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On the Road Again

Wow! I can't believe I am here once again. At the stressful, amazing, frustrating, beautiful crossroads of life called "trying to conceive". I have four beautiful children, so I've been here many times before. I guess I can call myself a "seasoned" TTC-er. :) Here are my thoughts on this journey.

What does it mean when you're "TTC"? Many, many things.

1. You are hopeful.
2. You are afraid.
3. You are uncertain.
4. You are excited.
5. You are completely and utterly out of control.

Sometimes when you are trying to conceive, it may take longer than you planned or hoped. Imagine yourself getting into the car. You plug your destination coordinates into the GPS, and all of a sudden the screen goes black. All you can hear is a still, small voice telling you (ever-so-politely) which direction to turn. You have no idea how long it is going to take you to get to your destination. You have no idea how many stops, bumps, or twists in the road you will encounter. All you know is that today you are at point A, and one day in the near or distant future you hope to be at point B. Trying to get pregnant is so very similar! Some women wait months or even years before that coveted second line appears on the home pregnancy test. Some couples have no problem getting pregnant, while others endure many tests and procedures to even have a small chance of getting pregnant. Some women will never experience a heartbreaking loss, while others will experience heartbreak after heartbreak.

No matter how long the journey, or the terrain you have to cross to get there, one thing is for certain: you will learn a lot about yourself, other women, and humanity in general through this exciting process called "trying to conceive". I'm buckling up and getting ready to ride this ride, no matter where it takes me. I know I will come out a better person (and a better mom) in the end. TTC is a battle worth fighting, a storm worth sailing, and a road worth traveling.

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2 Comments • 12 years ago



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I love this! :) Made me smile....welcome!

12 years ago

Thank you, Hopeful At 40! :)

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12 years ago • Post starter

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