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TTC November/December 2021

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Hello friends! Since as it seems I’m not going anywhere soon, I’ll be glad to have some company in here, sharing our concerns and daily updates while TTC!

Good luck to everyone!!

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2000 Replies Closed • 4 years ago • Edited



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@Kahlan. I was thinking about you and wondering how you were doing. I'm jelous that you get to see your baby this early considering I'm 7 weeks today lol. No worries, my time will come as I have my scan next Monday at 8 weeks. I'm pretty sure there will be a healthy little bean inside. Who knows, maybe your due date would be on Valentine's Day.

AFM. I look at my belly after I finish eating and it looks like I'm 3-4 months pregnant lol and I am super bloated all the time. I seem to get this really full feeling in my stomach. Lots of heartburn and I am nautious when bending over. Work may be catching on because of all of my doctor's appointments (some is mental health) and me also giving the slip of the tongue but I think I got out of it as she asked if I was and I said no and said it was something else lol.

Good luck to those testing soon or gearing up to ovulate.

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3 years ago

Dragonfly- you’re right behind me on seeing yours! I can’t wait to hear your update! I’m really happy I get to see my little one early after 3 MMC’s and a chemical- this will hopefully help ease my mind, or if there isn’t a healthy little one in there- we can move on and try again sooner. But I am feeling like things are still progressing. I’m super nervously excited! Please let this week stay busy and go by quickly!

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3 years ago

Witch is here for me ???? gonna try the progesterone I ordered a couple months before I call the Dr. About an IUI. I started on my 7 year Anniversary ughhhhhh


3 years ago

@Punk I love hearing that your bf is excited for a baby! I feel like so few guys are. My DH is the same, he's honestly the sweetest!

@mill so sorry the witch arrived.

@alex, I have such positive feelings for you. Even if it isn't in he next few cycles, your bfp is coming someday soon, I can feel it!

AFM: cd 10 and I am miserable. Ever since the chemical pregnancy my temps are erratic and way too high for my follicular phase (coming well above my coverline) with crippling headaches, nausea, and lots and lots of wasted FRER bfns. My face is a mess of rosacea and cystic acne. My AF was weird too, with random heavy bleeding with a clot on day 5, which is usually just a day of heavy spotting to very light flow. I've had it. I'm done guessing! I woke up this morning to a temp. Of 37.01 C and said "That's the last straw. Something is not right in there!" and booked myself in with the first NaPro doctor I could find for tomorrow morning. Looking forward to some real answers, having hormone levels tested, and having a doctor that actually cares! Endometriosis runs in my family, and I have many of the symptoms except painful periods, but my friend had stage 3 endo with no period pain, so it could happen! If I've got it, this specialist will figure it out. Feeling hopeful!

3 years ago

For me its cd19 and 5dpo. Ive been extremely exhausted. Also experiencing today is dizziness while sitting down. I can feel some pressure in my abdomen. With the dizziness I am getting nauseated and sick to my stomach. Last night I noticed my cm change from watery to sticky and cream/white color.

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3 years ago • Edited

@Kahlan. I'm excited to hear your update as well. Keep us posted.

@Mil. So sorry the witch showed up. I hope the progesterone works this cycle and you get your BFP. I've heard of the cream you bought so not sure how many times you are supposed to apply it after ovulation. But I do know that when you get pregnant that you still have to continue taking it. Stopping could cause an early miscarriage. I'm still taking my Emerita cream.

@Hberry. Hope this is it for you. Are you symptom spotting or not really? Please forgive me when I say this, babies are a blessing and one should be happy that they are even pregnant no matter what gender the baby is; as long as (s)he is happy and healthy and knows that it is wanted and loved no matter what. I do know where you are ccming from with your MIL as my mom wanted one of us to get snipped (I probably will after this baby) as she clearly doesn't want us to have any more. So, I am worried about what she will say when she finds out. That being said, have you talked to MIL on how she made you feel when you wanted to nurse your son that day? I do hope that you will be blessed with a baby girl and that you will get to name her after your grandma.

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3 years ago

Dragonfly- no matter how much you talk to my MIL, if it isnt HER way, she won't let anyone be happy. Yet she KNEW I wanted to nurse and dh never stopped her either. I don't have a single bond with any of my 3 boys. Not one. The only bond I have is with my daughter and she was the ONLY one nursed. I couldnt with my first 2 kids. I honestly just want another girl so my daughter has a sister. And because I have had a wish of having a daughter named after both my late grandmothers. I do have boy names picked out but with my youngest son the naming part was the absolute worst as we couldn't agree on a single name until we both said Jayse and screw it no more coming up with names.

