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New and Looking For Cycle Buddies!

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Hey yall my name is Stacey and this is mine and my husband's first month TTC and I ovulated on the 22nd and should test around June 13th!! Looking for a cycle buddy!!!

299 Replies • 12 years ago



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Good morning ladies! Results day is today I hope!! Last night was a bummer Bc I thought (still think) AF started. But I woke up ths morning.... And it's gone! I've never had spotting before, and if I had to call it something.... I'd say today was just a few spots. What happened to AF?? She started off normal I'd say.

Little Sapphire, how does implantation cramps feel like? I feel like I'm PMS all of the time. What makes it feel different?.

Stacey, On my calendar I began day 1 as first day of AF. So my 1dpo=cd16. Yesterday I rest my calendar soif it's a true AF I'm on CD1 all over again. But I'm going to wait if anything changes today n test for confirmation.

Seriously, this forum lifts my spirits completely. Yesterday was a terrible day. I was so moody w DH. Then AF. And this morning I'm catching up and totally feeling your energy! Everyone is strong and determined. Done amazing w weight loss. Great vibes. Hope you ladies have a nice morning and goooooooood luck w the testing!!! Super strong dust to everyone!!

12 years ago

hi everyone!..can't wait to here everyone's results! Hopefully we have news and a .

congrats to all of you who are losing weight!! I need to loose like 40lbs as well but its so hard to get motivated. I really wanted to do it before ttc but didn't happen.

Cycles are calculated from the first day of your period. I'm not sure why the site would do it since you ovulated.

Ducky..i'm in a similar situation. I do usually spot though..but I started spotting on thursday and friday. Saturday it went away and I still haven't gotten my ACTUAL AF yet. I'm on cycle day 36 at this AF and my tests are still a . My body is just messing with me and causing me stress. I'm pretty much a hundred percent sure that I'm not pregnant but i just wish my AF would arrive because I hate this in between state.

well... and

lets here some good news!!!

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12 years ago

ignore my last comment lol..i officially got AF now :-(

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12 years ago

I'm officially AF too.. It took the day to kick in I guess. We won't be able to try again for 6 weeks. Going back to the States on Friday. Going to keep positive, find a basal thermometer, and get myself in better baby making shape. Hoping the month w my family n friends back home will help destress.

Best wishes for everyone! I still want to know how everyones results turned out.


12 years ago

Hi ladies. Well I got another this AM. I think I had an implantation dip yesterday tho IF its true what they say about those then I will have a positive maybe tomorrow or tuesday. I still wont have AF due til Wednesday...Heres to praying and hoping!!! Ill talk to you ladies tomorrow!

User Image Miscarriage 1/6/2012

12 years ago

Good luck Nicole!!!! I still haven't gotten AF yet and I am on cycle day 28 today but have given up on taking tests. I will let yall know IF AF comes or if it's a little baby I'm sorry almost all of us have gotten AF I'm sure she will show up at my house anyday now! Who else hasnt gotten AF yet??

12 years ago • Post starter

Ok so I took a test and I swear I saw a faint faint faint line but I showed it to hubby and he's like there is nothing there LOL!!! Who's knows, all I know is I will take an EPT in the morning but like I said I am not expecting a postive! Yall pray though!!!! I was suppose to start today and didnt

12 years ago • Post starter

YALL!!!!!!! I got a !!!!!!!! I posted a pic and it's the faintest of lines but you can see it and my husband could! I am going to the Dr today to find out for sure! I am so nervous!!!!

12 years ago • Post starter This is a picture of the test! I am so nervous to go to the DR!!!!! What do yall think!!! I have had 4 votes and they are all postive!!!

12 years ago • Post starter

WHOOOOOOO WHOOOOOT Stacey!!! I see it!!!! YAY!!!! I havent tested today and you give me lots of hope :) my tip drop a little this AM but was to in the triphasic area :) I think you were just testing early or O'ed later than you thought ;) So happy for you :) Ill be testing soon with a cheapie test I am hoping it a BFP!!!! Lets make it TWO this month ;)

User Image Miscarriage 1/6/2012

12 years ago

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