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BYOB: I Want a BFP This Christmas!!

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Hi ladies!

Well, it's that time again! Lets kick things off the same as usual, with an update...

My name is Joy
Dh and I are both 28 (for now... he will be 29 in Dec)
we've been together almost 10yrs
Got married and bought a house together in 2009
From Canada
I'm currently a housewife, but hope to soon be a stay at home mom
I got pg back in the summer of 2010 then m/c'd at 8 weeks
We ttc for 8 cycles after the m/c, (10 months)
We have a nursery room all set up waiting for baby
I got my BFP on June 30th 2011
Started spotting on Aug 9th 2011
Went for an u/s Aug 12 2011 @ 10 weeks
Baby only measured 8 weeks with no heartbeat
Started bleeding Aug 18th
Since then I have been rushed to the hospital 3 times for excessive bleeding (once via ambulance cause I passed out)
I have had 2 emergency D&C's, 2 Folley Ballooons, 3 blood transfusions of 2 bags each, & a Hysteroscopey. (Not to be confused with a "HysterECTAMY")
I have FINALLY stopped all bleeding & colorful discharge as of Nov 8th 2011!! (Yay!!)
AF will prob be here around the end of Nov-Beginning of Dec
I probably wont be able to start activly ttc again until February, but believe me I am counting down the days!!
I used opks, chartted my bbt & took folic acid, plus, started baby asprin every day until my bfp, and between Af and O I took Evening Primrose Oil and I also used preseed when we bd'd!
Right now I am just taking an iron suppliment once a day.
As soon as my cycle starts again I plan on chartting my bbt, and re-starting my prenatal vitamins
Then once we are back to ttc I will add EPO & preseed
I am hoping it wont take me another 8 months to get pregnant this time around!

Wow thats getting to be a loooooong into!!

This is the best group out there - these ladies are all amazing!! They are my online bffs and I love them all! Dont know what I would do without you ladies!!

Hope everyone is having a great weekend!

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270 Replies • 12 years ago



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Hey, MrsRogers, I'm also at 8dpo today (12/4) and I woke up early this morning with unusual cramps. I want to feel hopeful, but I'm going to hold off testing until next Sat. when af is due. GL and KIT!

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12 years ago

So, I'm taking the soy and I'm feeling kind of hopeful about this's just SO hard because it seems like suddenly everyone on FB is pregnant or posting pictures of their adorable babies lately. Argh. SUCKS.

I don't have much else to add, since I'm only on cycle day five, except good luck to everyone!!! Hubs and I are planning on BDing a whole bunch in the next couple of weeks and hoping we get a little sticky bean to ring in the New Year with! Finger crossed and praying our guts out...

That being said, I feel like we need to get some convo going here! What're everyone's plans for the holidays? Do we all celebrate Christmas or do we have some Hanukkah sisters? Some Kwanzaa observers or total abstainers from the festivities? What's going on in your neck of the woods?

User Image I want a !!! User Image

12 years ago

yay a cycle buddy! sageviolet i will be waiting to test on sunday the 11th dec when AF is due. today im getting a faint ache in my breasts and feeling a little nauseas.

would be great to hear how you are feeling each day and anyone else who has passed this day post O.

MrsSchmidt, i know how you feel even friends who havent been TTC are falling pregnant around me! happy for them but wish i could have some positive news to.

goodluck to all

12 years ago

holidays, well we are heading to New Zealand on the 29th Dec for our belated honeymoon. So christmas will be just at home in westen sydney.

we are hoping that if we havent concieved this time round we can be more relaxed on our honeymoon.

how about everyone else?

12 years ago

Hello everyone!

It's been a while since I've replied but I've been following everyone.

Welcome Violet, Rogers, & Adris!

Sorry Emma & Gretchen that AF arrived! Chris I hope your's didn't arrive!!!!

Rogers & Violet, I hope you cycle buddies bring us good luck with double BFPs!

Talles, happy birthday to your dd! Hope your fam had a fun day! I hear ya about time flying! I can't believe how fast my dd has grown! She turned 2 in Sept.

Gretchen, my family celebrates Christmas. My DH & I go to his family's on Christmas Eve for presents, games and goodies. Then we head over to my G'parents and spend the night with a heard of family. Christmas morning we have a big breakfast, then we head off to Dh's G'ma's for presents and hors d'overs. Then back to my G'parents for Christmas dinner and presents. Before we open presents, my Grandpa reads the story of Christ's birth from the bible. And my niece & nephews, and now my dd will do a little song and dance that my mom puts together. (usually quite comical). And we usually spend another night there as well. It's nice to have our families so close together.

