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On the fence: sneaky sneaky AF or implantation

Temp drop greater than .3 deg. this morning accompanied with some very light, barely-there spotting. TMI: CP is very high, hard as a rock, and closed. Again, AF symptoms are scarce. I had some stabbing pains in my right bb, and they are minutely sensitive (not noticeable most of the time). Still have bloating and gas with the "rock" feeling in my gut. My back started to ache again without injury so I added it to my list. None if this is typical AF but I guess it's possible that this cycle could be out of the ordinary. Only time will tell now. Tomorrow's temp should help me figure out what's goin on.

Have a good rest if the weekend girls <3

*UPDATE* Well, yesterday's temp went up by .04 deg. only and again the same this morning. Not the rise I was hoping for. Yesterday spotting was still barely there and CP was still HFC. Spotting increased first thing this morning but decreased again, but it's only been a few hours so it's still in limbo. I've been cramping the last few days which is a little different. Or should I say, the cramps feel different. It's more like an immense soreness than pain that I usually associate with cramps. I'm not overly hopeful anymore. My mood took a nose-dive yesterday and I spent the day crying off and on and being angry with hubs. Why do men spend money unnecessarily? Or more importantly, why do they do things and THEN beg for forgiveness instead of being upfront. I think I'm ready to chop off his swimmer producers this morning. >:( ANYWAY, I'm just going to have to take it a day at a time. If the spotting doesn't get heavy enough to be called AF, just to be on the safe side, I will still probably test tomorrow morning.

28 Comments • 9 years ago



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FX for you Leesh! I so want you to get pregnant, but the mysteries of the human body are just... mysterious. We'll see, right? In any case, awesome chart, hun.

9 years ago

Oooh! Sounds very promising! I hope this is your Bfp!! :)

9 years ago

Crossing fingers!!!!<img src=

9 years ago

Gah! Add emotional as all hell to this list. Happened to see two of the most important men of my teenage years in a picture together on Facebook this morning and I haven't been able to stop crying. I haven't seen either of them in years.

Thanks girls. <3

9 years ago • Post starter

Eeeeeeeee!!! AF STAY AWAY!!!

9 years ago

Awww. Are you usually emotional before AF comes or is this a new symptom?<img src=

9 years ago

Everything crossed!!!!! :-) <3

9 years ago

FX for you!!! :)

9 years ago


9 years ago

Thanks, ladies <3

I am usually easily angered and really moody before AF, but no, I don't get the water works every cycle like everything else. I almost thought my year ducts were broken or something because I wasn't actively sobbing but my eyeballs just kept leaking...and leaking....and leaking. I'm still upset because I was very very close to my guy friends. One used to bring me breakfast from dunkin donuts in bed and he also bought my prom dress for junior prom. He had taken me and another friend dress shopping (because he's awesome lol) and I found the perfect dress on the clearance rack but forgot my dress money so he bought it for me. The other one was fiercely protective of me. They were the other brothers that I need had.

9 years ago • Post starter

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