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Two weeks wait and symptoms!!

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I just did my iui on July 25th 2014(day 12 of my cycle)....and now in Tww....just want to find some way to pass this time soon....any cycle buddies?? I'm trying to read into each n every symptom....had a miscarriage in feb and now keeping my fingers crossed for a BFP...for now jus have mild cramps similar to ovulation pain...I know it's too early but can't help it...I just want a .... to all those who r TTC.....

206 Replies • 9 years ago



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Hello!!! I am going insane over here!!! Only 8dpiui but took a dollar tree cheapie this morning, bfn of course. But, I figured I better buy a handful because I can never wait to test and it gets pricey!!! I am hoping so hard for you that this is your month, Lolo1176!!!

Brandy257 TTC#1, 2 years and 4 months

9 years ago

brandy257: I feel like I am getting impatient too but at the same time I have been here before and don't want to get my hopes up. I don't blame you for buying a bunch of tests...I did that a couple months ago and bought some more last month So now I think I have about a total of 20 I am going to be one of those girls that probably test every few days from the moment I get a positive until my first big appt.

AFM: I have been having some low back but it's feeling a tad better today because I went to see the Chiropractor. Bowels are feeling a tad funky...hope it's not PMS. On my way in to work I had the slightest case of nauseousness. Kinda like what you get when you are hungry...but I don't eat breakfast or not usually. I did stop and pick myself up a Pumpkin Spice Latte from Starbucks. I rarely do that...but that sorta helped...helping my bowels I know you are supposed to watch your caffeine intake as well when you are PG but how I see it I will stop when I see that BFP...otherwise enjoy while you can...right? I only drink maybe 2 cokes a day but usually it's 1 or none at all...depends on my mood. Other than that it's water, ice tea, milk or juice. Boobs were really sore earlier...comes and goes. Nips were also really painful this morning. After I woke up, I went to pee and climbed back into bed... I stayed in bed for a few more minutes and then the edge of my sheet and blanket brushed up against my nips and OMG! It was like this terrible burning sensation went right through my boobs. Only lasted for a few seconds to a minute. But wow that was a horrible I keep hoping it's a good sign but I have experienced it before so not sure if I trust my feelings.

Lately I have been having some really weird dreams, the other night I had the worst nightmare...Some guy was chasing me with a syringe and was trying to impregnate me with a worm/snake. And then someone was trying to break into my house all in the same dream...DH says he found me sleeping standing up in the bathroom I definitely have some weird dreams. But haven't had one that scary in a long time.

But last night, I actually feel like I got a pretty good nights sleep for a change. Which is nice because for once I don't feel nearly as tired today. And I had a nice dream...random dream too. It started off where DH & I were tending to this HUGE walk-in fireplace that had a sliding gate and I kept saying we have to make sure it's locked up to keep Kit (our cat) out of the fireplace. Then I would walk over to this table that had the main characters from the show Medium minus Allison (it's because I have been watching that on Netflix lately and did so before bed last sitting around the table playing Monopoly. I decided I needed to get up and take a shower but I guess I had to walk outside to get to the main house or something to take that shower and one of my brothers was outside. And I look around and there are a TON of ducking's everywhere. It was hard to even tip toe around My brother didn't pay attention and accidentally stepped on some of them and I was like, "watch where you are stepping!" And he looks down and can't believe his eyes on how many of them there Then I woke up because of my alarm and having to pee. But I find that to be a very nice dream for a change.

My other symptoms I tend to get during my TWW so I can't really trust that it's early PG symptoms. But hoping that my dreams are a good sign.

I too am hoping and this is your month as well!

User Image Me:38 DH:40 TTC #1 since March 2013 Been seeing Fertility Doc since Nov 2013 Please check out my page and you will see a whole list of things we have been doing for this whole TTC journey. 1 Fur child (cat)...named Kit 2 step kids... Boy: 13 Girl: 12

9 years ago

Hi ladies,
How r u both doing? How many dpiui are you testing?

9 years ago • Post starter

Hi Sinrap! I have been testing since way too early lol Still BFN. But, I'm still only 12 dpiui. How are you?

Brandy257 TTC#1, 2 years and 4 months

9 years ago

Brandy257: Maybe it's too early...I am fine...just starting my cycle!!

9 years ago • Post starter

Yes I am trying to convince myself that it is just too early! Lol. Good luck to you this cycle!!

Brandy257 TTC#1, 2 years and 4 months

9 years ago

Hi ladies,

How was your weekend?

I tested yesterday and it was a BFN.