AFM, nothing too new and exciting. Feeling a little discouraged and really really ready to be back to normal. Well my MRI wasn't as informative as they hoped. They do still see "something" in the uterus and they are "guessing" it's blood clots. The biggest concern is that my uterus is still expanded like I'm 12 weeks pg. So they want to keep monitoring me to make sure I don't get an infection. So far so good. I also did another round of drugs to help contract the uterus. Hopefully it did the trick. She said I have a lazy uterus. Darn uterus! My m/c was 10 weeks ago and I've bleed 8 weeks out of the 10. I will get the latest hcg results tomorrow and if they are finally at 0 then I can start a birth control that will hopefully reset my cycle and stop the bleeding.


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12 years ago

Nicole: hugs, sweetie. I hope they figure all of this out soon! SO frustrating, I'm sure! Ugh.

AFM, yesterday was my last day this cycle taking the soy isoflavones, so we'll see if it makes a difference...fingers crossed! AF just packed her bags, so DH and I will trying again for real in a few days! To be safe, we're just going to BD every other day until it's for sure that I ovulated. I'm hoping hoping hoping...I tried to take a nice, long de-stressifying bubble bath last night but I just couldn't bliss out the way I wanted to because all I kept thinking about was getting pregnant. Ugh.

User Image I want a !!! User Image

12 years ago

I know this topic is kind of oldish, but I thought I would take a few minutes to introduce myself. My name is Melissa and I am in the US. My DH, Jason, and I got married in September. We have been together for 3 years. I have three beautiful girls from a previous marriage, 8 year old twins and a 7 year old, but DH doesn't have any children of his own, so I want more than anything to give him a baby. My OBGYN gave us some advice in October telling me that if I O on day 14 that DH should do his thing on day 8, then do NOTHING until day 12. Then from day 12 to day 15 we can BD like crazy. LOL So that's what we've done this month - we actually did it 8 times in those 4 days this month, so I really had my hopes up. lol

Here is my rundown:

I had my twins in April 2003
I had my singleton in August 2004
I had the Mirena IUD inserted in October 2004
I had a second Mirena IUD inserted in October 2009
I never EVER had AF during those 7 years with my IUD
I got married to DH in September
Had my IUD removed October 5th
My first regular cycle began that day and lasted 34 days
My current cycle began on 11/12
I BELIEVE I am currently 11 dpo if I were to go by my normal 28 day cycle that I USED to have... so who knows, honestly. ;p
I took a HPT this morning and got a BFN. If AF doesn't show, I will take another on Friday morning.

Anyway, I really look forward to getting to know you ladies and to share this journey with you all!

Melissa & Jason User Image Now I need !!!

12 years ago

Hi ladies,

I just popped in to see if this amazing group was still going strong and as predicted, it is!

Gretchen, of course I remember you! and although you are probably sick to death of hearing this, I truly am so sorry for your loss. I remember when you first announced you BFP! Joy is right, you are going to be an amazing mom - as are you Joy!!!!

Anyway, I just wanted to say hello and that I will be saying a very special prayer this holiday season for all of you!

12 years ago

Hi ladies!! I'm baaack!!

Jamie - You're so sweet hun!

Sweetpea - Welcome to the thread!! This is an amazing group of ladies I am sure you will soon become as addicted to this thread as the rest of us! I hope stays away

Gretchen - Sorry about all the people on fb with babies.. I know how you feel, seems like everyone is either preggo or posting baby pics!

Nicole - I know hoe frustrating it must be for you sweetie! (I was there... bled for 10 out of the 11 weeks before they finally found the cause) I really hope things return to normal for you soon!!

Mrs.Rogers - Your holiday sounds nice! Enjoy your honeymoon!!

adris - Welcome!! This is an amazing bunch of ladies, I am sure you will come to love this group!! Sorry to hear about your m/c I hope you get your stickey bean soon!

talless - Sorry your cycle is all screwy... hopefully you still katch that bean!

AFM - I had a great trip! Felt great the whole time, a little cramping in the middle of the night last night, but af should be do in a week or so, so that is pretty normal. Shopped a LOT & got some great deals!!

Hope everyone has a great weekend/beginning of the week!

19 Days till Christmas!!

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12 years ago • Post starter

Hi Ladies,

nicole, fingers crossed for a lucky thread!

welcome new ladies, hope you can also bring along some luck.

today and yesterday i havent felt like its happened this time again. not really any symptoms that are strong enough for me to think we hit the target.

sometimes i get short sharp stabbing in my left side, then i get those PMS aches across the area. also had a short pain in my lower back and my BBs feel uncomfortable in my bra but not to an extreme. I have been moody but i think its normal before im due for AF.

just started charting bbt, it has been at 36.5 all week. i think that is a normal temp. so we will see definitly on sunday if AF arrives. I havent been desparate to test this time because of the disappointment from the few last times, so i hope i can really hold off this time and i know i will feel something on sat if AF is coming. thats usually when i can tell that shes coming.

how is everyone else going?

12 years ago

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