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One more loss

I found out today that my numbers are decreasing again. I am going to have another miscarriage and there is nothing I can do. I spent the morning sobbing out the despair in my broken heart. My husband is gone until midnight tonight and I have no friends or family that care enough for me to waste my time telling them of my I write, to strangers who will understand way more than my mother who did not think I should have anymore kids anyway, or to a sister that has 6 kids and has never known the desire to have kids and not be able to.

This is heartbreaking and at the same time it fills me with such a strong desire to succeed. I don't know why I can not hold a child once I get pregnant, but I am starting to get furious at the idea that I keep failing. I truly think that if the doctor had've given me progesterone last week like I asked him to, this would not be happening now.
I have to carry around a dying pregnancy until I abort it on my own. That thought tears me up. I feel useless. I have disappointed my husband. He would tell me everyday to tell our Baby that he loved it.. Now I had to tell him that I am pathetic and lost another of our children. I want to get this fixed. I don't think I can bear this again. I am almost at the point that I don't want to try anymore. It has taken me 17 months and 2 losses within 6 months. Both around 4.5 weeks.

I have to go back to the ob clinic until I follow the numbers down. They are a hundred or so right now.. I suppose within a week or two I will be miscarrying my second pregnancy. I am so broken-hearted.

Angela & Daniel

3 Comments • 10 years ago



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Comments (sorted by hugs)

1 - 3 of 3 Comments

My heart goes out to you! I can't imagine how difficult this is for you to go through, but you are in good company. We girls are here for you. Sending warm, comforting thoughts you way and a virtual hug.

10 years ago

I'm so, so sorry for you loss. It's such a heartbreaking time, and I know exactly how you feel about your stong desire to succeed. You are never alone on here, you need time to grieve, rest, phyically and mentally and take each day one at a time. Please don't blame yourself, nature can be very cruel it is never your fault and you are in no way pathetic. Maybe you could talk to your clinic to see if there are tests why your precious babies are being lost. We are all here for you if you need a shoulder or just to vent. Sending you lots and lots of healing wishes and lots of hugs. x

10 years ago

I want to cry for you, I am soo very sorry. Please do not blame yourself, you cannot take it on yourself, it's so hard but pathetic is the last thing you are. You are safe here to vent and cry and know that even though we aren't face to face there is so much support and concern for you. Take it one day at a time and try to not beat yourself up. Lots of hugs!!!

10 years ago

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