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Starting clomid, anyone with me? Can I get a hell ya! Part 5

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This is for all the ladies out there who are using clomid to help conceive. Feel free to express your every emotions and remember you can never give TMI, we are all on the same page and have heard it all! So welcome to the group!

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309 Replies • 11 years ago



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omg omg omg...I totally think I Oed. Last Thurs, Fri & Sat I had terrible TERRIBLE cramps. Buy Saturday night they lessened and by Sunday they had almost disappeared. Now I dont have any cramps. My chart looks pretty good I think. Starting Sunday night I had a terrible runny nose, now its a full blown stuffy nose and head cold of sorts. :/ I have progesterone levels being checked this Saturday (my birthday of all days!) & if those look like I did in fact O, I plan on starting to test next Wednesday (possibly 12 DPO)

GAH!!! Im soooo excited and really REALLY hope we caught that egg. We started DTD EOD starting on CD10 and then 3 days in a row while I had that semi positive OPK. Which btw, I took another one yesterday and it was way WAY negative compared to my other ones last Friday.
How does my chart look to you all?

11 years ago

Hi everyone, your posts are really helping me!!!!!

Hbarios: I had a glance at your graph, your last shift seems very normal as you are supposed to heve raised temp after ovulation. My question is .... as it always happens to me, why there is a dip at the cover line at 4 or 5 dpo? I had it today, but it is not the first time..... if someone can answer to us? Thank you!!!!
Ellekayejaye, good luck with your scan, hoping that everyting is perfect for you!
Hopefull!!! you are always so helpful!!! Thank you!
Good luck girls!!!!!

11 years ago

Hi ladies. Hope everyone is doing well and are getting good news. I have a question that I hope someone can answer or at least guess. Today I am on cycle day 10. I chose to NOT take the clomid with this cycle but I did take it last cycle. What I am wondering is if by me taking it last cycle, could that have messed up my ovulation for this cycle because I didn't take it this one? I have been having some pinching like little pains in my left ovary for a few days and a little ewcm all with completely negative ovulation tests. Tested this morning and they were completely negative and then tested again at about 10:30 am today and they are showing a very visible line although they are still negative. I still have a bit of ewcm so I am wondering if maybe it is working it's way here and I am just 4 days too early.. and impatient, lol. I normally ovulate by day 13 or 14 but I usually start getting lot's of symptoms of ovulation by now and I just don't feel like I am yet. Also, I always ovulated on my own w/o clomid. I only took it last cycle in hopes for a better quality egg and to help keep my hormone levels high. I also took prometrium (progesterone) 2 days after I ovulated last cycle and then stopped them at 12 dpo when I pretty much knew my af would be here soon. So, Is it possible that I have messed up my cycle by taking the clomid last cycle but not this one? Thanks ladies.


11 years ago

Wow so many questions and posts! I love this! It seemed that this board was so quiet the last few weeks.

hbarrios- I also would not use the heating pad. Just as an extra precaution. My doctor advised me not to use a jacuzzi or take really hot, long baths, so I imagine a heating pad would be similar. As for the temp spike, (which I am flattered that Hopefulll would think I would know!) it could be that it was supposed to spike. I would discount it because you took the temp so late. Your body's resting temperature is a tiny bit lower than waking temp, and that resting temp is the temp that you are supposed to track. So I imagine you would see a spike if you let your body wake up and warm up before temping. But I don't temp myself, so I'm not an expert. I hope that it's a true spike! The temp stays high after O when you conceive. I hope that's what happened!

ellekayjay- Good luck with the scan! I hope you see a bunch of follicles that released eggs!

Hopefulll- Good luck with the HSG!!! Let me know how it goes! I hope that you rented a few movies to put on while you lay on the couch for the rest of the day :) That'll give you plenty of time to give us all an update about your scan!

Rkn-OH-Mum- Yay!!!! Good luck with the TTW! Baby dust!

Paradise- Don't give up hope of seeing a pos OPK yet. You could still see it! I don't know if you will O or not on a break month. I would assume since you O'ed on your own before the Clomid that you still will. But I am not an expert. Keep us updated!

TTC #2 naturally after infertility treatment for #1 User Image

11 years ago

Alrighty ladies, Im back! The HSG went very well and did not hurt one bit. It was literally the same as a pap, minus the catheter in my cervix lol(which I didn't even feel). I had it totally built up in my head and my doctor gave me shit for even reading up on what other women felt lol (though other women are often right). It was a breeze I tell ya! Anyway, turns out my tubes are clear and perfect and there is not scarring anywhere so that's good too.
He is upping my dose of Femara and I'm going to be starting injectables on day 6,8 and 10. Yeah, more drugs!! I must say though that I'm not thrilled to be poking myself with a needle, eek! Anybody else use these?

hbarrios-it went well and thx:)

Rkn- yeah!! woohoo! Fingers crossed that all else goes well! Stick bean, stick!

