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I'm currently 3DPO and absolutely hate the TWW! Was just wondering if there was anyone out there going through the same thing.

1111 Replies • 12 years ago



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Hi Girls, all good here thank god, i have my first doctor appointment on monday so looking forward to that. Al little sick this morning so prop the start of it!!!!

Lhen come monday you will have your answers i'm praying for you hun.

Lizzy how you doing?

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12 years ago

Oh I am doing just fine!!! No real sickness yet which is great!! I get a bit naseous if I let myself get too hungry but I have been snacking on Clementines and Almonds which helps!! Not to mention the 72 ounces of water everyday!! Whew!!

I still have a bit of cramping off and on and my bbs are horribly tender and they are already growing which is wierd becasue I have always had smaller that is interesting!!!

My doctors appointment is on Tuesday and we will get to see the baby and hopefully the heartbeat!!! Keep me in your prayers ladies!!! :)

Love to you all!!

12 years ago

Hi Ladies,

Lhen, so glad you got an appointment! Keep us posted on what you find out.

I had my blood work yesterday and will have the dye procedure next week sometime. Other than that, just waiting to ovulate again. I've had three friends tell me they are pregnant this week and I have two baby showers this month. It stings. I wish it didn't. I don't want to be that person, but unfortunately, I am.

Hope all you other ladies are doing well...Lizzy, let us know how the appointment goes! Fluff you've got your appointment Monday too, right?

for everyone...

12 years ago

Mazie, Oh yay for your upcoming appointment, how exciting!!

Lizzy, I am glad your doing well! Ive heard some ladies grow 1-2 cup sizes... I am very small myself and so that could be interesting lol
Yay! for the upcoming appointment that is so exciting!!

Movegas, I know babies every where lol hard to escape that fact... it can sting at times but I don't want to be that person either ... and my first few trying months I handled it horribly...since then I have done better about the way I handle things... but it can sting at times..
and yes I have an appointment Monday.

Lhen, I hope your doing okay, hang in there sweet lady!

12 years ago

Hey girls! So, I ovulated today BUT we purposely did not B'D because I am on a break! I want a month of no stress when it comes time to start testing and such, plus I bet I'll save like $100 this month on those dumb hpt's! Just been nice to not obsess over stuff this month. I still pop in here and read all of your updates so I can "stay in the loop". Still praying for all of you!

12 years ago

hi girls how are you all doing.

i had my doctors app this morning all good thank god.

Send you all my best wishes.

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12 years ago

Hi girls!!! How are you all?? still here honey!? How's it going??
Mazie!!! So glad to know everything is going Well!!! Exciting!!
Movegas!!! How are you???
Fluff...any news yet on ur TWW!!!

Keep us posted!!!

12 years ago

Hi all,

I think lhen and Fluff have appointments today, too, right?

I'm fine. Waiting to scheduled the dye test this week and get the results of my blood tests and my husbands sperm count...why are men so weird when we test THEM???

Anyway, I'm glad all you preggo girls seem to be doing well. I hope we all join you sooner, rather than later. I was at a baby shower yesterday with two girls who had a really tough time conceiving and they said how "boring" it was once they got pregnant, because they didn't have to go to the doctor much, weren't testing and counting the days like you do when you're ttc. They didn't really mean boring, but just that things slow down so much when you're first pregnant. Call me crazy, but I think I'll welcome that!

12 years ago

Bride, Its good to know you ovulated, I hope you have a re-freshing month of just relaxing and not worrying... I think we all need that time to time... or else we will go crazy lol

Mazie, I am glad your doctor appointment went well, that is wonderful!

MoVegas, hopefully your blood test and his SA test will come back good. I was talking to hubby about a SA test and he told me that is just so awkward to even think about lol I guess it would be for man...

Hey ladies I did go for my yearly exam and talked with my doctor about everything and he ordered a blood test for me and should get the results later this week. Then we can kinda go from there... but he doesn't want to do a SA or Dye test yet until we hit the year 3 months from now that is the first test we will do if it comes down to that... and I am on CD21 so one week left to go.

12 years ago

Lhen, I know your appointment was today, I was praying for you on the way to mine this morning...I hope things went well, I hope they have answers for you today... and ways just wanted you to know I was thinking and praying for you this morning.

12 years ago

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