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New and Looking For Cycle Buddies!

Hey yall my name is Stacey and this is mine and my husband's first month TTC and I ovulated on the 22nd and should test around June 13th!! Looking for a cycle buddy!!!

299 Replies • 12 years ago



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Replies (sorted by informative)

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Hi my name is Mandy! This is my second month of ttc. I already have a son, he will be 3 in June. My periods are irregular, but I think I ovulated either May 22nd or May 24th. I took a test today, of course it was negative. I will probably take another on Saturday or Sunday.

12 years ago

Hey :) My name is Qaiyah and this is my 10th month ttc. My periods are irregular also. This is my first month trying out a few stuff though. I ovulated around May 26th. We could share our symptoms and what nots. to all!!

12 years ago

hi!...i also think i ovulated around may 22nd.this is my...7th month ttc. i'm starting to get down and hopefully i'll get a soon. i tested this morning was a but i think i'll test again around sunday or monday. i can't believe you can wait until june 13th! i do not have that kind of patience. i been having some symptoms that could go either way for pregnancy or pms...why are they so similar?!!? arrghh

sorry for all the emoticons..i'm new on this site and i think they are pretty cool so i was trying them out lol

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12 years ago

Yayy I'm so glad yall want to be cycle buddies!! I am brand new to this site too! Angelluv I definitely haven't waited until June 13th to test lol girl I have tested 3 times and got a I have PCOS so my periods are veryb irregular as well and I hate it. I do take Metformin but I'm not sure what it's suppose to do. How early do yall test?? I will share my symptoms and yall share yours!
Symptoms: PMS cramps, lower back pain, stuffy nose, more anxious and nervous than usual (I have anxiety and am a nervous person but it has been bad this week). I also am sooooo tired that I do not want to get out of the bed! And I am never like that. Also I am super hungry all the time and nothing really makes me full! So wierd! Now I want to test again LOL! Pray for a

12 years ago • Post starter

I tested and got a

12 years ago • Post starter

well..symptoms are definitely moodiness/depression. I site this as a symptom because my best friend is 7 weeks pregnant. she got pregnant on her first cycle. she got off BC in April and is already 7 weeks along. I'm happy for but at the same time sad for me. anyway..this was one of first symptoms. I feel fatigued but then again..i feel like i'm always tired. Feel bloated and my breasts are tender. I got a Notoday and i feel like its gonna be a no for this cycle but who knows. Sometimes i feel like its never gonna happen. i know my doctor says wait a year but that just seems having one of those down days today.

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12 years ago

Hi, 9po, ovulation date I believe was the 22nd. My husband and I had sex on the 23rd and I started cramping 3/4 days later, still have cramps and just started breast tenderness. I'm 4 days away from next period, and waiting to test :-). How do we become cycle buddy's, I'm new

12 years ago

Hi Ladies :) I am also testing on June 13th :) How is everyone?!

User Image Miscarriage 1/6/2012

12 years ago

Also testing on the 13th of june

12 years ago

Hello! My name is Britney, this is my first month ttc. I just got IUD Mirena removed in April.

12 years ago

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