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I caved in.

I took a pregnancy test and I'm only 8dpo. Of course it was a bfn. :( Stupid me for taking one now. If I don't get a bfp this month, I'm done tracking my cycle and I just started!
I know I shouldn't give up hope, but I can't help feeling bad.

Sorry just needed to vent.
If anyone else is feeling crazy, feel free to vent also.



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5 Answers • 11 years ago



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1 - 5 of 5 Answers

It took DH & i just giving up to get pregnant with our daughter after ttc for 7 months then one month i said THATS Enough of doing this to myself and 4 weeks later i was trying to convince my co worker she was pregnant so i convinced her to test but wouldnt unless i did to and we both got bfp! Good Luck Hun, It may take just "giving up" for you too.

TTC #2, 2 miscarriages, 2 years in My precious babies will grow in our hearts but not in our arms. As long as we remember, they are never truly lost

11 years ago

Thanks for the response. Yeah, I'm going to do that. Plus, I won't have time to worry about it anyway coming next month. Then me and DH can focus on just having a good time ;) haha. You've made me feel better, thanks.
Still have a little bit of hope for this month but I will just have to wait and see. I'm done worrying about it. When it happens it happens.

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11 years ago • Post starter

I agree with the first answer. I've been trying since January and every month BFNs...I got very depressed 2 months ago because my sister in law got pregnant with NO effort, just got off the pill and she got her BFP the next month. But I finally understood I needed to let go. It was not easy,...knowing my biggest dream is to get pregnant, but I put everything in Gods hands. This month im 3 days late so far, which is strange...but I think I ovulated late this cycle... I should be 10dpo maybe I'll get my period within the next few days. I'm trying not to be excited for being late, but its almost impossible. I already prayed about it and I'm ready to accept if its just a long cycle and not pregnancy...God knows my heart's desire and He knows when it will be our time.
Give yourself some time to relax, enjoy your husband, occupy your time, then when you're ready again you can start from scratch....who knows maybe all you need is relieve that stress of TTC so bad.

11 years ago

Thank you for all the great answers. A lot of support here! I think I will just stop tracking everything and let God take over. We will still be trying but I won't be tracking everything. I think then I won't be so stressed out.

Goodluck nlara! and lots of babydust to both of you.


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11 years ago • Post starter

few mnths back I had a really long cycle, it ended up being about 37 days, that month I was so convinced I was pregnant I took lots of tests, and every negative broke my heart, I had had a mc 4 months prior and thought I would never get pregnant again, and I feel the worse thing in the world is testing too early, ya just set yaself up for heartache, I know its hard to wait I have done it myself, 8dpo is very very very early and you shuldnt feel down about it, re test when your period is due for a better result, and never give up hope, even if you get your a this month I am sure you soon. and ya know what people are right when they say dont worry and stop thinking about it, I got pregnant with my other children much quicker when I wasnt even trying I think the stress of it all hinders ya chances slightly though its easier said then done, good luck

11 years ago

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