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BYOB: We Want Some Chirstmas Babies!!

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Hi ladies!

Well, it's that time again! Lets kick things off the same as usual, with an update...

My name is Joy
I am 28, and dh is 29
we've been together almost 10yrs
Got married and bought a house together in 2009
From Canada
I'm currently a housewife, but hope to soon be a stay at home mom

I got pg back in the summer of 2010 then m/c'd at 8 weeks
We ttc for 8 cycles after the m/c, (10 months)
We have a nursery room all set up waiting for baby

I got a BFP on June 30th 2011
Had a missed m/c on Aug 18th 2011
Since then I have been rushed to the hospital 3 times for excessive bleeding (once via ambulance cause I passed out)
I have had 2 emergency D&C's, 2 Folley Ballooons, 3 blood transfusions of 2 bags each, & a Hysteroscopey. (Not to be confused with a "HysterECTAMY")

I am Finally back to TTC and am currently on cd12
Right now I am taking my prenatal vitamin, my iron suppliment (which I plan on stopping), I chart my bbt, use opks, and take EPO from cd8-Ovulation.

This is the best group out there - these ladies are all amazing!! They are my online bffs and I love them all! Dont know what I would do without you ladies!!

Hope everyone had a great Monday!!!

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266 Replies • 12 years ago



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Hi ladies

Jil - Thanks Good luck

Cris - Oh that would be so exciting to be pregnant together!! Your symptoms sound really promising hun! I am keeping my for you!!

AFM - Not doing too bad so far today... dh and I bd'd last night and will again tonight since I got my +opk this am. Went and picked up McDonalds for dinner... felt like something bad for me (I eat like crap when I'm sad! lol) told dh I wasnt cooking this weekend... not sure what we'll order tomorrow... watching some disney movies tonight... 101 Dalmations, Lady and the Tramp and not sure what else yet.


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12 years ago • Post starter

Joy - Lucky you you got McD's!! I still haven't gotten over my craving but I'm getting some chip stand for lunch, which is a big deal where I'm from!! Don't forget our little song after "just keep swimming, just keep swimming..."

Snow - I have one test left too and it's burning a hole in my bathroom drawer! I want to test so bad but I know it's too early!

Robyn - Congrats on the job!!

I don't think I'm pg because I'm not exhausted like the first time. I just have a lot of other symptoms that make me think I am pg, as usual, and AF will be here on schedule. I hate this waiting and disappointment month after month...

User Image and and to all!

12 years ago

Joy, thinking about you this weekend. I know it's probably a tough one for you with your due date. Just know we're all thinking about you and hoping that this is your lucky month.

afm, still waiting on a positive opt. Should ovulate in the few days I'm thinking.

Hope everyone's having a good weekend!

12 years ago

morning all!!! so heres the update on me:

last nights opk was totally negative, so its safe to say i finally o'd on my own, so af should be here between the 23-25th, i was hoping to bd but i have not been in the swing of things with the opks for over 5 months now and trying to figure out if it was positive was hard, so i missed my surge this month, but atleast after af i can go back to my regular schedule. i had a 26 day cycle and always o'd on cd12, so im hoping i go back to that, or a 28 day cycle. im going to start taking my prenantal vitamin again,cuz lord knows i don't eat properly, and i go to see the f.s. on april 23rd to do some talking about fertility meds and probablt iui.. hope everyone is doing well today its another rainy day in b.c. here and i have not any more motivation than to sit on the pc and be lazy..

12 years ago

joy when are you expecting af? we are going to be cycle buddies of what i have been reading...

12 years ago

Hi ladies,

My name is Lee and my DH and I started ttc in September of 2011. I got pregnant on the first try and had a m/c at 8 weeks - it was a sad and lonely Thanksgiving. My AF came on January 13th and the doc said I could start trying after my AF, so we did. My AF showed up on February 10, and again on March 9. So my cycle is 28 days but as for when I o'd - I agree with Kristine, "who the hell knows". I laughed when I read that, and I feel the same way. I'm so impressed with some of the knowledge on this thread - what does triphastic mean? How do you know when your uterus hurts - I don't know a thing. I know when I have ewcm and I know when my AF comes. I need to get more disciplined about this. I'm going to start with going out and buying an OPK and preseed. I have a thermometer but when is the right time to take the temp? I imagine it's the same time every day. My AF reared her ugly head on Friday - I had a small notion that I could be preggers but it's crazy how the mind can do that to you.

I've read through the thread and I'm rooting for each of you!

Emma: Cheers to 1973!! I'm going to be 39 in May. Good luck!

1stbabytry: Strange smells is something I experienced with my first - good luck!!

Nicole: I'm so sorry to hear about your doggie

Jenn: Since you are ntnp this will be your month

elle: Hang in there

Robyn: Keep your chin up - and keep busy with things that you love.

Cris: cysts on your ovaries - I hear you. I had them as well and they were noticed during my pregancy last fall that ended in a m/c. My doc said it was normal and wanted to see me for another u/s 60 days later. I ended up going for it earlier because I thought I was pregnant before my AF showed on February 10th. They told me that they had shrinked and that everything looked normal.

