruel enough to go through, I don't know why our bodies make it worse. I'm sorry that other ladies are struggling also, some day will be our day. Dh asked right when he woke up what my temp was to see if it went back up. I wish I would have cried in his arms but for some reason I stop myself. I try to be the tough guy. thanks for letting me complain.

12 years ago

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