Well, this month I was feeling optimistic...not so much anymore. Just have this bummed out, depressed feeling. Like AF is gonna show. Maybe I wouldn't feel this way if my temp jumped back up but it keeps plummeting which makes me think she is gonna show soon. With the drop yesterday morning I convinced myself that FF was right and that maybe I was having an implantation drop...but if that was the case wouldn't it jump back up today? No, instead it keeps dropping. So either I was right before which puts me at 12 DPO and AF is gonna show tomorrow or the next day at the latest. Or FF was correct about my days which puts me at 9 DPO and I am having one helluva implantation drop.

Yesterday we celebrated my parents birthdays and I made dinner for everyone in my family who came to my parents house to celebrate. I made my pulled pork enchiladas and as I was cutting up some avocados to go with it on the side, the knife slipped off the pit right into my middle finger. Thankfully, it wasn't bad enough to need to go to the hospital but WOW it was a bleeder. So thankfully my DH was there to help me out and help finish up. I really didn't want my mom to do too much being that it was her birthday but she helped a little.

Still hoping this is my month but not feeling as good about it. Guess we'll see in the next few days.

User Image Me:38 DH:40 TTC #1 since March 2013 Been seeing Fertility Doc since Nov 2013 Please check out my page and you will see a whole list of things we have been doing for this whole TTC journey. 1 Fur child (cat)...named Kit 2 step kids... Boy: 13 Girl: 12

9 years ago

Weekend was pretty awesome! My husband and I got to go to one of my nephews football games (awesome game and they won in overtime!) and got to see the rest of my family and my grandparents. I love weekends like that :)

I'm kind of in the same boat though, Lolo... not having much hope anymore but still trying not to give up! And ouch about the finger! I have been doing crazy things lately, cut off the tip of my finger (I blame the cheap potato peeler I was using because mine mysteriously disappeared!!) and I burnt my arm in the oven a couple weeks ago... Got a doozy of a scar too :( But, I'm glad you are ok!!!

I wish I could comment on the temps but honestly I have never done that. I can feel it when I'm ovulating (hurts very bad) so I never needed to really. I'll still keep my fingers crossed for you though!

Brandy257 TTC#1, 2 years and 4 months

9 years ago

Thanks brandy257!!! I will keep my for you too! Sadly I am starting to feel crampy as well. Which just simply sucks! It just feels like she is coming! I know everyone says you aren't out until AF shows her face and that PG symptoms mimic AF. But I guess it's one of those I will believe it when I actually see a BFP! Because at the moment I am starting to think I will never see that BFP!

And OUCH! About your finger too! Yea, yesterday specifically I was being pretty clutzy. I also almost burnt my fingers on the crockpot yesterday before I went to my parents. For some reason I didn't think it was heating up so I touched the sides of the pot. Well, thankfully, I was smart enough to just do a quick test because yes it was definitely working and can I say, "Ouch" to that one...DH watched me and said "dumb ass". LOL! Yep, agreed. That was definitely not one of my brightest ideas. But I was OK. No burn marks or anything. I have burnt myself pretty good on the pot once before...underneath. I or my husband (can't recall which one of us) was cooking up a soup/stew and it spilled I was cleaning it up and burned myself. That was a couple years ago and I the scar is just now becoming The dangers of cooking!

Well, if AF doesn't arrive by tomorrow and if my temp rises again I will test again.

Have a great evening!

User Image Me:38 DH:40 TTC #1 since March 2013 Been seeing Fertility Doc since Nov 2013 Please check out my page and you will see a whole list of things we have been doing for this whole TTC journey. 1 Fur child (cat)...named Kit 2 step kids... Boy: 13 Girl: 12

9 years ago

Hi Ladies,

Sad to say arrived late last night. Having a really hard time of it today. But, I called the insurance company to find out what was covered for me going forward...turns out I have no max on IUI's and 4 retrievals for IVF and after a live birth 2 more. I have my ultrasound set up for Thursday. At least I have something to focus on this morning. I am at work trying to keep myself together but at least now I don't feel so worried about what is covered and what isn't. Sounds like everything is covered. I was just really hoping this was my month. My new EDD is July 14, 2015. FX'd the IUI works. Sadly I don't know one person that it worked for them the first time. Hopefully I can turn into that one person.

How are you ladies doing?

User Image Me:38 DH:40 TTC #1 since March 2013 Been seeing Fertility Doc since Nov 2013 Please check out my page and you will see a whole list of things we have been doing for this whole TTC journey. 1 Fur child (cat)...named Kit 2 step kids... Boy: 13 Girl: 12

9 years ago

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