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2017 IUI/IVF

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Hey ladies! I have an 18 month old daughter from my 6th round of IVF back in 2014 and we have started the process of trying for baby #2 in 2017. We may do a couple IUI rounds before using our frozen embryos from 2014. Any ladies who will be doing IUI or IVF in the new year?

413 Replies • 7 years ago



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151 - 160 of 413 Replies | Last Page

GemmaR: I really like this: "It is a long journey isn't it. We take the wins where we can." - it is SO TRUE!!!!

Ma_Espe: Let's wait and see

7 years ago

Ma-espe- Yes I had cramps the day after transfer for a few days with my daughter. But they were very different from af cramps. It just felt like something was definitely going on in there, more like little tugs and twinge and also an icy hot like feeling.

Kmk- Ditch the ice!!! Ice helps initially but you get so much more sore and bruised. Every once in awhile I would hit a small blood vessel and it would bruise but 9 times out of 10 there was no bruising. Just pinch, stab straight in (not angled like some directions say) with a quick but gentle dart like motion, release the pinch, inject slowing (especially the menopur) and put pressure on afterwards. I would press it with a gauze pad for a few seconds and then fold up the gauze and tape it down tight with some cloth medical tape. I would leave it taped like that until I got to work, so about 30 mins.

7 years ago • Post starter

Success! Thanks Gemma and mnor!! I ditched the ice and have no bruising at last night's site!! It didn't hurt much except for a slight burn with the Menopur but totally tolerable. I think I also injected slower last night too. Anyone else get really sore boobs from these shots? Mine are killing me today.

7 years ago

Hi, all. New to this thread. We did our second round of IUI last Monday, after trying for more than a year for our second child. I got pregnant with our daughter on our own after two rounds of clomid. Not so easy this time around. Feeling frustrated and not pregnant. Can test next week.

7 years ago

Welcome writergirl04! The ladies here are all very supportive! :-) The good news is that you've gotten pregnant before but I know that doesn't take away the frustration of struggling with baby #2. I believe it's going to happen! Keep us posted :-)

7 years ago

Ladies who had iui after the 3rd failed one what did your dr suggest doing? Im only 2 days past iui and want to fast forward to the pregnancy test !

7 years ago

Hey Two+1onway, my fingers are crossed for you TOO

I did 3 IUIs in 2009. After the third failed, my doctor suggested IVF but I wasn't ready then to even consider the idea. Fast forward 8 years and now I'm planning to do an IVF retrieval this summer.

7 years ago

Thanks, Future. Yeah - I try and stay positive but I'm 36 so I worry if the age is a factor...and the way they talk "well you're 36 now so..." jeesh, put me in a nursing home already. ;) so that doesn't help.

Two+1 - Since we're waiting for results on our second attempt I don't know but I wondered that as well since in my chart it says we would have a follow-up visit after unsuccessful attempts at IUI. I too wondered what next steps would be. Good luck!

7 years ago

Hey writergirl04, it's it crazy how they cram AGE down our throats. My girlfriend had her son at 38 and she was classified as a "geriatric" pregnancy ... needless to say she and babe were fine during pregnancy, labor, and delivery.
Age is a factor to consider but I temper my own worry (I am 42) by focusing on the many women I personally know that have gotten pregnant as an "old woman"...
It's also been said that the age of our eggs is actually more important than our chronological age, because our egg quality does vary and is affected by diet, stress, toxins, lifestyle (not just chronological age).

7 years ago

Hi ladies! I had my second appointment this morning and I have 13 follicles so far after 4 days of stim meds, 8 on the right and 5 on the left. The biggest one today was 15.3 mm so I had to start cetrotide this morning and it itches! I go back on Monday for another ultrasound and blood work. Did anyone else recruit more follies as their stim went on? My RE told us he wanted >20 if he could get them because of our genetic issue.

Hi writergirl! Welcome to the thread. How is everyone else feeling?

7 years ago

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