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I honestly don't know what to do anymore. I had such high hopes for this cycle. but nope temp dropped this morning and the witch showed shortly after. It has now been a year of trying to conceive. I don't know what route to go down next. I have semi normal periods 29-34 days at the most. and ever since I started temping I have ovulated every month. what should I do? what can I do? I am so beside myself. I am so hurt emotionally this just plain out sucks!

I am open for anything that will work!

Praying for baby number 3!

4 Comments • 8 years ago



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1 - 4 of 4 Comments

I'm sorry AF found you. I know the heartache when your hopes are up :( Have you gone for any testing? When we hit 1 year TTC we were referred to a RE. I too had been charting and knew I was ovulating and my cycles were normal (26-29 days) They send me CD3 and CD21(7dpo) testing as well as a HSG and Hubby had to get a SA. They did a baseline US and found I only had 4 follicles on my left (and only) ovary - which is way less than normal. They gave me Clomid and recommended IUI or IVF if we wanted to skip right to that. On our 3rd Clomid/IUI cycle we got a BFP! It sadly ended at 5 weeks. We are taking the summer off before trying again with IUI. Don't lose hope! There are so many options but I would recommend talking to your doctor now that it has been a year. Good luck! I hope you get your BFP soon!

8 years ago

Thank you!!

Praying for baby number 3!

8 years ago • Post starter

How are you doing with supplements? Make sure you take your prenatal vitamins and that your intake of iron, vit D3, selenium, and fish oil is adequate. Fertility acupuncture is a great way to improve blood circulation in the reproductive areas and is helping many. Best wishes.

8 years ago

thank you Mozart. I have been taking my prenatals for 2.5 years I was taking vit d3 but Im out I need to get more. what's selenium? I should take more fish oil I will look at that as well. have any of you made the other half take any supplements other than a daily?

Praying for baby number 3!

8 years ago • Post starter

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