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Trying for first one only!!!!! and having trouble

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I am going to start a page for women who have been trying long term for their first ever pregnancy.. I have no children and want to become friends with people in the same boat as I feel I can relate to these people better, not to say that if you do have children that ttcing for a long time isn't the same but I would like to meet people in the exact same boat... So this is my story: ttcing for 2 yrs, had hsg and both tubes are blocked and waiting for surgery. only 10% chance at conceiving after surgery or ivf.. Give me your story girls..

29 Replies • 12 years ago



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21 - 29 of 29 Replies

mkm413_you are absolutely right..

tinkerbel_i totally agree with you...God is good all the time..

How are you aromatherapy?..hope everything is well!!
You are all in my Prayers..

12 years ago


Oh this breaks my heart! It's so crazy how painful it is for women when they have difficulty conceiving... The hurt is legitimate, and I'm so sorry for those of you who have conceived only to lose your baby shortly thereafter.

I have been TTC for a year now and I know what helps me is hearing other women's stories. My friend and her husband were TTC for 3 and a half years. She went through some pretty bad depression as she was told they couldn't have children. The doctors filed her med documents as "barren" and closed her door of hope.

At her church she got a prophetic word saying she would be a mother. She cried and cried because of her heartache, longing to believe it could be true, but having no hope.

I am proud to say that 7 months ago that friend delivered a healthy baby girl (she conceived one year after that prophetic word). She had given up, but the Lord had not, and gave her a daughter!

I know you've probably all heard this, but sometimes trying will just make us crazy. I am giving up "trying" and going to believe that when the timing is right for us, we will be blessed with our first child. Anyone want to join me in giving up?

12 years ago

hi folks! just decided to stop in and introduce myself - i think i recognize a couple of you from other threads. i recently turned 35... THAT age. ugh. husband and i have been trying for over a year now, and there's nothing i want more than a child.

i haven't told a lot of people that we're trying, precisely because i don't want to be constantly harrassed about it... but of course you get a lot of folks that have no qualms coming up to you and asking "So when are you going to have kids? What are you waiting for?" ... um... none of your business? I expect it from family, but random people at work? Not so much.

i have a six month old god-daughter that i love to pieces, but it also breaks my heart every time i'm with her, because i want one of my own. sometimes i can't even go on facebook because it seems like everyone is either posting photos of their newborn or announcing their pregnancy. it's really been wonderful having this space to hang out in and obsess over the process!

BFP 11/2011; missed m/c 12/2012; D&C 1/2012. Surgery to remove fibroids 4/2012. Trying again 7/2012~ --------- I'm on a quest to live life as if every day were vacation. Follow my journey at

12 years ago

Guys if you dont can join on our thread "Future Mommies-2-Be--TTC#1".. We can help each other..through sharing experiences..

and to all!!

12 years ago

I am new to this site, but I wanted to comment to your post. My husband and i have been trying since the fall of 2009 (so approximately 26 months). I was pregnant right away and miscarried at 6 weeks (actually it was 2 years ago on the 15th of December). Since then we haven't been able to get pregnant again. My husband had gotten checked he is totally fine. I got ultrasounds done, HSG test done, etc. and I am fine as well. So it's a mystery why we can't get pregnant. My cycles are like clockwork each month along with ovulating. I track ovulation with the clear blue digital (smiley face). It is really frustrating.

I am at the age that most people have children too (their mid-20's). It seems like most of my friends and former classmates from high school are constantly posting on facebook that they are expecting. So of which are not married or even financially stable and like to party. My husband and I really want to have children. Just recently a friend of ours is expecting a child and her husband was upset it was a girl and kept hoping it was boy and the ultrasound was wrong. My husband and I constantly think be happy you can have children.

I would give pretty much anything to have a child, that's pretty much all I want out my life. I don't care about fame or fortune or career, my focus was family and building a family with my husband.

Hoping maybe this month I would be, but we don't get too excited anymore. I was suppose to expect AF on December 24th. We keeping hoping for a possible Xmas miracle.

Me + DH= 7/25/09, DD 9/28/12 TTC#2!! My Ovulation Chart

12 years ago

Did you know you can adopt through foster care? AND, they pretty much pay YOU to adopt them. You are only going to pay about $300 out of pocket. everything else is reimbursed. Yes, you can also be very specific of what child you want. We fostered a baby right out of the hospital! For more info, talk to your county's social services department.

12 years ago

hi there...I too have been trying to conceive#1. I have been trying now for over 5yrs...I was brought up raising other people kids and really want my own. I love holding babies but my emotions seem to get the better of me and I have to run out of the room and burst into tears. I hate it. I have tried different things here and there for varying lengths of time until I get depressed by it. I am starting fresh again at the beginning of my next cycle. We have decided to just go all out and try long as its not unsafe or counter-productive. On my list will be: BBT, charting, ferning, iso, mucinex, primrose, baby aspirin, tilting, preseed, vitamins for both of us, possibly softcup, and follow the pregnancy diet. I would love a buddy in this to keep my spirits up. I love my prince, but there are some things only a woman can understand.

12 years ago

Well AF came for me on 12/23/11, so I am on CD 7. I would like to be your buddy. What cycle day are you on? This cycle I am charting this cycle, using evening primrose oil, pre-seed lube, and softcups. I am also still doing like always ovulation kits (starting about CD 13) and prenatal vitamins.

I should ovulating around Jan 6/7 approximately. My DH and I have been trying since October 2009, with one miscarriage in Dec of 2009. We are hoping 2012 is our year! Baby dust to you!! Keep in touch!!

Me + DH= 7/25/09, DD 9/28/12 TTC#2!! My Ovulation Chart

12 years ago

So many sad heart broken stories. I feel so bad for you all. Keep your heads up and keep the faith. When he thinks your ready, he will bless you. I'll keep you all in my thoughts

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12 years ago

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