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3 years ago

Not great news from the doctor for me - he is very suspicious of PCOS and possibly endometriosis too. ???? I'm having a battery of testing done to check that stuff out but I'll have to wait for results because some of the testing has to be done at specific points during my cycle which I have passed already, but tomorrow I'm having the first batch of bloodwork done and a pelvic ultrasound.

My vit D and ferritin (iron) are borderline low too, which none of my other doctors thought was worth mentioning in recent bloodwork, and that could effect my fertility and point to PCOS too. My still producing milk could also point to PCOS - if my prolactin is high (which it would be because I am still lactating) that causes a higher chance of miscarriage, which could explain my loss as well.

I have to stop all supplementation until I see him again on July 30th and get results because supplements could skew the testing, so I'm in for a very rough month without the supplements that help me function and feel more normal witg my chronic health conditions and anxiety! ????

Still though, so glad to be seeing a doctor who thinks outside the box and is connecting the dots, and I'm very hopeful that he will be able to help us get past these issues and help us have more children. It could be a long road though depending on what diagnoses I end up with. To confirm endometriosis I'd need surgery, so that would be a last resort thing I think but I'm not sure. At least here it would be free thanks to medicare.

All I can do is let go and just pray about it, and learn how to chart with the Creighton method that the doctors use so I am giving them as much data as I can to work on!

Still, even though I'm looking on the bright side and thinking positively, I do feel like I've had the rug pulled out from under me today. I have been suspecting these fertility problems for a while, (I had intuition about secondary infertility after Finn was born, just like I had intuition about my breastfeeding problems and his tongue tie while I was pregnant) but I guess deep down I was hoping the doctor would say "You silly woman, you're fine, none of your symptoms are anything serious, this is normal hormonal fluctuation!" but instead he's agreeing, and pointing out reasons for concern that I hadn't even considered! It's hitting me that I was right, this is secondary infertility.

I'm always fascinated by which crosses Our Lord chooses for us to help us get to Heaven. My besetting sin is anger/impatience, so it would make perfect sense that the antidote would be plenty of PATIENTLY WAITING for the blessings I so badly want. He knows best, and I'll just try to joyfully plod along and learn the lesson in patience that He's trying to teach me!

My next appointment with the Napro doc will be on July 30th, and I will have the results of all of my tests by then, so I'll have more to talk about. For now we are NTNP (we won't actively TTA because it isn't grave reason, but the doc said we shouldn't try while I am stopping supplements.)

3 years ago

Punk I don’t know maybe I’m the weird one about it. I don’t feel comfortable telling him that I have to go and put the preseed. Even though we both want a baby so much I don’t wanna ruin the moment make him feel that this is the only reason we doing it!
I’m sending all the sticky vibes of the universe girl! I’m so exited about you. It’s about time for your bfp!

K+Nmomma I’m so happy for you that you’re about to see your baby! Im sure it’s getting cozy in there!

Agatch hopefully you got your days right and caught that egg. I usually have o pains around 3-4 dpo and it is almost each cycle. I don’t know why it happens but I read somewhere that is kinda normal!

Mill I’m so sorry AF got you! I really am... I know you want this so much! Hang in there girl. It will happen! I’m sure about it!

E I’m sorry about the doctors appointment wasn’t what you expected! I know how it feels to realize that you have stuff which needs to be sorted but I’m glad you did found out that some things need care! Hopefully this is the beginning of fixing everything which will give you your baby!! Hugs!

AFM I’m getting close to my fertile days and I really cannot wait to see how this cycle will be. I feel like I’m ttcing for the first time after taking Metformin, it changed so many things for me and I cannot hide I’m a bit of exited after a long time. I hope it’s not jus false hopes.
Yesterday I saw another favorite YouTuber of mine, Kristi, Announcing her pregnancy. She tried for 10+ years and she did everything and nothing worked. The last few years she gave up and didn’t TTC anymore and was convinced and she was ok (but not really) with not being able to have babies. She even filmed a clip with her hubby talking about them and how they accepted that they’re gonna be the two of them. Little did they know that in this clip she was already pregnant! Out of nowhere she is pregnant and stories like that are what keep feeding my hopes! After that I cannot give up and lose hope until I hit menopause. Period!

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3 years ago • Edited • Post starter

Its cd20 and 6dpo. Super tender/sore boobs and sensitive nips. Today nausea has kicked into high gear this morning since I got up. Looking for a new job since Olive Garden furloughed me completely. Sigh. I'm also needing to head up to my local tech college for classes and getting enrolled back into stuff. Af is due in 5 days according to CTP or 8 according to my app.

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3 years ago • Edited

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