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Trying for first one only!!!!! and having trouble

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I am going to start a page for women who have been trying long term for their first ever pregnancy.. I have no children and want to become friends with people in the same boat as I feel I can relate to these people better, not to say that if you do have children that ttcing for a long time isn't the same but I would like to meet people in the exact same boat... So this is my story: ttcing for 2 yrs, had hsg and both tubes are blocked and waiting for surgery. only 10% chance at conceiving after surgery or ivf.. Give me your story girls..

29 Replies • 12 years ago



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I know what you mean.... I have close friends who seem to be EXTREMELY fertile, one has three and didn't have to "try" with any of them and another one just had her 4th (which was an oops and then she tied her tubes)! It is very frustrating! I am trying hard not to lose hope.

I have been on Metformin for two cycles (starting my 3rd) and now my OB is adding Femara. I am really really hoping that this combination will be what we need. Its hard not to get frustrated with my OB also... I know he is trying, but I am fighting the urge to just tell him to pull out all the stops and just make it happen!!! I'm losing it!

Have any of you ever tried the metformin/femara or metformin/clomid combo?? Have any of you ever tried trigger shots?? I am wondering if our problem is in the release and not necessarily in the development of the eggs... if so then I don't know how much good the femara will do... Any thoughts or experiences???

Can't wait to see some BFPs in this group... it always gives me such great hope to see BFPs for those who are long term TTCers!

12 years ago

Well you can take online help from to sort out your problem.Yogic management is the best way to get through the problem.

12 years ago

Great Forum topic...I'm on my 22nd cycle ttc. First 18 months ttc was in a previous relationship and the last 4 cycles has been with my bf. I don't tell people that we are trying b/c when I blabbed my mouth when I was married I was asked all the time whether or not I was pg. Did Clomid and IUIs...never worked...was told IVF was my best option. Insurance doesn't cover a penny of fertility treatments so everything I spent previous was just thrown out the window (~$10K for 6 months...maybe more) and have nothing to show for it. I'm mainly frustrated because my bf doesn't understand my frustration. He's only been ttc for 4 cycles...he has no clue how disappointing it is. I was hoping with a new partner that things would happen but I'm starting to feel like it has to be me. Was diagnosed with "unexplained infertility" even though my ex had less than quality sperm. Who knows! I've been wanting a baby since I had a miscarriage in April 2006 and I feel like I'll never be a mother. Its so depressing.

You want to know what really irritates me...when someone says "oh your life is so get to go on romantic get always without kids. Then I say all I want is to have a baby....their can borrow mine anytime you want." Thanks...but no thanks! I'm not interested in babysitting someone's children...I want them for myself! People don't even know how insensitive they are being.

Oh and all of my friends have had babies. I have friends that have had 2 babies in the time that Ive been ttc just 1. My half sister is a horrible mother...lives off the government, doesn't work has 4 kids from 3 different baby daddies, smokes pot (even when pregnant), AND SHE GETS TO HAVE CHILDREN??? Will I ever be a mother? My boyfriend assures me I will be but I'm so frustrated b/c I feel like I'm back tracking at least when I was seeing a fertility specialist I felt like I was doing something but right now I feel like its a waste of time. I dont even know how many months I should wait until going to see someone. Ugh.

And Carrieg143- I've done clomid with the trigger injections. Its been a couple of years for me but I remember injecting the shot at 10pm the night before going in for my IUI. I believe it was 12-14 hours prior to the IUI procedure. My fertility doctor said that clomid alone without IUI has low success rates. Are you seeing a fertility specialist or just your OB? I cant say this enough on this site but your OB's job is to take care of you once you are pregnant not to get you pregnant. My OB did some tests on me and told me I wasnt ovulating. Then I go see a specialist and he said that I do ovulate and that OBs shouldnt be giving out fertility advice b/c they didn't specialize in it. Makes sense.

ME-31 DH-37 TTC 6 years Feb 2006- Natural pregnancy m/c 9 weeks 2010- 3 cycles with Clomid/IUI- Nov2011- Lap- Stage 1 Endo, Uterine Septum, Ovarian Cyst & Left Tube blocked Feb2012 & Apr2012- FSH + IUI- IVF # 1: BCP/Lupron, Menopur and Follistim No Frosties 12dpt- 14dpt- Beta 30 16dpt- Beta 24 Chemical Pregnancy IVF#2: BCP, Menopur, Follistim

12 years ago

Hi aroma...... I am glad you are back again!!!! I am glad you hear you have a plan and having surgery ..... at least it is a chance and something to look forward to:) I am glad you are doing better. I remember when you found out about your tubes and I know it was devastating!!

Well, I am still here... ttc #1 for us. I am now 36 and on my fifth month on clomid. Dr. wants to try IUI with clomid this month. I am excited but nervous. Dh has to leave for korea next week for the army for a week.... wouldn't you know it it is right around when we need to do the IUI.....

So I am going to test and hopefully he will return the day or two before the big O........ I am praying for that. I am now on my second day of AF this cycle and jst feeling discouraged AGAIN!!!! Still no bfp.....

12 years ago

hey cj i have been here just not posting as much,because there is not much to say. so i hope you girls enjoy waht has been said on this thread as well all can relate. yes i am frustrated and angry too,but its not getting me anywhere,but neither is being positive lol, so ive decided i will just be neutral about this whole thing. I do want each and everyone of you to know that this is the place to rant,cry,celebrate and be discouraged as this is the whole point of this... I try not to think about time ticking as i'm 35 but it is always in the back of my mind, and its gtes harder everyday..I only hope and pray some majic money will come my way and can afford at least one shot at ivf,whether it works or not, at least i can bow out knowing that i tried everything possible to have a child.. i just really hate how unfair life is.. i think there is a woman on this site who i thik is working on her 6th or 7th and it only took 2 months to conceive, well yes i hate her,but why waste mt breath on it and stress. i think i have come to the acceptance part of this whole thing, you know like death,first theres shock,anger,denial and finally accepting your fate,and im guessing my fate is not having a child, which is honestly too bad as I would make a great mother, i know i would.

