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F.S app.

Hi guys just getting nervous about my f.s. app on march 14th and what might happen. i just need some words of encouragement from fellow girls out there who have been for this... thank you

5 Replies • 13 years ago



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I went to see FS for the first time last cycle, I was really nervous too It was the best thing I have done in regards to TTC, I felt quite relieved afterwards. My FS was really understanding, but also straight to the point. He asked heaps of questions mainly about my cycle and arranged some tests for both myself and DH. We now have a plan in place for if a. test results are good (then we get a course of fertility meds) or b. not so good(more tests or into IUI/IVF territory). It feels like I have a little direction now, instead of just hoping month to month.

I hope you get all

13 years ago

I found that F.S. is much more understanding of what you are going through than regular doctor.. my regular doctor just kept saying don't worry.. as every month nothing happened. My F.S. did tests and if not for going that route I would still be waiting to get a BFP every month not knowing that my tubes are too screwed up and that won't happen without some help.

The anxiety over the tests will eventually give you peace of mind when you get the results because you won't be wondering you'll know.

Keep positive!!

13 years ago

Got my letter this a.m to tell me my appointment is on 27th April! Yee Har!

User Image 16th Sept 2010

13 years ago

omg SWEEET sarah,finally something is happening for you too. i don't know where dh stands but he did say he won't change his lifestyle for me,so girls i probably will look into artificial inseination by donor and if it is reasonable then i will do that,if after everything i have tried my best then i will be leaving dh to go on my own and live a life without children

13 years ago • Post starter

Sarah... Awesome!!

Aroma.. change his lifestyle for you.. is he kidding me? I just want to shake him. If he doesnt wake up soon and you have to leave him make sure you leave a note behind that says..
"Sorry Hon, I couldn't change my lifestyle for YOU!"

13 years ago

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