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Starting clomid, anyone with me? Can I get a hell ya! Part 5

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This is for all the ladies out there who are using clomid to help conceive. Feel free to express your every emotions and remember you can never give TMI, we are all on the same page and have heard it all! So welcome to the group!

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309 Replies • 11 years ago



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Hello Ladies

WOWSERS! Is there ever a lot going on! I have a meeting right away so I have to keep this short and sweet!

hopefullll~I am in Saskatchewan Canada

I wish all of you that got your bfp's a very ! How exciting! Please keep us posted

Not much going on for me-approaching O day-we'll see how wacky my cycle is this month! The last 2 months have been a gong show so I have no idea what's in store this month.....maybe a !


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11 years ago

Just a little update. Been taking tests like crazy. Just havent seen the bright BFP yet! Ive had some test tweakers tweak my tests and they usually come up with a faint BFP....but I just cant believe it until I really truly see it. This weekend had better come with BLARING TWO LINES!

11 years ago

Hey ladies,

I finished my first cycle of clomid this month, we have a 3yr old boy but have been tcc since Aug 2011 with no success.

Went to gynae and was told I have PCOS in August, so I was not ovulating at all.

AF - 1 Sept
Clomid CD 3 - 7 (5 days, 50mg)

CD12 (yesterday) - follicle scan, 5 follicles, 3 18mm, 1 of 21mm and 1 smaller one.

Doctor said O would take place on CD 14 /15 most likely. But I have been reading that many woman say they O later on clomid. That would mean its BD time soon.

CD21 I will have to do blood test. I'm praying that i get my surge and an egg is released and fertilized and have a great pregnancy.

I have been very depressed about this. Many of my friends and even family have all had unplanned pregnancy's this past year and then Dh and I have been strugglinh and we want this so badly.

I'm praying September is the month for us! Its my birthday month and our anniversary month.

Thanks Ladies for the support!

hbarrios - I will chanting that from now on, in all I do (especially the exercising)

User Image LMP - 01/09/2012, 50mg fertomid from CD 3 - 7, O = 15 Sept, on 27/09/2012 Missed Miscarriage at 8wks and D & C performed. LMP - 09/12/2012, 50mg fertomid from CD 3 - 7 (very short and light cycle) LMP - 18/12/2012 (debating if I should take fertomid again in this cycle) - 8 January 2013 and confirmed with bloods on 10 January 2013

11 years ago

Rkn_OH_Mum: we are all waiting!!!!! Maybe go for a blood test, to be sure!

Hbarios, I know that you are all very supportive! Thanks.... I wish we were in the same country and so we could meet and cook for you!!!!!

babylove9: I wish you to ovulate this month! Good luck!

Lindsaytom: Good luck to you too!

AFM: Right after I wrote my post yesterday, that I was sure that AF is coming...... AF came! I know that this month there is a problem with me! For the first time in my life I had a 4 days menstrual period (usually I have 9 days) and a cycle of 22 days with a luteal phase of 10 days! I know that is a problem and I hope that it will not happen again. Next week I ll go to the doctor again to inform him about this. I may need progesterone. Have you any idea? Could it be a chemical pregnancy? I guess there was an hormone problem, as the temp graph is so strange.... flat temps at the beginning, a shift and shortly a dip with AF coming earlier. I didnt notice anything strange with cm. If you have any idea!

Thanks a lot!

11 years ago

Still no BFP...Altho someone did mention to me today that maybe my O date was off and I Oed on CD20...which means I am only on 10DPO.

Based on my chart...what do you think?

11 years ago

I got my 21 day progesterone results today. They were at 63 which my doctor says is good and high. I had my 28 day bloods taken to send to my consultant. My doctor was happy to give me my next prescription of Clomid which will be the same 50mg on days 2-6.
So I am a happy bunny my ovaries worked! No idea how many eggs went pop and I am pretty sure I haven't concieved so just waiting for AF to show

Daisypath Christmas tickersLilypie Trying to Conceive Event tickers Clomid cycle #1 Clomid cycle #2 Clomid cycle #3

11 years ago

Hello Ladies

ellekayejaye~ for good results! Maybe you will still get a bfp this month!

Rkn_OH_Mum~Since you had a dip on cd20 followed by a strong peak on cd21 there is a good chance you miscalculated your ovulation. The dip on cd30 could indicate implantation! Your chart looks promising for a !

kethryes~my last cycle sounds very much like yours. It was so wacky. I have no idea what to expect this month but I really hope and pray that it's back to normal! My previous cycle was 32 days (which is also odd for me) and then my last one was 23 days. When af came so early I started to think that maybe my last cycle was a chemical because I was late and af only stuck around for a couple of days. On the short cycle af again only lasted a few days. According to my temps I did ovulate both months. I'm not familiar with taking pregesterone. Does it regulate cycles?

How are all bfp'ers feeling?

Wishing all of you wonderful ladies a fantastic weekend!

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11 years ago

Rkn_OH_Mum: IMy opinion is that you ovulated on 18th day. So you are on DPO 14, try another test tomorrow, being 1 day late.

ellekayejaye: I am very happy for the results. You may have aa BFP soon....

babylove9: you just made me think!!! if I had a chemical pregnancy, earlier than I think that I had and the blood of the 4 days was not a period, but a miscarriage. The truth is that I had also clots, but because it was the cycle being treated with clomid, I guessed that It could the clomid! If this is true, then I came closer to the pregnancy and that is good news for me!
I dont know if you can see my graphs. If you do so, please give me your ideas!

See you girls and thanx!

11 years ago

RknOhMum, good luck! Maybe you did estimate wrong. As long as there are still lines, it's good :) I also think you should go get a blood test!

Hopefully I Oed yesterday. It's my third and last break month before going back on Clomid for round 4, so we'll see. I didn't do OPKs either, so I really don't know if I did O or not. I'm hoping to get another positive like last month! But let's hope if I do that this one will stick :)

Good luck everyone!

TTC #2 naturally after infertility treatment for #1 User Image

11 years ago

Tested this morning and it was a BFN. :/ Testing all this weekend & into next week. Hope it comes soon!

11 years ago

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