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Just a little update

I haven't journaled lately, not because I've gotten pregnant and moved on, but because I feel some guilt for being pregnant and still logging in here to secretly check on all the ladies I have gotten emotionally attached to. I pray for you all, and I miss you all. I want so much to log in daily and see a BFP announcement from each of you! I realized though today after I logged into one of the boards I follow and saw a newer girl in the board had commented this "guess all of the supportive people got pregnant and moved on.. time to find a different forum i guess". This broke my heart! I'm still here, I still care, and I still check on everyone! I'm just trying to find the balance between knowing wether my words will help others or hurt others because I'm at the moment not TTC.

I'm sorry if anyone feels like I got pregnant and checked out. I never did, I was just silently routing and praying for each of you. So here is an actual update from me:

I am currently 7w+2d pregnant. I had a confirmation urine test done at the clinic a week after my HPT came back positive. I have not yet seen a physician, so I have no idea what my levels are or wether everything is going as it should. I switched insurance so I could see a civilian Doctor. The Midwives that I would like to see won't see me until I am 10 weeks, so they set up an appointment and ultrasound for me on August 4th. Until then I eat healthy and pray. My husband is handling this pregnancy amazingly. He was so depressed when I was pregnant with my daughter that he wouldn't touch my belly, talk names, and didn't want to even tell anyone we were expecting. This time he is happy, loving, and protective. He takes me for walks some evening to make sure I get exercise. Something I never would have thought I would have experienced in my lifetime (how sad is that). Symptoms: I had cramping until 6 weeks, almost like stabbing pains, which I didn't remember with my first two. So I was nervous. I haven't really had any morning sickness, which also made me nervous, because I had it for weeks with my first two. I vomited once on the day I hit 7 weeks, but I think it was random and not really morning sickness. It was brought on by random excess of mucus in the back of my throat that made me gag, which in turn made me queasy. Everything about this pregnancy has been polar opposite so far. I really hope everything is ok. I will be on egg shells until my ultrasound. My husband jokes that I'm pregnant with twins, and that's why everything is so different. He keeps saying I'm pregnant with "Mike and Ike" and has brought home a theater sized box of the Mike and Ike Candy and set it on the kitchen counter for me to see everyday. I also can't wait for the ultrasound so I can prove he's crazy :)

That's it. beside no sex drive, and being a little tired and some dry eyes, nothing big going on here.

I'm still here, I still care, and I still pray. I can't wait to see your BFP's, they ARE coming, because you deserve it!

4 Comments • 8 years ago



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1 - 4 of 4 Comments

I know how you feel with creeping the edges to keep tabs but not posting much. I was kindly told to move on so I started keeping quiet. It feels almost like bragging and, after eight months of TTC myself, that's the last thing I wanted to do to women I care so much for. Luckily, some of you have started getting bfps too and I get the best of both worlds.

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8 years ago

Aww...I would love to hear updates from you! When things are tough for me TTC it the success stories that keep me going :) I am stalking you over on CMP too but don't log on there very often! Keep us posted as much as you can!

8 years ago

Aww enjoyed reading this. Good luck with everything. The Mike & Ike thing, that's cute! :) My hubby's nephew and wife are expecting twin boys this fall. While my hubby and i went on a date day to a huge flea market one sunday, i was talking about our kids someday, and said "what if we would happen to have twins" he just kept saying "no twins" shaking his head....i said "could always happen" he kept saying "no twins" I said "you'll get what you get", he said "i'll have to sell one of them" (joking of course) i said "you wouldn't sell them" he said "come on, 3 of me?" i said "oh yeah, but i'll sale you then" lol. he said "yeah probably" lol :)

8 years ago

I'm the same now I'm pregnant, just posting the odd journal entry so noone is worried about me, browsing friends and the odd private message. Also trying to browse questions of things Ive been through (like ectopic pregnancy) to encourage people that there is light at the end of the tunnel! Hope it keeps going well for you :-) xxx

Remember: 'hurt people hurt people' - dont let those around you be collateral damage of TTC! x

8 years ago

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