Snow: What was the eye twitching about? My for you.

hoping: I hear you about FB, it can be so depressing - some people are so overboard with it. I get posting pics for family living far away but it can get to be too much.

Caren: sounds like you are doing everything right - I need to follow your lead

Jessica: So sorry about your m/cs - I'm new to the opks and I'm going to head out in a bit to get one.

Joy: I hear you about eating like crap when you are sad. I do that as well shop for things I can't afford. My husband has been looking for work for a long time now. I try to tell myself that I'm not stressed about it but maybe I am.

Keico - what is triphasic? Sounds like it is a good thing?

Retha, Cassie: and if there is anyone that I forgot blame my head not my heart, I'm thinking and praying for all of you.

Off to my neighborhood pharmacy and hopefully between the advice and lessons shared on this forum, the opk test and some small insight I may have about what is going on inside me, maybe this will be my month.


User Image Me: 39 DH: 40 DS: 2.5 (3 in October) conceived at 35, born at 36 11/11 mc 8 weeks 2/12 mc 4 weeks 5/12 mc 5 weeks

12 years ago

Hi ladies!

Lee- Welcome to the thread! This really is an amazing bunch of ladies, I am sure you will fit right in!!
To answer your questions; (Not sure how much you know about chartting your bbt..) when you chart your bbt, you get a temp shift after ovulation, (3 or more temps above "coverline"; the temps you had before af) that would be a "biphasic" chart, if you get a second temp shift that would be "triphasic" Hope that makes sense! lol!
As for knowing when your uterus hurts... that ones kinda hard to explain! lol I guess some women are more in tune with their body's (dont think I have ever had my uterus hurt) tho you will probably hear a lot of "saw a woman with her new baby and it made my uterus ache" lol, but thats just a saying
I have a serious shopping dissorder when I am sad too!! It's like shop-therapy!
with the opks and preseed! (I highly reccoment both!) Another you may decide to try is EPO (evening primrose oil) it helps with fertile cm. They say a lot of women who use it get pg on the first cycle using it. I did! So now that I am back to ttc after my m/c I am using it again this cycle... we'll see if it works for me again!

Kristine - We're pretty close! Af should be coming to get me around the 26th/27th I think.

hoping - thanks sweetie! that means a lot! Hope you get your +opk soon! Happy -ing!!

Cris - I sing that in my head every time after we !!! Too funny! Still keeping my for you! I really hope this is your cycle!!

AFM - Grouchy today... dh pulled an all-nighter last night and then came to bed at 8am and made me fall back asleep till 1pm!! (stupid time shift!) Having a lazy day at home... might go for a soak in the "fertility tub" (Jet tub to those who werent around for that joke!) then I gotta decide what I am gonna order for dinner tonight... had McDonalds last night, and I told dh I wasnt cooking at all this weekend, so what will we have tonight.... maybe we'll order some Boston's... they have yummy chicken fingers and fries! Oh maybe we'll order pizza and bread sticks.... mmmm... We'll see...

sidenote: I cant count how many times I had to correct my spelling mistakes on "shift".... I kept writting "shit" So sorry if I missed any!!

Hope everyon had a great weekend!

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12 years ago • Post starter

Snow and 1stbaby - I'm on my last hpt too! I'm trying to wait as long as possible before taking it.

Joy - have fun babydancing!

morgan11 - Congrats on the new job!

Lee - a triphasic chart is one that shows a third higher level of temperatures at least 7 DPO (days past ovulation). Triphasic charts are more about 179% more likely to end in pregnancy than not. That being said, I have had a triphasic chart in the past that ended in AF showing her ugly head, so it's not a gaurantee.

AFM - Yesterday was a doozy! I got nauseous from the smell of pine sol. I got nauesous after eating a few bites of bananas foster cheesecake that tasted off to me, but DH said it tasted it fine to him. I was moody all over the place and cried at ever little thing. I had a headache all day. Today I am 12 DPO and this morning, my temp was up yet again so I decided to test with a $ store test and got a BFN. Needless to say I am disheartened. AF is due tomorrow and I usually get a huge temp drop on the day she is due, so we shall see what the morning brings.

12 years ago

Ok, wow so many ladies! So much going on... I need to use word pad to write a reply hahaha:
fragglerockdoozer - wow your temp is really up! I hope you get your bfp very soon, the nausea is a good sign
Joy - not cooking for the weekend is a brilliant idea!
mamabelle3 - sorry you got AF when you were hopeful of pregnancy
aromatherapy - with you on the pre natal vitamins I eat v.little and I bet I'm not getting all my nutrients
hopingforamiracle1 - good luck with OV and cathcing the egg
1stbabytry - I hate waiting too it sucks especially when AF shows up regardless month after month
snowwhite - I had this with my last pregnancy I didn't get a BFP until I was 7 weeks so hang in there

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12 years ago

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