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Does anyone ever get itchy nipples during/after/before ovulation?

I got itchy nipples and today is day 3 of it.I'm on cd10.this month I'm only taking vitamin B6 but no opks and bbt charting because its stressful after getting mirena removed 5 months ago and only have had 2 periods during that time.I'm really hoping this is my is our month because it will be my fiance and I anniversary when I get bfp.

itchy before O (2 votes)
itchy after O (5 votes)
itchy during O (2 votes)

5 Answers • 11 years ago



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Also the only reason I got my 2nd period was because doc put me on bc pills for a month to regulate me.I believe it worked because I feel like myself again for the first time since I got mirena removed march 30th of this year.I should be Oing on the 28th of this month since I'm supposed to be a 28 day cycle again.

11 years ago • Post starter


I have seen a few questions lately about itchy nipples and/or breasts. This isn't a symptom I experience, but maybe you could search for some of those previous posts and see if anyone had any insight?

11 years ago

I DO! But I cant tell you for sure what part of my cycles this happens. (post or pre O)

I'm CD24 of a 35 average cycle. If that helps...

I would have assumed I have ovulated ALREADY, as test's (blood) have proven positive between CD 18 and 23

So who knows what it could be...Maybe hormones switching over?

Good luck.

11 years ago

I can't tell either if its before during or after.
I am currently having problems with my cycles and ovulation and am currently having blood tests to find out when and why ive been ttc for 7 years and my partner is going for his sperm testing this Friday so we hope all is well.
I already have a nine year old but he has none.
So hopefully we can makr sense out of my periods and ovulation. And I pray that he is ok

10 years ago

I get itchy nips before AF.

MMC 12/2000 D&C Molar pregnancy 12/2001 MMC 1/2015 D&C mosaic turners 3/16 Laparascopic cystectomy, Unilateral salpingo-oophorectomy 4/16 Femara no response 5/16, 6/16 Femara + gonal f + novarel or some combo =BFN 7/16 Gonal f only and trigger. IUI #1 8w no heart beat D&C triploidy

8 years ago

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