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Aunt Flo Arrived :(

+Rant Warning+
I really am angry right now. Why? Because all of the PR and shit you read on the internet make getting pregnant seem so super easy. WTF! Everyone seems to have this story of - oh well it just sort of happened or he looked at me and boom I was pregnant.

*eye roll*

I got to say I totally feel like this is taking way more work than I thought it would and I am ready to throw the towel in RIGHT NOW!

I want to not be anxious about the process and just go with the flow but I can't because I am reminding myself every morning to take my BBT.

I feel like my husband gets the better deal because all he has to do is show up and make a deposit during BDing. Where as I am charting every little thing and double checking it twice to make sure its entered correctly in the app or the website or BOTH.

I am really worried after reading all the stuff here on this site and other sites that we could be infertile. I know 4 months in is nothing but still - all this information can't help but freak me the f out.

I also hate how my husband is so calm and laid back about the whole thing. ARGH!

All of the websites and apps, pills and products pray on the fears and anxieties of all of the couples TTC.

Seriously. I just want to wake up one morning and be pregnant with out all the hullaballooo!

I now officially hate my period. I never use to care but now its become the enemy.
+Rant over+

In other news I bought Red Rasberry Tea and will be trying that out this next month. Yes I am a stubborn woman what can I say?

2 Comments • 10 years ago



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Comments (sorted by hugs)

1 - 2 of 2 Comments

LOL!!!!! I say that BC this is so me!!!!! :D I started TTC around May 2012 and I WAS CONVINCED, you hear me, CONVINCED lol that this thing would take no time!!! Little did I know it took a year and a half. Now don't get scared b/c I had an issue. Once Igot my levels right and gv up, then baby shows up lol. Just wanted to eencourage you. I know it is hard. I understand being frustrated after 3/4 months BC everyone just getspregnant so easy it seems lol.The truth is, statistics say we have 20% each cycle of getting that bfp. We however ignore or don't think that it is really saying in any given cycle 80% chance bfn. Don't worry gun. I mean it take your time. If something is wrong there is treatment but it probably isn't :) Hubby won't trip b/c really men deep inside IMO can be content either way. I'll tell you something though God had a lesson for me.....when I was like "My life is going to be great if I never HV a child." Pressure was off, new life began :)

10 years ago

Keep your head up! I know it sucks!!! I cried so much it was ridiculous! It changed me though, and God always sent someone to help me through it. He knows and he cares! This I'd just something we got to go through, but if you work the process, you'll be better when you get over then when you went in!

10 years ago

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