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Feeling depressed again

Yep, I know everyone is probably getting tired of hearing it on here as much as my family/friends are.... but I am down again. Even my fiancé seems frustrated this time, that I am down again... its not like I want to be down again, I was doing just fine. I was doing great, actually... now after taking those two steps forward, it looks like I am taking 4 steps back... I am not getting anywhere. Am I not doing something right?? Is there something I should be doing to help me get over the loss of my son and my baby I lost at 4 1/2 weeks?!?! I keep thinking for sure that if I can just get pregnant again, and carry full term, that I can be myself again, that I will feel normal and happy again. But every cycle I see that BFN and BOOM, I am knocked back down again. I keep telling myself that I am going to give up, stop TTC... but I can't, I am obsessed now, I have to get pregnant again.. that's the only thing that is going to save me from delving deeper into my big black hole of sadness. I miss myself, my fiancé misses the old me too... but I don't know how to get her back?? How do I find her again when I am surrounded by darkness ='( I just don't know what else to do.........

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4 Comments • 10 years ago



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1 - 4 of 4 Comments

hey hunny dont be sad :( im right here with you even though i had that stuff going on with me..Im back and we can try together because YOUR MY motivation person. You keep me going when i dont feel like trying anymore. I cant have u been sad because you have been thru wayy more then i have YES but they are people you can talk to that has been there in your situation. WE both will be mommys together, dont forget it hun, relax and enjoy the time with your fiancee

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10 years ago

This is so sad I am sorry you are going through all this I haven't gone through nearly as much as you have but I do understand whet you mean by feeling like your in a dark hole. I will be praying for you that you are able to find happiness once again and are able to hold a baby full term and you never know perhaps next year we will all have beautiful bouncing babies to care for. There are no words that can make up for all you have been through and I don't know how to console you but I can say that I believe you are in the right place most all of these ladies on CDTP know exactly how you feel about it being hard every month that we see that BFN and it is like it shatters everything and then you wonder if it is ever going to happen, Don't give up it will happen unfortunately it never happens on our time uuuuhhhgggggg...

10 years ago

So sorry your down. But it will happen for you, don't lose faith. And youre allowed to be sad sometimes. just allow yourself that time and then decide you are ready to be happy again. Your chart looks very nice, did af show today? It isn't marked on your chart...hope you cheer up soon. Baby dust.

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10 years ago

Thank you everybody for the support. It really means a lot to me. It just doesn't make it any easier that all my friends are now getting pregnant... I've already had 2 pregnant sister in laws and a pregnant friend... and now I found out a childhood friend of mine is pregnant. I feel like a tornado victim and my house was the only house destroyed. I feel like I am sitting in the middle of the destruction, while the people around me still have their house and get to go about their daily lives, happy as could be. It makes me ask over and over, why me? What could I have possible done to deserve to go through this? I keep thinking this is God's way of saying I wouldn't be a good mother, so he keeps taking my babies for Him to care for.... but I can't believe that, not when there are women out there allowed to have children with NO problem, they have way to many, and don't even care for them, or they beat them, or even kill them... I don't know.. I will be ok again, just having a bad run...

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10 years ago • Post starter

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