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In better spirits today

After hubs throwing all that crap about his job on me and stressing me to within the "Brittney-Spears-Shaved-Head" breaking point, I spent the rest of my day yesterday applying for every job under the sun. I'm at a point where I need stability and security and I'm going to provide it for myself. I have a hard time relying on people and yesterday proves why. A little hiccup at his job and he blows it out of proportion and immediately adds a gazillion (literally, I swear!) pounds of pressure to my shoulders. I know I have faults. I get stressed and anxious easily, I have to plan things out to the most minute detail under any possible circumstance, anything "unknown" freaks me the hell out...maybe I need to talk to someone about it all, I don't know. He managed to get over the said "hiccup" and came home like nothing happened. I'm still trying to de-stress from it.
Regardless, I have a plan. Things will be okay because I'll make sure of it. I'm looking into taking some online classes in the near future to allow me to get a better, higher paying job. We've been looking into some welding classes at the local Career Center for hubs too.

I wanted to thank Mozart for her kind words that initiated the decline in my stress level. Sometimes I just need smacked upside the head and reminded that it'll work out. Thanks for that. :)

6 Comments • 9 years ago



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1 - 6 of 6 Comments

Sorry you had such a rough day. My husband is the same way. When he gets stressed his whole world falls apart and he takes me with him. I am so glad to hear that you're sorting it out and de- stressing. And it's really awesome that you're gonna be taking some classes. That it's such a great thing to do for yourself and your family! Good luck and just try to enjoy your weekend. BIG HUGS!

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9 years ago

I'm dealing with similar issues with my DH, but it's wonderful that you're taking control of your own job situation. Finding new activities helps me stay sane. Hugs <3

9 years ago

Sorry your husband went off like that. Try to remember that it's his reaction to a situation he has no control over and has nothing to do with how much he loves you. This coming from a grumpy and stressed out person too ;)

Now, AF is over, so go get some make up BD in ;)

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9 years ago

Praying for the both of you that things balance out soon. Stress is not good for either one of you. Maybe plan some quality time that doesn't involve any stress talk. It really helps to step away from things when it gets like that. Hugs

9 years ago

Sigh, they say girls bring all the drama, but I've found guys can cause quite a bit themselves. Hope you've got it all sorted and you can come together happily about things in the future. Education is a good thing. I'm proud of you for your exercising, too. :)

9 years ago

Thank you girls for all your kind words. We were able to discuss the hiccup without drama and everything is great. He finally understood the point I was trying to make about the situation and agreed. He usually does if he stops and actually hears me. Yesterday was a bit of a struggle. We're are beyond thankful that yesterday is over and we got to sleep in our bed for the first time in 2 months! Woohoo!

9 years ago • Post starter

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