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I'm currently 3DPO and absolutely hate the TWW! Was just wondering if there was anyone out there going through the same thing.

1111 Replies • 12 years ago



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I have no idea where I am in my dh has been gone so I'm thinking this is a no month!!! It's ok!! I'm not even going to test this month!!! I figure I probably ovulated yesterday :) but good luck to all of you girls :)

12 years ago

well I'm not quite sure this month either.. DH just left last night to work out of the country.. he will be back after 3 months or so.. i just hope the clomid and duphaston helped me on my ovulation.. i don't know but maybe because of the medicine I've taken this cycle that made me felt these symptoms.. had abdominal cramps lately.. hot flashes on and off.. sleepy and drowsy (or nausea) most of the time.. not confident they are pregnancy symptoms because we didn't make it through march 25 (which is the end of my fertile window) so we are leaving it all up to God if everything will work out this time or we'll just have to try it again when DH comes back..

nevertheless i will still be here with you ladies.. i will still be obsessing with you on your symptoms and everything..

and to us all..

12 years ago

Oh Lhen honey!!! I really hope it happens this time for you!!!! I'm praying and keeping my fingers crossed!!!!

12 years ago

Lizzy, its hard sometimes not knowing where you are in your cycle.. but you never know I guess.

Lhen, I am really pulling for you this month too, and praying for you too... and I know its not easy with hubby being away... ((hugs))
Gods hands are the best to leave everything in :)

I was really trying to give myself a break this month and really try not to think about things to much but that is turn out to be difficult lol

12 years ago

Lhen, I don't know WHAT in the world I'd do if my hubby was gone for 3 months! YOU are such a strong woman! I am believing that you'll get your miracle this month.

Lizzy and Fluff, girls don't you dare lose hope! When you least expect it....BAM, God shows up in a big way and makes a way where there seems to be no way! I know it's discouraging month after month seeing those horrid BFNs, but remember that God knows exactly when your baby's birthday will be and has a wonderful plan for it's little life already...His timing is more than perfect even when we are frustrated, impatient, and weary. Power is perfected in weakness!

I'm 7 dpo today and just a tad crampy off and on. Still having creamy CM. I'm trying to be a "big girl" and not really think about it all. I would love to have the willpower to not test until I'm like 14 dpo, but I'm sure I'll be testing this Friday and all thru the weekend as well.

Love and hugs to you all! Lily, you are our inspiration, sista!

12 years ago

we are praying for a miracle too bride.. we just hope we hit it this time..

thanks bride, lizzy & fluff.. don't loose hope.. maybe this is your cycle and you'll all be joining lily soon.. i just hope i'd be with you on this journey too..

to us all..

God bless everyone..

12 years ago

Bride Thanks for that reminder, I had a good chat with God this morning and I feel much better!

If I go by my CM nothing makes sense...I think its out of was creamy for so long and I never got the feritle eggwhite CM... and yesterday was the most CM I had all cycle... so I really don't know lol but I read all kinds of things and not really sure what to believe lol I am not going to test until next Wednesday...I am sure I can keep busy over the weekend not to think about it but Mon-Wed is the harder part lol

Prayed for each of you ladies this morning!

12 years ago

Very, very sweet of you Fluff! Thanks so much!

So, I'm 8 dpo and tested with a FRER 6 days sooner with FMU and.......bfn.

I'm not testing again until Sunday morning when I'm 11 dpo. I'm not really having any symptoms, but I do have metal mouth and a terrible case of it. I've brushed my teeth 3 times today already and it just comes right back. Still have a fair amount of creamy CM, but other than those 2 things, I'm pretty normal. We shall see!

How's everyone doing today?

12 years ago

Ohhh, Bride, metal mouth is a great sign!!!! I'm getting excited!!! And you said it very elegantly a few posts back about God's timing! Good luck, ladies!! I'm thinking about each of you!!!

Love ya!!!

12 years ago • Post starter

i'm officially on my tww.. unlike the past few months i haven't felt any symptoms or whatsoever.. but this cycle (maybe due to fertility aid) i'm kind of having this feeling every now and then.. i've been having dried mouth or been thirsty everytime.. abdominal cramping.. headaches/nauseau/sleepiness.. feeling of empty stomach.. hot flashes on and off.. just hope we made it this time.. it would be a great news to DH..

bride, fluff and lizzy i am pulling for you..

lily how far are you now in your pregnancy.. any updates??

you are all in my prayers ladies..

12 years ago

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