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After our early miscarriage last cycle, my doctor wanted to run a miscarriage panel on me as a precaution before we do our next FET. Some of the tests take two to three weeks to come back, so we decided to just do a natural cycle instead of starting BCP. I thought maybe ovulation would come at a fairly normal time, but here we are almost to CD 21 and still no positive OPK. I know everyone's body is different, but I really was hoping for a normal-ish cycle. Once I do ovulate though, I'm going to take bromelain for a few days and prometrium progesterone suppleness until 13 dpo. We'll see what happens. I don't have my hopes up, but a natural pregnany would be a very welcome surprise.

On another note, I did finally get my test results back today and everything was good except I have two heterozygous MTHFR gene mutations. Not 100% sure yet what that will mean for our future fertility treatments, but we'll do whatever the doctor recommends.

Now come on ovulation! Either way, I'm ready to take the next step in this long ass journey.

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7 Comments • 6 years ago



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MTHFR mutation pretty much means you need to take a higher dose of folate and a more absorbable type called mthf-5. It may also mean you need more of some of the other Bs but I'm not as bad as your type so I haven't looked into as much. It may also mean you take a baby aspirin depending on how your doc addresses it. I personally take 5mg of the absorbable form of folate. Some guy had a website dedicated to info on this stuff if you google. He's a doc who studies this.
Anyway, hope you get your answers soon and that you end up with a very fruitful cycle!

6 years ago

Hey girl, so when I had my miscarriage in June it wasn't until October that I started having normal cycles again. Not saying that will be the case for you but your right every person is different. I think that the tests your doctor is doing are awesome, it tells you that they are being very proactive and giving you the best chance for your next round. Looking forward to that, hopefully you won't need to wait that long. On another note, still trying to figure out this picture thing. I'm horrible when it comes to IT, must be why I'm an accountant. LOL!! Thinking of you guys as always.

6 years ago

Angela, thank you for the info. That's about all I could find too, but I didn't look hard. I'm truly trying to limit my Dr. Google searches these days lol. It's hard. I'll definitely let everyone know what's going on when we talk to the doctor.

Tracey, geeze, I hope it does not take 3 months!! I'm confused right now because my CM is picking up, but my OPK's are getting lighter, so maybe I already ovulated, and maybe I'm not going to at all.... As for the pictures, I'm gonna have to figure out how to get them back up because I miss them! I'll just have to sit down with my computer one of these days. Grrrrr.......

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6 years ago • Post starter

Just kinda been sitting back and praying for you ladies. I know the waiting is hard, especially when it is within finger grasp, but I'm glad they are doing the tests so they can to ensure that next try has the best outcome possible! I am so ready to follow you through this next Fet....


6 years ago

I'm glad to hear that the doctor is being proactive. I pray that you don't have to wait long to get that BFP. As always, my prayers are with you.

6 years ago

Any updates?

Hope this finds u well! Everything is crossed for u guys!! =))

6 years ago

Thank you Millbarnett and Kandi, it means a lot to have support and prayers. I'm also glad they did the testing, now I just want to know what they mean lol.

Sandy, I'm doing well. Just waiting and waiting for ovulation. My test on Sunday morning was very close to positive, but it was my last one, so I don't know exactly when my surge happened. I'd already been through two boxes of OPK's, so I wasn't going to buy another one. I had the most EWCM of my entire life yesterday, like a disturbing amount lol. We didn't get to BD, but we did the day before, and we will tonight, hopefully. Chad's been falling asleep too fast lately... I've started temping just to see if I can see my rise. Maybe tomorrow.

As for the tests, my clinic has recorded all of them except for the MTHFR ones, which probably means the doctor is holding out till we go talk to him about our next cycle. I hope the two mutations aren't going have that much impact... The wait is driving me a little nutty lol.

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6 years ago • Post starter

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