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2 dpo Completely Crazy!!!Anyone Else?

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Anyone who is going completely crazy with the tww should join me and we can be crazy together. Maybe we could symptom spot as well. Anyone out there losing their minds this 2ww?

Becca, age 29 ttc #1 for abt 1 year User Image

186 Replies • 13 years ago



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ok TMI alert: my nipples and areolas look heaps bigger than usual is this normal

Me (steph) 21 - DF 22 Twin DDs 2008 to all those ttc

13 years ago

Ttc#3. Lol mine r to that was the tip off for me i totaly got a bfp 2 day after i noticed.... Yayy coulb a good sign... Also this is my 3 rd pg and never had that before???

13 years ago

Don't give up Ineedabfp, you never know whats around the corner, it's such a confusing time and with all your hormones everywhere no wonder you are feeling like that. Hope you are feeling better today - sending you lots of

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13 years ago

I know what you mean, I hate waiting!! lol My husband and I are not "officially" trying, but we did use the "pull out" method during ov. My stomach has been feeling a little painful and I'm experiencing gas and constipation. Hmmm I wonder if I could be pregnant?! lol or maybe and most likely its just me tricking myself. Good luck and prayers to all! :)

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13 years ago

Hi Ladies

Berrymommy - sorry you are feeling down. I can totally relate. This is a frustrating process and for some of us a little drawn out. When is your af due? Anyway hope you are surprised and get a bfp.

Ineedabfp - hey smooches to you too girl! lol I liked that comment. Hey if it doesn't happen for us we can stick together the next time around since we are so close in cycle days. I'm most likely going to be here next month.

ttc #3 - your bbs changing sounds like a very good sign. Hope you get lucky this cycle.

2ww - Thanks for your support. Any morning sickness and have you been to a doctor yet?

Rebecca - thanks for the positive words. I think charting is helpful. Good luck

As for me I think I'm out. Temp didn't really jump back up today and so I'm just going to accept it and move on. The false hope is too upsetting. I'm still crossing my fingers for the rest of you ladies. Good luck!

Becca, age 29 ttc #1 for abt 1 year User Image

13 years ago • Post starter

Hey ladies! Im sure all these signs are good!

Afm im out. Af arrived this morning! 4 days early! Grrr!

Good luck ladies n if u do get a bfn i may see you in next cycle.

<a href=

13 years ago

Af is due 10/02 I've been loosing hope but one thing that's been keeping my hopes high is the fact that I'm having some burning sensation in my right leg, from the back of my thigh down to the top of my foot. I looked up the symptoms and it all came back as Sciatica

13 years ago

Emmyflower- I am so sorry to hear that . but on a positive note your 4 days closer to ovulating for next cycle ..... Gl!!!

Becca.... Im sorry that u r down and thigs dont look promissing. its not over yet.... Hang in, maybe just keep convincing yourself that you are not for you may get it surprised.... apparently that's what happened to me .
as for me I'm feeling pretty good super tired totally hungry and yeah a bit nauseous, I am so bloated I feel horrible, but i cant complaine. no I did not see doctor yet, he waits untill 8 weekto c u. as a matter of fact I didn't make my appointment yet because I'm still trying not to get my hopes up until I pass the 7 week mark. I will make an appointment sometime this week. when is af supposed to show up ?????

13 years ago

Thank you for the encouraging words Rebecca and madchen we can totally be cycle buddies again if AF shows her face... you always know how to cheer me up with your encouraging words of wisdom u seem to make my most depressing moments some how happy when I read your posts your such a positive person and i really feel that a person like you deserves a BFP it just using fair that we have to wait only to often find ourselves disappointed and again I wanna say congratulations to all those who recieved there BFP this month baby dust and prayer to all

13 years ago

AF is due for me October 1st. If she doesn't show OB wants me to have my period induced since I didn't have one last month. If I'm not preggo of course! As for today, my temp stayed up, I'm having very frequent urination, and fatigue. Hope these are good signs! I'm 9dpo, and my pregnancy test this morning was negative. Hopefully tomorrow I'll see something, but I'm not getting my hopes up. I'm not too sure what kind of tests I am using. I bought them off of Ebay, they are very small strips that you dip into your urine. They don't have an expiration date on them, so I hope their not expired. Do you all think that I should go buy another brand? Or am I getting my hopes up (like I said I wouldn't do)?

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13 years ago

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