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Suspicions Confirmed

First of all, I went in for my pre-IVF blood work and ultrasound this morning. Had 11 tubes of blood drawn...I'm exhausted lol. We're getting more and more excited now that this process is underway!

Back to the reason for this entry.... As I previously stated, I had my first ultrasound done today (cd 4). It was just to make sure my uterus and ovaries looked healthy and ready. While she was in there, she was explaining to me what everything was, so I asked her if my ovaries looked Polycystic. She said that they do not make a diagnosis of PCOS without hormonal blood work to confirm it. She said that I have a lot of eggs, but that's a good thing. I explained to her that my blood work has always come back normal or very good, but our previous doctor had diagnosed me with PCOS (despite healthy hormones), solely because I had several follicles. I told her that I didn't think that was right, and that was why we were now at this new RE's office, and not hers. She agreed and said my uterus and ovaries all looked healthy and good.

I'm so glad we switched. Our previous doctor had me taking 2,000 mg of Metformin per day, before she'd even gotten my test results back. She'd seemed confused when she got the blood work results, but did not discontinue her treatment. She had me do a total of 8 months of Clomid, and that completely threw my cycle off-kilter. My cycle has never gone completely back to normal since I decided to stop taking the meds on my own. I honestly think she is used to women coming in with hormonal imbalances and PCOS, and she "expected" me to have the same issue, so she just gave her "normal course of treatment". My first red-flag should have been when she said she didn't think my husband's 0% morphology had any bearing on our ability to get pregnant. What a quack, seriously! She needs to catch up with the 21st century, and do a little more research before giving her patients false hope.

Anyways, we've moved on. We really like our new clinic, and I feel like they have our best interests in mind. I am supposed to start birth control tonight to put my cycle "on hold" for a week or two, and the surgery center is supposed to call me in the next day or two to set up my hysteroscopy. As soon as we get the all clear from that, we will start the injections.

On a side note, they wanted to do an additional SA on my husband, and everything looked about the same (excellent count, medium motility), but his morphology had gone from 0% to 1.5%!!! That made me so happy! I was like, "well, maybe we should...." and he stopped me mid-sentence and said "NO! We're doing the IVF! 1.5% is not good enough for me!". I just laughed and agreed. I was still happy to see an improvement though. Means we're doing something right. Maybe, MAYBE, baby #2 can be a natural conception. I'm not going to count on it though lol.

Thanks for reading my long-winded JE. The moral of the story is, if you see a doctor, and it just doesn't feel right, don't keep seeing them. Especially one as important as an RE. We wasted over $500 working with her, and it could have been much more if I hadn't gone with my gut after a few months. Hope you're all doing well, and I hope to see some long-awaited BFP's soon!!

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14 Comments • 7 years ago



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Good luck on your IVF cycle! Keep us posted :)

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7 years ago

This is an awesome entry! So glad everything is coming together...I'll be stalking! =))

7 years ago

Thanks for sharing in detail and the advice. All the best to you both!

After 6 years TTC with MFI number 1 was born December 12 2018

7 years ago

rsbih06, thank you for the well wishes, and good luck on your IVF cycle too!

Sandy, thank you. We're excited too. It seems like it's going to take forever, but it won't be too bad, I'm sure.

newlyjg, thank you for the well wishes. I'm always willing to share my experiences if I think they may help someone else. As always, wishing you luck too!!

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7 years ago • Post starter



7 years ago

How exciting! So glad you went with your gut instincts and began seeing someone else. You are just one step closer to getting your BFP! I am so excited to follow your journey over the next few weeks/months :) Good luck!

7 years ago

I'm so happy that you have a new RE and they are giving you the answers and hope you guys deserve. And to top it off YEAH CHAD!! Great job on the number increase. :) And so glad to hear that the PCOS wasn't an issue for you. I really hope that this happens on your first try and I am looking forward to reading your BFP story. :)

7 years ago

Awesome news! I'm so excited things are happening for you! <3

<img src=

7 years ago

So glad everything is moving along for you guys! I can't wait for the exciting news!

Colton "Casually" TTC #2 Go Bills!

7 years ago

Wonderful news! Praying that all goes well.

7 years ago

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