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TTC November/December 2021

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Hello friends! Since as it seems I’m not going anywhere soon, I’ll be glad to have some company in here, sharing our concerns and daily updates while TTC!

Good luck to everyone!!

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2000 Replies Closed • 4 years ago • Edited



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@Alex. Same here, as my 4 year old daughter said tonight was unreal. I asked her if she was okay with having another little brother. She first wanted a girl. Tonight, she said, "of course a little brother, and a little sister. Have one of each." Wow. I didn't think she knew what twins were.

@Lunadrop. I like preseed, but my husband didn't favour it. Go catch that egg girl and stick baby stick.

@lalou. That's awesome things are going well. I have to go do blood work before June 15th and then the ultrasound on June 22 at 8 weeks. Hope they book you in soon.

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4 years ago

@millbarnett I am taking ones prescribed by my naturopath, they're practitioner only. The prenatal is Bioceuticas InNatal, and if I do well on these she will have me switch to Natal Essentials from the same brand. In addition to the methylated prenatal I am taking choline to support my methylation cycle (I can't tolerate or process b12 without it), and Adaptan to support my adrenals. I also take a probiotic.

4 years ago

Mill it will be a blessing to have this cycle your bfp before the IUI. Having everything crossed for you!

Lalou thank you mama! Yes, we’re back but things aren’t going well.. ppl are too afraid to return to class and we have so many financial pending. We’re Praying that some miracle will happen and we’ll manage to keep our dance studio. Summer is always a dead month for us anyway and we always supported those months with some savings from the previous ones. Now.... we’ll see!
Did you find a new job? Please stay safe out there. I’m watching the news about US and I’m heartbroken. My mind can not believe that a human can treat another human like that. What a days to be pregnant. I’m keeping you in my prayers!

Luana we have all kinds of dance styles in our studio but me personally even though I’ve studied ballet for 13 years, I’ve fell in love with Ballroom/Latin-American dancing and that is my specialty now. I’ve also studied lots of other styles like Greek traditional dances, Oriental, modern dance etc but now our dance studio i have other teachers for those. I only teach Latin/Ballroom (social and competitive) and some Pilates classes.
I hope you’ll be catching that egg in the next few days and after the TWW we’ll see your two pink lines!!! Good luck!

E I’m so sorry girl that the witch came. I had a secret hope for you! I love your positive attitude and that you’re so down on earth. I really hope your rainbow is on the way this cycle!

Dragonfly I really really can’t wait to see if there is twins inside that tummy! All the signs are so strange!!!

AFM 11dpo and I had a huuuuge temp drop this morning bellow cover line. I never have a significant temp drop before AF until I’m on cd 1-2. My temps are always high even on the day of AF. I cannot guess anything of it though because in general this cycle with me taking Metformin is strange and different so I’m only guessing that my body is going through some changes and I most probably have to get used to new data! I don’t think that AF will come earlier but who knows

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4 years ago • Edited • Post starter

@Alex. I hope the temp drop is a sign of implantation. I too am curious to see as I am feeling aches on both sides. I forgot to mention yesterday that after I had breakfast- steak, eggs and baked potatoes in cut in cubes that I got so constipated that I couldn't even poop and my stomach was killing me. Sent my husband to get me an anema; which was the first time ever using it. Not even sure what happened there. I just Goggled it and said it's nor safe or recommended. So, I am slightly worried as it says it could cause a misscarriage. I think I'm going to stop Googling things.

Update, so worry wart me called 811 to make sure I will be okay. The nurse says that if anything was to happen since yesterday would have happened alread. I'm still a anxious/nervous wreck but not too bad. Will talk to my pharmacist tomorrow about stuff I can take. Neither one of us knew that it wasn't a good idea. Live and learn. Pray that the baby will be fine and move on.

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4 years ago • Edited

Omg Dragonfly please be careful and extra cautious about what your taking now. I’m sure that the nurse is right and you’re out of danger now. Sending good vibes your way!

AFM I’m confused... never had this. Could you take a look? Am I exaggerating things in my mind? Please be honest. Don’t wanna hold onto hope for no reason. Since last night I have severe cramps like AF is here but she’s not.. she’s due on Wednesday.

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4 years ago • Edited • Post starter

@Alex thank you for your kind words! I'm excited looking at your chart, not gonna lie. That temp jump after the dip looks great - even if you aren't pregnant this cycle your hormones are doing great to get temps high like that, and things look like that are headed in the right direction. Looks like your RE knows their stuff!

4 years ago

@Alex. Thank you. I hope noone thinks I'm a bad person as we had no idea until after the fact and it didn't say anywhere that pregnant women shouldn't take it. I like to say E is right. You can get a dip and still not be pregnant. However, my temp jumped that high when I got my BFP. Not sure if you saw my post (February 2021 BFPs) but I posted my symptoms of the whole cycle and my temp chart for everyone; take a look if you want. It went from 98.3 down to 97.8 then up to 98.3. Wishing you lots of sticky vibes and hope AF stay away.

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4 years ago • Edited

@dragonfly nobody thinks you are a bad person! Honestly it never would've occurred to me that an enema could be a bad idea, I would've assumed that oral laxatives were worse. I hope your constipation clears up, or uh, clears OUT soon! All joking aside though it seriously is the worst and I have so much sympathy for you. I have been in some hellish situations backed up from narcotics after major surgery, and I have some friends that I met around then that still hassle me from time to time if you get my drift.

4 years ago

Hi All! Thought I’d introduce myself here! I’m Katie, I’m 25, mummy to a 13 month old boy and TTC baby number 2! I have a bicornuate uterus so would love to get to know someone else with this and your experience? I had 2 major bleeds in my first pregnancy and my son was born at 32 weeks!
I’m on cycle day 27 which for me is strange as I’m like clockwork every 25 days however I’m still getting BFNs I’m just wishing my period would come now so we can move on to next month!
I don’t feel like my period is coming at all and The only symptoms I have which are similar to my first pregnancy is horrible dreams in the first part of the night followed by insomnia for the rest of the night.

4 years ago

@E. Thank you so much. I have an undiagnosed IBS and certain foods just reak havoc on my intestines and my dad has Chrohn's disease. We didn't think so either as it was only in there for a matter of 2-3 minutes. I also thought that the anal canal is not linked to he uterus, hense why we thought it was okay. I talked to my pharmacist and he agrees that if anything were to happen it would have happened already. Also picked up some stool softners to take if things should back up again. So, now I'm just going to try and move past it and look forward to my ultrasound on the 22nd; which I hope my husband can join me for the first time.

@Klyla. Hi and welcome. Maybe you ovulated later than expected and could be why you are getting BFNs. When is AF supposed to show her ugly face. Hoping you get your BFP in the next few days.

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4 years ago

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