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March/April TT 2020 babies

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Welcome back to a new month everyone !!! You've got this ladies

315 Replies • 5 years ago



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So, I did another test this morning and it's slowly getting darker. Not sure about it still though, I think I need to confirm it with another brand first. These seem to be prone to evaps, but if this were an evap, it wouldn't get darker right? I'm approx 10 dpo.

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5 years ago

Pandorica hos exciting yay!!!! sending you positive and .

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5 years ago

For some reason I couldn't see all the posts from yesterday when I posted last night. Sorry my comments were not quite up to date!
@crams 11 sounds like it is right on track for 9 dpo. Hope it will have doubled tomorrow!
@Pando yes I see it! Very exciting! Hope it gets darker.
@Shay sorry you're feel down. Congrats for losing so much weight and doing everything you can to get healthy. It is obviously working since you did ovulate this month. They say there is only about 25% chance each cycle for the average person if things are timed perfectly so the fact that it didn't work this month doesn't mean anything. The important thing is that you are getting healthier and are ovulating which means that if you keep it up, there is no reason why you wouldn't get a BFP in the next few months. You're doing everything right! Don't give up!
@Burkette glad you finally got your peak!
@scuba excited for next Wednesday! I really hope this is your month!!
@sam not sure how to help. I understand the struggle! After my recent loss I'm pretty much seeing it as "not sure I'm having a baby until I'm 12-13 weeks along this time. Right now I'm excited I got a BFP. It's a good first step but I'm not really starting to think about anything else until I get through the first trimester, get the results of the blood tests and have the first trimester screening ultrasound...etc. I think I'm even going to skip the datation ultrasound since I know exactly what the dates are and so I'll go to the doctor at 10 weeks when they can actually do the blood test (I'm over 35 so they routinely do that at 10 weeks). It's sort of working out that it is summer now because 12 weeks will be early September so in my mind I'll know whether or not we're having a baby when everyone is back in school.
I ran out of tests so the last one I took was 14 dpo and it was much darker but I've decided to not purchase any more tests and just wait and see.

5 years ago

@pandorica looks like it's getting darker.

@ burkette that is great that got a strong line.

Afm took three different brands this morning and the two brands I used yesterday are getting darker already and did a clearblue plus as well this morning. I'll put photos here shortly.

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5 years ago

And the other two

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5 years ago

I am so excited for all of you ladies!!

@agatch thank you for being so encouraging. I think what frustrates me the most is the fact that my doctors just keep brushing everything off and say to wait and see. My temps only partially showed ovulation. Between here and FF only one said I actually ovulated. Not sure which one to trust. But my temps were low even if I did ovulate. They have officially dropped even more this morning making me believe I am out and my cycle will be starting again soon. My LP is usually only 12 days if I did ovulate and I am at 10dpo today. We shall see what happens this next month. I will keep trying just discouraged that it is taking so long. I am surrounded by pregnant women at work too so when the school year starts I am not really looking forward to it.

Good luck ladies! I am so happy for those that have finally gotten their BFP!!! You all deserve it!!

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5 years ago

Good morning ladies. Congratulations on all the BFP this cycle.
AFM didnt test this morning. Only have one test left. I'm pretty sure I'm out not really feeling too much going on.. I woke up with a headache this morning I usually got one before AF so pretty sure I'm out. I'm wrong. to all!

Praying for baby number 3!

5 years ago

Decided to try the Clearblue digital that I had as well. Many trips to the bathroom inbetween. So this was around 1:49 pm.

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5 years ago

Yay congrats Crams41!
@Shay it is really frustrating that your doctor is just brushing it off. Plus if they know the IUD you had can cause issues for so long after you take it off, I feel like they shouldn't prescribe it any more or at least they should warn their patients appropriately (I'm sure you weren't told that could happen after you had it removed). Unfortunately informed consent is not something doctors seem to worry that much about these days! Have you tried to see another doctor? If it's been a year, most doctors will start looking into fertility testing and potential treatment after a year of trying regardless of the type of birth control you used beforehand.

5 years ago

Eeek congratulations @crams41!
That is amazing news

5 years ago

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