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so i have a regular cycle bout 25-26 days and i know im ovulating,but i just had my lh blood test and my progesterone levels are low which is probably why i haven't conceived in 17 months. Does anybody out there have this as well and is it easy to fix? I was utterly devastated when my f.s. told me this. i am going for another blood test on cd 21 this month to see if they come back low again,but im pretty sure this is what it is. PLEASE can someone help me and put my mind at ease,and tell me i will still be able to get pregnant and have a healthy child

4 Replies • 13 years ago



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I've had low progesterone for about eleven years. It was picked up when I had a miscarriage due to the low levels. Since then, I've had two successful pregnancies which turned into my DS and DD. Because my doctor was aware of the low progesterone, I was able to take supplements during my first trimester which helped me to keep the pregnancies. At the start of each pregnancy I had about the lowest level of progesterone that you can have with a viable pregnancy.

It is possible!! Don't give up hope. Low progesterone isn't a death sentence on the baby spectrum. My doctor has me come in the day I get a positive result to check my progesterone levels and when it comes back low we just start on suppositories. My doctor has even mentioned we could start the progesterone after Oing just to get a little extra hormone on board.

You WILL be able to have a healthy pregnancy and child even with low progesterone!!!

13 years ago

the thing is. im not even conceiving! so i think i need to take it from o on,im frustrated cuz i have to do all these tests and no one will see me until they are done which will be around 4-5 months from now. i made an app. with my gp for april 14th to see if maybe by chance he will give me a prescription for suppositories or something like it so i can at least start on something. im going crazy as its been 17 months of ttcing and nothing

13 years ago • Post starter

Wow! 4-5 months before you can get all the tests done?! That's awful. Since you have already been trying for awhile, I hope they can get you in sooner. Maybe the GP will be able to do something. That is a long time to wait. I would be frustrated to!

13 years ago

Have you been BBT charting?? If so what is your Luteal Phase? I had a miscarriage back in Oct '10, and every since I've had a Luteal Phase Defect. This can be caused by three things. 1) you're follicles are not developing properly. This can be diagnosed by a progesterone test at 7dpo. If this is low, than Clomid is used to treat the low progesterone/LPD, through better follicle development. 2)follicles are failing early- this would produce a normal progesterone test at 7DPO, but it would fall off quickly shortly after - this is treated with progesterone supplimentation and 3) your uterine lining is not responding to your bodies progesterone. This is diagnosed through a biopsy of the uterine lining and is treated with progesterone supplimentation.
I'm currently struggling with a 7-10 day Luteal Phase, and have had two early miscarriage (since the miscarriage in Oct when I was 8 1/2 weeks), but we believe that we've had more undetected miscarrages. If your LP is too short (less than 10 days) you're body does not make adequate progesterone to sustain the pregnancy. Therefore, you could concieve, and it's flushed out of you're body during your period. This is what my problem is.
We are currently trying progesterone supplimentation. Last cycle we tried 100mg orally. It didn't work at all, as my LP was only 9 days, but this month we're trying 100mg 2x day vaginally. Apparently vaginally works better. We'll see how it works. Hope this helps and if you want to keep in touch please do. I would be nice to have a friend to share in the frustrations with. We'll be seeing and RE in July if this doesn't work as we'll be at 1 year of TTC then.


FYI: I don't have any medical background all this info I've learned through dealing with the issue/ reading medical journals to learn about it.

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13 years ago

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