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March/April TT 2020 babies

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Welcome back to a new month everyone !!! You've got this ladies

315 Replies • 5 years ago



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Hey ladies
Good luck to everyone ttc!!!
I just took a test at 10dpo and this happened eeeeek!!

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5 years ago

Eeek congratulations Sam! That definitely looks positive to me

@Agatch I can see the faint line that you see, I really hope it gets darker

@Crams go catch that egg girl!

AFM I'm still waiting for my digital OPK to put me in peak fertility. I'm on my 6th day of high so far! But am about to start night shifts which is going to knock my body off, and reduces our chances to BD so I'm not holding out much hope for this cycle

5 years ago

Thanks wish you the best of luck for this cycle!
It took me 1 year to finally get pregnant! Sending lots of baby dust your way!

5 years ago

Hi ladies! Trying to catch up. I am in the background reading all your updates

@agatch I can see the faint line! Eeeek! Did you test again today? @sam congratulations! That's a great line for 10dpo.

Afm currently CD8. I'm on Gonal-F injecting every night since CD3 for 10 days. This is my opk which is never this dark on CD8! I have a scan on Friday to look at my follicles and another next Tuesday. So we'll see. We are BDing every day until Friday but I'm away Saturday and Sunday without hubby on a hen weekend then will BD again Monday and Tuesday. I'm hoping I don't miss my window being away and that we do all we can to catch the egg. Literally can only afford one more cycle then back to trying naturally. This is cycle 10 trying for baby no. 2 xx

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5 years ago

@scuba great to hear from you. I hope you catch it this cycle!!!
@Lalou glad to hear you are finally more settled and enjoying some more relaxing times with your family
@Sam congrats!!! That’s a great line for 10 dpo
@Burkette sorry your night shifts are starting at the wrong time but I hope you still catch the egg this month!

I did test again this morning when I got up but it wasn’t really FMU (I had to go to the bathroom at 4:30 am so it was’t a long hold). Still a faint line, similar to the one I got last night, maybe a hair darker. The bottom one on the picture is the one from this morning. I ended up not buying a FRER. I figured I could just have a little patience

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5 years ago

Thanks everyone!

5 years ago

Compulsive testing going on here
The one from tonight is the darkest yet. I won’t feel excited until I get to the 2nd trimester this time though and still scared it’s a Chemical.

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5 years ago

Hi guys!
I’m new here ????????‍??
34 years,married ,tcc#1

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God is good

5 years ago

@agatch I see it on that last picture! Hoping it darkens and sticks for you!

Sorry, I've been quiet. There has been a lot going on and this is the last cycle before we'll have been trying for a year so I'm a little bummed.

5 years ago

Morning ladies !! Just read through the posts and so many exciting things happening !!

@scuba I'm so sorry girl I was positive that you were pregnant

@alex I would volunteer as your assistant but it's too far away lol I used to be a dancer (ballet, contemporary, hip hop, did a little jazz and freestyle here and there lol as well as pole dancing)... I hope you find someone suitable !!

@agatch girl I'm heading straight to your gallery after this I so see your baby lines I'm so excited for you !!

AFM: I'm 19 weeks and still not showing lol... Baby girl is moving around a little more now and I cam feel it clearly. I've definitely entered the moody part of pregnancy as I cant deal with some people and my temper is not the best lol... We picked a name it's either gonna be Luna, Lovelle or Luna Lovelle if we cant pick just one lol... Next scan is in August and I'm getting more and more excited and waiting for baby to pop out lol

5 years ago • Post starter

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