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Hello girls. Hope my cycle buddies find the new post

457 Replies • 6 years ago



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451 - 457 of 457 Replies

Hello dandy,
Welcome back sweetie! We’ve definitely missed you too! I am so sorry that you and your family are going through such a difficult time. You will remain on my prayer list! That’s great that you are going to focus on you first! That’s what’s needed if you are going to be a caregiver to others. As far as suggestions, perhaps a book club or a hobby that gets you out of the house that doesn’t cost money. Maybe outings to the local library for story time with the kids? I’ve found self help books are really good too. The library usually has a great selection of them. Dandy hang in there. Things will improve, especially when you can find an outlet to work and focus on you. I would also stay connected to your family and friends if possible. They are a great support especially during rough times. Hugs sweet friend!!!
As far as I go, it’s been super busy lately too. Work and doctor appointments for my daughter have been crazy! Looking forward to taking a breather for a change. I am approximately 6 dpo today. I triggered using an 5,000 hcg trigger. I am 7 days past hcg trigger and I am seeing a faint line still. But it’s nearly gone. Boy my breasts are very sore this time around lol. Hoping that I will get that bfp this cycle! Wish me luck ladies!

6 years ago

Here is this mornings hpt. There is only a shadow of a line showing. If it begins to darken, then I’ll know it’s the real thing lol. Fingers crossed that it does darken over the next few days!

user submitted image

6 years ago

Here’s this mornings hpt. I am approximately 6-7 dpo and 8 days past 5,000 hcg trigger. Still a faint line.

user submitted image

6 years ago

Hey ladies, here is this mornings hpt! Looks a bit darker to me! I’ll be excited if it darkens more!

user submitted image

6 years ago

Hey ladies,

How are you ladies doing? Your lo’s must be getting so big! It’s been pretty hectic on my end with work and the kids. I’ve decided to cut back my hours to 20 per week that way I can have some breathing room! Today is ovulation day for me so I plan to bd today and tomorrow!

What have you ladies been up too lately?

6 years ago

Hello ladies!
It’s been a while. The boys are getting big and getting busier. They will be 7 months Monday. How’s is everyone else doing? Dandy how are you and the family? Cronins how is your family? Good luck this cycle. Hopefully it’s the lucky cycle :-)

6 years ago

Hey ladies,
Just wanted to check in with you guys and see how you are doing? How are your lo’s doing? I am still hanging out waiting to get pregnant lol! I’ve been doing well even though I’m not yet pregnant. Been working and keeping busy! Are you two taking your lo’s out trick or treating for Halloween? Mine are heading out this evening as a witch, a Harry Potter character, a princess, and gingerbread man from Fortnite lol! I hope that you both are doing well! Miss you!!!

5 years ago

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Early pregnancy symptoms by day past ovulation

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