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BYOB: Hope for a little Christmas Miracle this year!!

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Hi ladies!

Well I am bored so I jumped the gun a little and started a new thead even though we were only on pg14! Haha! So we will start off the same as always... with an update:

My name is Joy
I'm 27, dh is 28 we've been together almost 9yrs and married almost 2 or those
From Canada
I got pg back in the summer or 2010 (ntnp) then m/c'd at 8 weks
We have a nursery room all set up, all we're missing is the baby
Been ttc for 6, nearly 7 months I think
I am currently 11dpo & have not tested yet!
I have used OPK's for the last 4 cycles
& This cycle I have also started to chart my bbt

I am trying SO hard not to obsess this cycle and have not been reading anything into my symptoms - all of which could be explained by impending af as well as pregnancy. And I dont plan on testing until Tuesday at the earliest!

I am addicted to this site & love all you ladies to pieces! I swear this thread is my lifeline & you all are my online bffs! LoL!

Hope everyone decides to follow us over again!

Daisypath Happy Birthday tickersDaisypath Happy Birthday tickers Lilypie First Birthday tickersDaisypath Happy Birthday tickers Lilypie Angel and Memorial tickers Lilypie Angel and Memorial tickers

284 Replies • 13 years ago



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Hi ladies!

Lisa - LoL!! You can always make us laugh with you entertaining work and/or bding stories!! I love it!!

Josie - I hope things move along quickly so that you can start ttc again soon!! As for the other, I know exactly how you're feeling!! As much as I would like to put it out of my mind, I should be just almost ready to deliver a baby right now. It really doesnt help that my friend is due shortly as well, and has been told it could happen any day now. (and with my luck af will probably show the day she pops!)

I am going to try not to test tomorrow.. I want to hold off as long as possible! As much as I would like to know if I am pregnant (which I dont think I am) I know that the earlier I find out, the longer I will have to wait to be out of the "danger zone" and into a 2nd trimester. So I am not really sure why I always want to test so early! Plus if I dont test I am less likely to catch a chemical pregnancy! And honestly I would prefer not to know! This whole ttc process is so stressful! I feel like a crazy person!

Still have cramping, eating lots and mood swings... I really do think af is on her way.

Daisypath Happy Birthday tickersDaisypath Happy Birthday tickers Lilypie First Birthday tickersDaisypath Happy Birthday tickers Lilypie Angel and Memorial tickers Lilypie Angel and Memorial tickers

13 years ago • Post starter

Josie~I hear you loud and clear on the breatfeeding thing. The weird thing is, I was a perky D cup when I graduated high school. I was asked all the time if they were real and I was pretty proud of them, haha. While I was breastfeeding, I was a DD! When I quit breastfeeding and lost the rest of the baby weight, I never did get MY body back. I got a body alright, the best one I ever had in my life, but I LOST my boobs all together. Probably because I got really big into working out and I was working with a personal trainer. I am now a B cup and they have no perkiness to them anymore!

Hubby found out today about a lot of things that he got screwed on with the whole going to third shift and being bumped back to second shift so quickly. He actually was so upset about this because now they are screwing him even worse and his committeeman doesn't seem to want to do anything about it. He put in a call for his zoneman, but he is in Detroit all week working on the new contract. He was so upset tonight that I cracked a joke on the way from work trying to lighten the mood and he burst into tears! In all the years I have known him, I have never seen him cry and it hurt me! I don't want to sound selfish, but I seriously hope this stress he is going through does not affect our ttc efforts this month. Hopefully, he will keep his eyes on the prize at the end of the week! Between the two of our paychecks and both of us getting profit sharing, we will have just under 5 figures deposited in our account at once! Pay some bills off and think of how to enjoy the rest :)


13 years ago

Good morning ladies!

Again, thanks to all for the kind regards and wishes. It means more than I can express

I can't remember who asked about the internal ultrasound, but that's what I had yesterday and it wasn't bad at all. I actually prefer it to having an external one because you don't have to have a full bladder to hold while someone pushes down on it! Plus they can see better with the internal. The only thing that's weird about the internal is that they push up against your g-spot which can feel a little awkward

Joy- Did you test today? I'm waiting til this weekend to test again if the witch doesn't show....

All this boob talk is making me laugh and wonder.... I'm a B but proud to say that what they lack in size they make up for in shape! But like all women, I wonder what they would look like bigger. God willing, one day I will be pregnant and I will know. Hopefully I won't scare my dh! He actually has a pseudo-fear of large breasts due to a bad experience he had with them while he was in medical school- med school is a scary place!

Anyway, I guess I'm still technically in. AF is due any day now. I'm really confused now. I still want a bfp so badly, but I kinda don't want it now until I know how bad my condition is. Knowing I'm at high risk for a miscarriage is scary. Basically with my "condition" the baby doesn't have enough room to grow because my uterus isn't shaped normally.

Last night I broke down and I called my sister. Other than you ladies and my dh, she is the only one I have talked to about this. I know I am WAY overreacting, but I asked her if in a worst case scenario if she would be a surrogate for me. It wasn't easy to ask...

My DH has been very supportive in his own way. He always tries to be very stoic but I can tell he really feels bad for me. He keeps calling me between every patient just to say "hi" and see how I'm doing. And in his words, there is more than one way to skin a cat...

