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Complicated Pregnancy/Help me!!

Hello! I found out that I was pregnant with #3 on Christmas day and on January 8th I had my first early ultrasound. There was a gestational sac and a baby and yolk sac buy the heart beat was below normal and I had to make another ultrasound appointment. The next day I went to my endo dr (per his request) to get another ultrasound where we found 2 gestational sacs, 2 heart beats, 2 yolk sacs. Back at my ob office follow-up there was yet again 1 baby, with a healthy heartbeat now. Back again at my endo dr there were two growing, healthy babies! This continued till 10 weeks. At 10 weeks my endo dr said that I had a vanishing twin, it happened suddenly. It looked like baby A had a shadow instead of a twin. Anyway, at my 12 week scan all was normal, but it was difficult to determine much due to a thick anterior placenta and the placenta low placement. At my 20 week scan it was even more difficult. My son is laying low and transverse in my uterus, I feel and SEE movement above my bellybutton

Could baby B be hidden up high? I have more info but not enough characters. (0 votes)
Should I ask my dr. for an exploratory ultrasound? (2 votes)
Would a 3D ultrasound help with determining if 1 or 2 babies? (0 votes)
How could baby A (Skylar) be down low in my uterus, laying side to side but I (0 votes)
O4 Cont. feel and see movement up above my belly button? (0 votes)

5 Answers • 9 years ago



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Answers (sorted by likes)

1 - 5 of 5 Answers

I have twins, a boy and a girl but believe it or not they were concieved 2 weeks apart. My little girl was the youngest twin and kept hiding. She was there then she wasnt then she was. In the end they did beta checks every other day as a twin pregnancy the hcg is a LOt higher. On my 16 week scan she was sat nicely under her brother.
Get betas done but i would say that if there is nothing on the 20 week scan the chances r there is only one twin

9 years ago

Loulou, at my 20 week scan there was only 1, but "something" was pushing down on him from above. In many of my ultrasound pictures you could see an indent. My ultrasound tech was baffled. I know I ovulated on Dec 5th and Dec 11, and both were fertilized and both implanted, both were there till 10 weeks when baby b became a "shadow" instead of a sac. What bothers me the most is that when I go to my dr she tells me he is low and laying side to side not up and down. I feel no movement down there. I feel and can see movement way up above my belly button. They never look higher than my belly button.

9 years ago • Post starter

I just wanted to say I'm sorry this is happening to you. It must be gut wrenching to have suffered such a loss and to now have this confusion would be doing my head in too. I would be pushing for another scan. Particularly as you said the tech was confused about the positioning of bub. Maybe you should ask them to confirm the positioning of the placenta and how bub is lying so low. Placenta previa must be ruled out. When your placenta lays this way it can distort where you feel movement. You are the one who has to deliver and it would be nice to know exactly what you're dealing with for birth and many. :). I truly hope you're in for a miracle but if not please hear me when I say I'm sorry for the pain you must feel.

9 years ago


9 years ago

Depending on the age of ultrasound machines and the position of each baby and the shape of your uterus yes a twin can hide.

9 years ago

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