What women are saying

Sore Throat

Page 2

nerisa14  7 years ago
At 15 dpo, i have a sore throat, headache, dizziness, sore breast, backache, tiredness and short breath.


Mavis82  7 years ago
Sore throat started around 6dpo and today got bfp.


jujube82  7 years ago
9dpo woke up this am and noticed sore throat!




Alliejane12   7 years ago
Also another one that started about 2dpo and is still going on and I'm 6dpo. I went to the dr and was tested for strep and it was negative!


brittany1990  8 years ago
DPO 5 - mild sore throat and lots of sneezing! strep is common for me this time of year


Tarakate  8 years ago
12 DPO sore throat, horrible cough,sinus headache,


LadyDy  8 years ago
I'm 14 dpo as of today, I woke in the middle of the night with a sore throat and a stuffy nose. It's probably just the start of a cold.


Dora24  8 years ago
Always hungry. Hot flushes. Light headed and sratchy throat. 8dpo today. Bbs little uncomfortable this morning too


Dora24  8 years ago
Always hungry. Hot flushes. Light headed and sratchy throat. 8dpo today. Bbs little uncomfortable this morning too


meowster  8 years ago
SUPER sore throat. No other cold symptoms aside from sneezing. 9 dpo


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