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Beta Levels UPDATE

It seems like it took forever to get to this day. I was driving myself crazy, so I did end up taking one last no hold test last night, and it was a decent BFP, so I wasn't too worried about my beta today. I was expecting just to get one number today, and then agonize over my doubling till Friday, but luckily the nurse told me that they "snuck" a beta on Friday 9dp5dt (the day I got my first vvvvfp), and it was 13. Today (14dp5dt) it was 83, which still sounds low, but it's actually a 45 hour doubling time, so perfectly acceptable. I know my bean implanted between Wednesday and Thursday of last week because I could feel this very specific pulsing feeling in one spot, and then I had the spotting for a few hours, so I guess a beta of 83 within a week is pretty good. I have another appointment on Friday to check my beta again, and they're going to do an ultrasound to see if they can see a sac. I'm truly not expecting to see anything since I was a little behind to start off with. I'm not going to be let down if we can't find it. I'll be 5 weeks exactly.

On another note, my estrogen was over 2,000 and my progesterone just said >60. These seem kind of high to me, but my doctor told me to keep taking all my meds just as I am. I'm actually kind of surprised I'm not feeling more symptoms, not because of the pregnancy, but because of such high hormone levels lol. My breasts don't hurt at all, and I basically feel completely normal, if not a little extra emotional. I will update this journal on Friday with my third beta results. Thanks everyone!! We are so thrilled, and I truly hope to see some more BFP's soon!

UPDATE: My beta today was only 161. That gives me a doubling time of 50 hours. The nurse said it had risen like they had wanted it to, but she didn't sound too encouraging. I was originally booked for a retest on Wednesday, but since it's still so low, they want to see me on Monday. I'm definitely losing hope fast. I know whatever is meant to be will happen, but it doesn't make it any easier. We wanted to surprise our family with our news on father's day, but Chad and I have decided that we will wait. We don't want to say "We're Pregnant......but.....".

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21 Comments • 7 years ago



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1 - 10 of 21 Comments | Last Page

Aww...yay! I have been stalking this site just for your update. So happy to hear that things are progressing nicely! Can't wait to read your update on Friday :)

7 years ago

Congrats and I hope the numbers keep going up up up!

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7 years ago

Super!! Can't wait for your scan :)

7 years ago

Yay for a 45 hour doubling time!! <3 I'm so happy you are pregnant

<img src=

7 years ago

This is so exciting ! I'm so happy four you!


7 years ago

Hurry over to cmp, it's completely quiet over there. Nobody comments or mingles. :-/


7 years ago

Yasssssssss. Snuggle in tight, embie! Mommy loves you and wants you to be super comfy ;)

7 years ago

I've been waiting for today. I'm so glad that all is well. I can't lie, I have no idea what all the numbers Thank God for the BFP! I look forward to Friday. Congratulations!!

7 years ago

This is such great news!! I'm so happy!! I can't wait to keep seeing those numbers climb!!

7 years ago

Congrats Renee, sounds great. Hope your numbers continue to rise well, thanks for the update. The way you described implantation is amazing!

After 6 years TTC with MFI number 1 was born December 12 2018

7 years ago

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