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I'm Still Here/ Just Checking In

I logged in and my home page said cycle day 94?? I didn't realize that I haven't updated my cycle since July, although I kept count of how many BFN cycles that I've had. I also don't know many of the people on here anymore. Nevertheless, here's an update of my past month or so..

Work is busy and challenging, yet very productive. I have a class of very promising four year old's who are excited about learning. My daughter is a junior in high school who can't wait to go far far away for college. My son is in the eighth grade and looking forward to high school. My stepson is in big school (pre-k) and growing so fast. DH and I are making a constant effort to make the most of everything together...more quality time with the children, sharing the workload to ease stress, and making more room for alone time WITHOUT MIL. Oh yeah, she is still here! Anyway, I have stopped thinking I am pregnant at the end of each cycle....well, I have stopped POAS I should say. ;-)

Having another baby is still a desire, but I have not been as passionate about it. I am trying to allow things to happen naturally. It kinda keeps the stress down and it makes me feel like less of a failure when I don't succeed. I can't throw in the towel just yet, but I often wonder will it ever happen for me. My faith is strong and I believe it is possible. I just don't know if that's is God's plan for my life.

So, I strive to stay in my happy place by loving hard, working hard, and sharing whatever I can to help others. This month looks like it could be a good one based on our timing with DTD and the fertile window, but only time will tell. Lots and lots of baby dust to you all!

5 Comments • 8 years ago



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1 - 5 of 5 Comments

You have a healthy attitude towards everything. I admire you. In addition to all things you have a MIL to "take care of" - not an easy task!
Hoping and praying you are getting closer to that BFP. God's plans for our lives and the subject of unanswered prayers have been occupying my mind. I will definitely write a journal entry on that at some point. Wishing you and your family all the best like always <3

8 years ago

So glad to hear things are going well for you and you're feeling better about all this. I wish you luck and hope you're totally surprised by a BFP soon. :)

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8 years ago

My attitude doesn't always reflect my flesh Mozart. I feel all of the same things that everyone else does. I just try really hard to live from my heart. It keeps me sane. There is so much that I didn't mention in this JE, only because I don't want to dwell in my troubles. I CHOOSE to focus on the positive and allow God to fix the negative. I really appreciate you both for responding. I kinda miss journaling. Best wishes to you both.

8 years ago • Post starter

I'm still here. I think a lot of people are still here, they just don't journal anymore. I only come on to see how everyone is doing. It's good to see a journal from you. Hope you get your bfp soon!!! big hugs to you

8 years ago

I guess so adiggs. I hope that everything is going well with you and the family. Thank you for the positive vibes! Of course, I feel I do every cycle. lol. Only time will tell.

8 years ago • Post starter

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