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TTC June 2019 babies

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Okay bring back my ladies lol!!

No idea when I'm ovulating Should be sometime this week (not keeping track) but where are my girls at?

New month and here's to our bfps

161 Replies • 6 years ago



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@confuzed thanks babe will officially know tomorrow...

My cervix is still closed which to me is a good sign because last cycle it went open 3 days before AF and the next day AF started

6 years ago • Post starter

Pretty sure today is ovulation day?? Trying to use opks, used clearblue advanced yesterday and it said Peak, but looking at the sticks today (i used the leftover sticks as dip sticks) is an even stronger positive so I'm assuming today or tomorrow is O day. Anyone have insight?

Bed last night, and two nights ago and will today and maybe tomorrow. Hopefully timing is ok!

If successful due date would be June 27-29? I'm 35, this would be my second kiddie but first and probably last with my fiance. Previous baby girl is with an ex husband, she is 3.5 :) anyone else similar?

6 years ago

@bfireattack I would baby dance all the days you get positive opks and one day after as well to be sure I covered everything...

Not in a similar situation though we got pregnant with our first baby in April but unfortunately miscarried in May... Might be pregnant again if my tests get any darker, if not on to cycle 5 again

6 years ago • Post starter

@itsanna- I definitely see a line in your last pic, good luck!
I am currently 1 DPO, so I have a long wait to go.
We only BD this month on CD10, and I O’d on CD13 (I used opks and can also “feel” when I o from cramps). Is 3 days before O too soon to hope for anything?

6 years ago

@bfireattack I am in a similar situation! 33 and remarried one year- 2 children with ex husband 6 and 3.5. If I am of due date would be end of June as well

6 years ago

@beckie thanks babe I tested this afternoon and the same line again (different batch of tests)... Will do a digi tomorrow morning and see

6 years ago • Post starter

End of day update: Still no AF, not even on my cervix and no cramping either... So far so good... Still getting nauseated at the thought of certain foods...

6 years ago • Post starter

Sounds good ItsAnna! Keep us updated!
I did another test this evening and a more noticeable line this time, even my partner saw it which is a miracle as he always thinks I'm seeing things on these tests lol x

Mummy to Skyla & Joey

6 years ago


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6 years ago • Post starter

holy s^&! Anna I'm so happy for you, I knew it would be your month!!!!! let's pray for a sticky bean xxx

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6 years ago

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