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anyone been trying for 2 yrs or more out there?

It has been over 2 years of trying for me, I'm currently on lupron till the end of february, which means im in menopause so it kills off my remaining endo. I had surgery at the end of oct 2011 and thats what they found. they did manage to clear my tubes but put me on the lupron to kill off the microscopic endo that they couldn't get.. i don't know what is to happen next, but i know i cannot afford any major fertility treatments as dh insurance doesn't cover it :(.. Just wondering if there are any girls out there who are in my situation, and how do you really stay positive after over 24 months of ttcing? I really want a baby, if its the last thing i do, but financially the road may end soon. im just trying not to think about it.. and pleasedon't tell me its in gods hands and it will happen,because after more than 2 yrs,im tired of getting my hopes up for nothing. yes im a little negative but wouldn't you be after this long.

54 Replies • 12 years ago



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I have been ttc for almost 3 years I have a 6 year old soon to be 7 and I suffered an ectopic about 3 years ago and lost my left tube, it is very disappointing each month to not be.. I tell myself every month I'm not going to think about it but when I see my period I am sad and I feel broken.. No one really seems to understand and tells me to be positive and I try but part of me wants to just stop and come to terms with maybe not having a baby.. I really want another I just tell myself it's just not time yet... My dr tells me to think about other options but I am sure it is not in my budget.. So my dear I feel as though this maybe our year and I dont think we should give up just yet... keep me posted if you want to chat some more good luck ....

12 years ago

My DH and I have been trying for over 2 years and had one miscarriage. We both checked recently. His sperm is good no issues. My tubes are open, no cysts, I ovulate issues. Its just odd that we haven't gotten pregnant. But we are hopeful!! I started taking primrose oil this month, also trying softcups and pre-seed lubrication.

Me + DH= 7/25/09, DD 9/28/12 TTC#2!! My Ovulation Chart

12 years ago

Hi there, feb is going to be my 2 year mark of ttc and I'm so fed up, I just want it to happen already pleaaaase I want a baby so badly :-(

12 years ago

Hi there!!

We are ttcing exactly 48 months now...I visit an Ob gyne once..She recommend me to do some blood works/laboratories (6 kinds). But i did nothing at all.. Everytime she scheduled me an appointment, i go but when im near the door i step scared. I have no strength to face the result..i know and i feel its negative.

My period is regular, 28-31 day cycle. Except my november cyce it took only 19 days which i think is not normal.

I really wanted to get Pg naturally as much as possible, so im into EPO, folic acid, green tea, vit. E with selenium, vitamin c and drink a lot of fruit juices and eating more veggies...believing that it will help..

Best of Luck to all of US!!

12 years ago

It's been 2 and a half years for us. We have been trying to conceive since our marriage. I have PCOS but he is fine. We have tried Clomid and metformin so far. We are going to start injectables this cycle. I want a baby sooo bad...I just hope we can afford it. It is so depressing sometimes. It's nice to know there are others out there that understand.

12 years ago

Hi there!

I have a questions to Thompson6609 please , if you dont mind? With pcos Is your AF regular? Any symptoms?

Thank you and GOOD Luck!!

12 years ago

well for me the endo blocked my tubes, and i never knew i had endo until i wasn't getting pg for a yr. i never had heavy periods, or major cramping, so i was shocked when they did the lap surgery and found all the endo.. i think back now and alot of things point to the endo, but they weren't the obvious symptoms.. i always ovulated on cd 12 due to the fact that i took opks, but my back always hurt after i o'd,and i would always feel crampy till af came. also had a tender uterus when i pressed on it close to af, bad ibs symptoms as soon as i ovulated, and the worse was when af would arrive going number 2 hurt sooooo bad like someone was trying to pull my uterus outta my butt!!! im glad i got to see a r.e. and since the surgery my ibs is soooo much better, but due to the lupron,i don't get a period for 3 months so no hormones coursing through my body... i am just praying that i can get pg by the end of the yr,but ive been sooo dissapointed for so long now that it just feels like its never going to happen, i really hope it does.. im glad there are more of you girls out there like me,as you know the hurt,anger,jealousy,elation,dissapointment and all that come along with trying for so very long.. i don't feel soo alone now..

12 years ago • Post starter

THANKS aromatherapy for sharing..I experienced most of your symtoms but not in every cycle. During BD does it hurt? I have this problem..that after bding the spermie goes out when i stand up or put some pressure on the abdomen..Is that a sign of blockage tube? Im many questions..

I thank you for starting this thread..i need a buddy like are so brave and i know and pray you will get your BFP early this year..

12 years ago


Hi! My period has never really been regular. I started on birth control at a very young age to regulate my periods. At the time I didn't really think too much of it (who would at age 14??) I had been on birth control ever since then. I went off birth control when I got married 2 and a half years ago and did not have a period for almost 9 months! During that time I had several tests ran and found out I have PCOS. I was started on provera to start my period. And I also went on Clomid to stimulate ovulation. does of 50mg and 100mg did not work for me, when I went on 150mg of Clomid my periods started to come on their own, however they were anywhere from 35-45 cycle lengths. Currently my periods have stopped coming on their own again so I am back on provera but moving to injectables now.

As far as PCOS symptoms I would say I had most of them but pretty mild. I had a little bit of weight gain when I went off birth control but I am very thin still to the eye. I did start breaking out with acne have some hair growth and slightly elevated levels of testosterone. Like I said they are all mild, I would say the most prominent symptom would be the tons of little cysts on my ovaries.

I think I wrote more than you asked sorry :) Sometimes it is just good to talk to someone who understands a little bit.

12 years ago

it never hurt when i had sex, and there is no way to tell if your tubes are blocked unless you go for a hsg, which is where thry put dye into your tubes and it comes up on an x-ray, thats the only way i found out, then when i went for the lap, the dr found out that it was endometriosis that was blocking them. i only have a 10% chance of getting preggers with the surgery being done but its better than 0% without surgery.. You need to go see a fertility specialist and get on the ball,as with endo it will never go away and with each period you have it will get worse and build up more to the point that your tubes are too damaged and mght have to be removed, so get on it girl, no need to be afraid, if you really want a baby, you need to take the steps to at least try and make it happen..

12 years ago • Post starter

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