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3 DPO, anyone with me?

Hey! I am new to this and was hoping to find some TTC buddies. This is our 2nd month TTC and I am currently 3 DPO. Here I am already symptom spotting knowing it is all in my head, lol. I was so sure last month that I was PG, had all the typical symptoms. I really think I had a missed miscarrage. I started spotting blown blood at 7 DPO after having a VERY painful cramp earlier in the day. The brown spotting lasted 7 days then 3 days of red blood then 3 days of more brown spotting. Needless to say I was upset that it didn't work out, but this month I am very hopeful. I am looking forward to getting to know some of you ladies that are going through the same thing! Baby dust to all!

TTC Baby #3

17 Replies • 10 years ago



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I'm 2 DPO and have been TTC for 9 months now, but I don't ovulate every month so it's been a process!

It's really hard not to look for symptoms during the 2ww!

10 years ago

Hi Sara!

I agree, it is so hard not to symptom spot!!! Do you use OPKs? I would bet that would be frustrating. I am 6 DPO today and thought I would go out on a whim and test.. Of course it was a BFN.. I don't know why we do this to ourselves, lol. I am going to TRY hold off and test again on Friday, I will be 10 DPO. I am praying that this is BOTH our month! I have been having some really terrible dreams lately, sore bbs, a "tight" feeling in my lower abdomen with some little twitches, some nausea last night when eating ramen noodles, lots of CM and although I have not been temping I have been feeling pretty warm to the touch for 4 days now. GL to you, dear!

TTC Baby #3

10 years ago • Post starter

I use opks, but I buy the wondfo brand off of Amazon.

I actually don't have any prego tests right not! I used them up last month and am doing my best to wait to buy some. It's hard for me to judge what's normal or not as far as CM and symptoms go since I don't ovulate all time...

Any new symptoms or anything?

It's CD 21 and 6 DPO for me!

10 years ago

9 dpo today and I have been VERY emotional, bbs hurt like heck, sensitive teeth, bleeding gums, slight cramping here and there.

I am wanting to test today, but said I would wait until tomorrow.. we shall see if I have the will power to hold off. Lol. I'm just so ready to know. I might get a little disappointed with a BFN but I know it's still early! Any new symptoms with you? :)

TTC Baby #3

10 years ago • Post starter

Nothing too new-I'm also really afraid to read into anything and get my hopes up....

I have been peeing a lot though-even if I don't have very much to drink!

10 years ago

I would say that is a promising sign :) I have been having gurgly feelings in my lower abdomen. I have 3 Frers just waiting to be peed on! :) I'm so ready!!

TTC Baby #3

10 years ago • Post starter

Your 10 DPO now right? Hold on until 11DPO and use FMU!!!!

I decided to do something crazy and not buy any HPTs! I'm going wait until AF is a couple days late....if that happens...

Wouldn't it be great to get our BFP's and move out of the TTC boards?!

10 years ago

I told myself I would wait until Monday to test at 13 dpo. I have a 16 day LP. I will try to wait anyway! LOL.

It would be awesome to move to the early pregnancy board & I can't wait!! I applaud you for holding off until AF. I know that has to be hard to do!

TTC Baby #3

10 years ago • Post starter

So how long is your cycle if you have a 16 day LP phase?

It's almost Monday-hold on a bit longer!

10 years ago

My cycle is 29-30 mostly 29.

TTC Baby #3

10 years ago • Post starter

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