12 years ago • Post starter

Is somewhat comforting to hear that there are people in the world that feel the same as me... We've been trying for 4 yrs now, clinic cannot find anything wrong with either one of us. We tried naturally for 2 yrs, before heading off to the fertility clinic, where we've been for the last 2 yrs. Still 'unexplained', done the femera, femera & IUI, femera & injections & iui, femera & injections & IVIG & IUI, etc. etc. Essentailly everything except IVF. We too, are exhausted emotionally and financially. My benefits have run out and family does not seem to understand. Biggest issue i have with them, is i get they dont understand, but being insensitive and taking the 'not everyone has kids' approach, makes me sick. All of my friends have had children effortlessly (even some have had 2) in the time where ihave been trying. And they dont seem to appreicate what they have. Plus the incessent drone about the joys and problems of motherhood make me want to scream. How can people be so rude? I'm heading into my first and only IVF this next month. Nervous, scared, $$$ maxed out, but hoping its worth it. A tip - if you're comfortable, i've purcahsed some medications on Kijiji (sealed, dated, etc). Sounds weird, but its a savings right? Good luck to all!

12 years ago

I'm with ya! Hubby and I have been TTC for over a year... I had 2 miscarriages last year and it was probably the most traumatic thing I have been through. I am surrounded by people that are pregnant or with babies and it's very tiring keeping a happy face... I have become very bitter celebrating pregnancies, and showers, and 1st birthdays and bla bla bla for everyone else!! Its been almost 9 mnths since my d&c and nothing.. nothing but single lines... I'm not sure why it's so easy for some and soooo difficult for others but I have to imagine somewhere, somehow theres a reason for it... I'm trying my best to stay positive.. I know it's so hard but it is nice to talk to people on here and not feel alone... I feel like I'm the ONLY one in my current situation and no one really gets how I feel... they can sympathize but they'll never know until they go thru it... good luck!!!

User Image ME (32) DH(34)

12 years ago

Im IN.!!
I am 33 yrs old..and never been pregnant!..Its been 6 yrs of not trying but not preventing with my not worried that time because i dont him love anyway (just a long story), then we separate ways..he had a new relationships with this girl and a few months that girl get now every people here in the company thinking that the problem is mine (we are still working in the same company...And i really hate them..talking behind my back...The gossipers ..i really hate them making comparisons...
Now with my DH and we really love each other, we're trying for 20 months now... so hard for me to accept that the problem is Mine ( my ovary,fallopian tube,infertility and so on..)..Last month i went of ob-gyne for a consultation..and she this ..6 kinds of laboratories/blood works, check the fallopian tube if no went home very sad.. i cant even walk..thinking if i ca AFFORD this all labs..our heath insurance not covered this kind of we have to pay on our own..but the salary is not enough...
You are right aromatherapy..we need money magic...if we have a lot of MONEY?..getting pregnant is not a BIG problem for us..

We are 6 girls in the family..and all of my 5 sisters have kids already..and me mom is worrying about me.. ..she said go to doctor but the problem is MONEY!!

Im so glad i found this..allowing me to VENT with you ladies who can really understand my feeling..

you all and you are all in my PRAYERS..
GOD is GOOD..!!

12 years ago

Wow... I feel bad being as depressed as I am about not being able to conceive in the past year when many of you are in your 30s and have been trying for 2+ years...

I'm 18, just got married in May, and been trying since September 2010. My husband is a reservist in the Marines and makes fairly decent money... nothing glamorous, but we could provide a child with the possessions and love that it needs. Since we've been TTC, I've only had two periods, one was BCP induced because I hadn't had one in so long. As a matter of fact, I'm on CD 53 today after the surprise AF on 8/11... it's so frustrating. I don't even get the dignity of AF to know that I can try again next month. No, I get nothing. No BFP, no AF, just a deeper cavern of depression to sink into. I mean, really? I'm in my prime and I can't even conceive.

It wouldn't be so bad if everyone wasn't constantly having babies all around me. I know a lot of really undeserving girls who had their first at 15 and now they're having their second or third at my age. What's up with that? Those kids aren't going to be raised right, they don't even have fathers. It's just not fair to those of us in a devoted relationship, longing for the privilege of a child to brighten our lives...

Sorry for the long-winded, depressing rant. I'm sure you all understand.

TTC #1 since Oct. 2011 MC @ 6 weeks, Mar. 2015 (suspected - never confirmed) MC @ 16 weeks, July 2015 CP Oct. 2015 Nov. 13, 2015 @ 15 DPO! for a rainbow baby!

12 years ago

Hi ladies! To know we are not alone is bitter sweet! I pray we all conceive this year so baby dusts to us! What have u all tried natural supplements wise! I'm 30 hubby 32 been on n off bc through out marriage! July of this year I'm like let's make this baby! So tried of the questions and being only a god mom or auntie I want my own! Two weeks ago we order maca pills helps sperm and women also pre seed ad order the soft cup which holds sperm up there! When we have sexx the sperm is so runny it runs out anyway! Let's fast and pray for this ladies Jesus is in the mist when two or three are gathered in his name! So what do yall think do yall want to with me choose a day and we can all fast from sun up to sun set or mayb from 7 to 3pm! I have faith! Bible says if we ask in Jesus name we shall receive in His name! Sooooooo ttc for so long prayer works when u work it who is with me baby dusts to us in Jesus name I pray Amen

12 years ago

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