User Image User Image User Image

13 years ago

Ok... I'm never going on facebook again...

My friend's wife just had her second baby last night. He's a beautiful, healthy little boy. I'm so incredibly happy for them. They are great people and great parents. However, the pictures just sent me into tears again...

User Image User Image User Image

13 years ago

Aisha - Fear of large breasts! HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA H AH AH HA HA HAA H AH AH AHA HA!

~ Amanda User Image

13 years ago

Joy - Good luck. I hope AF stays right away from you. Have you felt any symptoms?

For my 1st I had implantation bleeding 12 dpo. I seriously thought it was AF starting. I was very confussed when it only lasted the 1 day. I usually have 4-5 days of AF. The next day my breast became so sore and I had cramps. I also was so tired. I had just gotten back from our honeymoon in Italy and thought I had really bad jet lag. Also, I was so moody. I swear my husband must have thought, "What have I got myself into?" We had a mouse in the house and I completely had a break down. I didn't know if I wanted my husband to catch it or kill it. I bawled. It was a very odd thing to experience. The next day I took a HPT and got my BFP. I took the test 16 dpo. I was also due that same day for some blood work to check my iron levels and I asked if they could do a pregnancy test. Sure enough my wonderful doctor called to tell me I was indeed pregnant.

This time ttc is completely new to me, because I know there is a chance it won't happen so quickly. I stopped nursing my son last month and my cycles have been so crazy. This cycle actually seems normal. I know I definetly ovulated on the 15th. So I have been obsessed ever since I ovulated. I have felt tired and had cramps. Also, my breast have been a little sore. I am still leaking once in awhile so I just chalk the soreness to still having milk. I am really trying to relax and take it one day at a time, but it's so hard not to think about. I've decided to test this coming Thursday (9 dpo) and than the following Tuesday (14 dpo). This thursday is date night for my husband and myself and if I do get a BFP I would love to surprise him at dinner.

If I have indeed conceived this baby will be born around my birthday. That would be just a great birthday gift!

Josie - Best of luck to you. I hope everything falls into place for you soon.

Sorry to those I didn't reference. I am still trying to get to know everyone. BEST OF LUCK TO ALL OF US!

13 years ago

Good Morning ladies:

How are you all today??? We are having severe thunderstorms today and possibly tornados later!

I love the rain and thunder; but not the tonado warnnings so much. I have a dog and 3 cats and I have to herd them all into the basement with me......

I had an internal ultrasound done and there was nothing to it.. they just covered me with a blanket- handed me the scope and let me insert it myself then the tech just moved it around a little and it was done pretty quickly and no pain or uncomfortableness for me....

My bbs were always perky C's until I hit 30's then I gained a little weight and they got up to now a DD but they are saggy and not so perky so if I get pregnant I am worried they will be hard to find bras for; the next size is an E...ouch..... and if they get even saggier......

Well here are my symptoms for today so far:
wet cm
sensitive nipples
some acne (that is new)
crampy / sore tummy

13 years ago

Good Morning Ladies,
So yesterday I had an appointment in the morning and on the way home I decided to treat myself. I Cut my hear short about chin length it used to be past my shoulders. Than I went and picked up a few new tops. They are comfortable, pretty and I can still wear them if I am PG.

As for signs I have none. I have a feeling i'm out. I just don't have anything to speak of. AF might start this week or mid next week my cycle changes. I am hoping we timed it right We BD in the Pm and the next day I had cramping on my one side. We will see.

I hope everyone has luck this month. Here is to everyone.

Lilypie Angel and Memorial tickers

13 years ago

Morning ladies!

Lisa - Sorry to hear your dh is so upset! I hope it doesnt interfer with your ttc this cycle!!

Aisha - Sounds like you're doing a little better today, glad to hear it! I am sure when you get some more information things will not seem as bad... I am keeping my that you just have a minor case and that it wont interfer with ttc!
I can't imagine asking your sister to be a surrogate would be an easy thing to do! Was she open to the idea at least? Either way dont give up! I am sure things will work out for you!
Sorry to hear about the baby pics on facebook... I know what you mean, in the past couple months I have had 3 friends give birth (so far) and 4 announce pregnancies.
And no, I still havent tested yet... trying to hold off as long as possible.

Noelle (Brittany right? Sorry I am horrible with names) - I have had a TON of symptoms... however they can ALL be attributed to pg OR af. So I am not counting any of them. I still havent tested yet, I want to try and hold off as long as possible. The last time I got a bfp is was at 5 and a half weeks. (Which would be the end of next week) Ideally I would like to wait till Tuesday or Wednesday next week to test if af hasnt shown... doubt I can hold off that long though!

Well I have a busy day today so I better get my butt moving. I hope you ladies all have a great day!

Daisypath Happy Birthday tickersDaisypath Happy Birthday tickers Lilypie First Birthday tickersDaisypath Happy Birthday tickers Lilypie Angel and Memorial tickers Lilypie Angel and Memorial tickers

13 years ago • Post starter

Morning all!

Update - nausea showed up last night. WHOO HOO! HA HA!

Couldn't stop myself... tested this morning. Big fat evap, I think. BOO. There seemed to be something at the three minute mark but the background was still pink.

It's still early so I am forcing myself to stay positive. I gotta stop doing this! HA HA HA!

~ Amanda User Image

13 years ago

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