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I'm currently 3DPO and absolutely hate the TWW! Was just wondering if there was anyone out there going through the same thing.

1111 Replies • 12 years ago



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Hi ladies!!! I am 8 Dpo now and I am hoping this was my cycle. I haven't been that in tuned with my body lately because I didn't want myself to believe I was pregnant and im not if that makes sense. AF is due June 5th and I am thinking about testing on Saturday with a first response. I will let you ladies know what I get!!

12 years ago

Smiley, I am hoping you see some good news on that First Response Test soon. I am sorry your alone, I don't have really any close friends that I can talk with either and while I do have my sisters and family... we have chose not to talk with anyone about our TTC journey and I think it was for the best, not to have that extra stress from family, although I know they would be would just be hard to talk with them about it... because we are right here facing a 1yr marker.
but I do find support through my online friends and that is lovely :)

KSM, I hope you get good news soon and I hope your new job still going well.

Its Ovulation week for me.... its some time this week..and I tried to start back tempting but schdules got wacky and I got I haven't been able to...and while I should use opk's right now... I am not..kinda not putting pressure on this month... the only thing I am trying to do is be with my hubby ;)

12 years ago

Fluff - Yay for Ovulation week!

KSM - let us know how it goes

Smiley - fingers crossed for you

12 years ago

Okie so I got my hpts today, and of course I couldn't wait to test which to my great disappointment was bfn. I tried to see if I could sort of guesstimate when I would've maybe ovulated and it says somewhere around the 22nd which makes me only 9dpo so going by that it would be way too early for the test to come up positive which means that the other test must have been wrong cause I would have only been like 7dpo. But I will say this I did see a little blood that day which was what made me test for real. So unless I have imagined the past few days then maybe just maybe I could be still in the game. That also has a lot to do with the fact that I only have 25 day cycles and I have had a TR. But my God is almighty and I have enough faith in Him to know that all things are possible.

12 years ago

Smiley, I am sorry the test was a bfn but you also said you weren't tracking anything this your still in the game until AF it could have been early.. the fact you had a little bleeding could have been implantation bleeding and if that is the case then it will be a little bit before you test... you said you normally have 25 day cycles... so going by your last cycle when would AF arrive for you this cycle?
(you could have ov later than normal too)

12 years ago

My AF is due on the 5th. So I am waiting until the 6th to test if she doesn't show. Still hopeful!

12 years ago

Good luck!!

12 years ago

Lily, How are you doing sweet lady, it want be much longer until you will hold your little girl in your arms.

Lizy, I hope your doing well, hopefully your past morning sickness and are getting some energry back now. When do you find out the sex?

((Lhen)) Thinking of you sweet lady, Is hubby back yet? I am guessing if he is not, should be soon.

Mazie, How are you doing so far?

Movegas, where are you? and how have you been?

Sunny, How are you doing so far?

KSM, I hope things are going well, where are you in your cycle now?

Anyways hope everyone is well.

12 years ago

Fluff - I am truckin' along. Ended up getting medicine for the nausea/vomiting last week after it became all day long and overtook my life. Monday is my first "big" appointment where we will find out if there is a heartbeat or not.

How are you doing? How many dpo are you now?

12 years ago

Just checking in on everyone.. Its the 5th no AF yet but ran out of tests so haven't tested either.. Still keeping fingers crossed..

Everyone else?

12 years ago

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