Kethryes- happy to help:) Thats what we are all about here!

Paradise- I would say no, only because clomid can take a cycle or two to completely leave your system. You may ovulate a day or two later than normal but that's about it. I have heard of several ladies taking a month off from Clomid and it not changing a thing so I wouldn't sweat it too much until you know for sure via an OPK.

Felurian- So far so good. Not feeling any pain at the moment and hoping it stays that way . I did, however, have the dye leak through my pants! I had to tie my coat around my waist like back in school lol. I have heard of some ladies experiencing pain a week after an HSG, so I hope thats not me. Anyway, hope all is well:)

User Image 5 rounds of Clomid (1 chemical) 2 rounds of Femara + IUI (1 chemical) 4 rounds of Femara, Clomid, Menopur+IUI (all BFN) 1 IVF in January=

11 years ago

RKN0HMOM - I am having my progesterone levels checked on Friday and it is my birthday next week! eek lol is it sad I totally got excited reading your post because of it? haha oh AND I have secondary infertility too!... don't know anything about charting though sorry

PARADISEIN2011 - I think Clomid only affects one cycle but I am not sure :/

HOPEFULL - I didn't feel the catheter in my cervix either lol! The only pain I had was cramping afterwards and I spotted a bit. Oh also I got a huge metsl speculum with a bend in it haha stupid backwards uterus making things awkward! Good news on your tubes being clear and good luck with the injections!

AFM - I had my scan today, apparently it was to check my left Ovary and at my prevuious scan in June I had a cyst on it. Anyway I went in and she had the scanner on my belly and was like "hey you have a backards Uterus"... yeah they told me at my last scan. At this point I had to take my pants off and have a Transvaginal ultrasound :o never have I had one of these before lol not in my pregnancy or my miscarriage or any diagnostic scan until today! Anyway the news was good as the cyst was gone and she said she couldn't see any Fibroid that the other scanner reported. BUT she didn't see any follicles. I am CD18 so I am hoping it's becasue I already Ovulated :/ Knowing my luck the Clomid hasn't worked and next cycle I have to do 100mg :(

Daisypath Christmas tickersLilypie Trying to Conceive Event tickers Clomid cycle #1 Clomid cycle #2 Clomid cycle #3

11 years ago

Hopefulll- Yay I'm so happy for you! For the clear tubes and that it didn't hurt at all! You're a lucky one!

Ellekayejaye- I hope that you already ovulated and just didn't catch it on the scan. What a great surprise it would be to see two pink lines next week! Sorry you had to have the transvaginal ultrasound. Those aren't very fun. That's happy news that the cyst is gone, though! :) I have never heard of a backwards uterus! Is that what is causing your infertility, or is it even an issue?

TTC #2 naturally after infertility treatment for #1 User Image

11 years ago

felurian - apparently it should't affect my ability to conceive. I got pregnant with my 1st child on the 4th cycle. My infertility is caused by me not Ovulating boo :(

Hopefully something happens soon lol I can't believe it'll have been 4 years of TTC #2 in January! :o

Daisypath Christmas tickersLilypie Trying to Conceive Event tickers Clomid cycle #1 Clomid cycle #2 Clomid cycle #3

11 years ago

hopefullll - I'm so glad the HSG went well!

ellekj - i'm sure felurian is right and that you probably already O'd...I will be saying a special sticky bean prayer for you!!!

felurian - thank you for the advice! its much appreciated!

to everyone i missed - i hope you are having a fantastic day and *baby dust* to all!!!

TTC Phytotherapy 10/12 Clomid 9/12 Met 5/12, 3/08 MC 6/08 DX w PCOS "For nothing is impossible with God" - Sarah, mother of John the Baptist, said to be barren

11 years ago

Hello Ladies

hopefullll~YAY! So happy to hear your hsg went so well! That is great news. I have to agree with felurian-you are definitely one of the lucky ones!

paradisein2011~If I remember correctly I ovulated a couple of days later when I had my first "clomid break". I also ovulated on my own prior to clomid, but probably not every month. I find temping to really help with me keeping track of my cycles.

I started my period WAY early. I started spotting last night on CD23 ! But for whatever reason-this month I ovulated really early for me, on CD13, and I typically get my period around 10-11 dpo. So I guess it all makes sense but was a weird surprise for me and dh (we were just washing up for the night and gearing up for some at the time of my "discovery") poor guy LOL! I still haven't decided when I'm going to get back on doing fertility treatments. It's been nice not having any side effects but I definitely want to be a mommy so I need to suck it up and do what I need to!

Sending lots and lots of & to all of you!

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11 years ago

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