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TTC November/December 2021

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Hello friends! Since as it seems I’m not going anywhere soon, I’ll be glad to have some company in here, sharing our concerns and daily updates while TTC!

Good luck to everyone!!

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2000 Replies Closed • 4 years ago • Edited



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Thank you ladies for all the support. There is only one person in friends/family that know we are trying and have been for a year so it is really nice talking with you ladies. People around me are getting/have gotten pregnant very quick so they can't relate nor be empathetic. A good friend of mine will sneeze and be pregnant so she tied her tubes (she only wanted 2 kids).

@E_Massey yess lol I definitely do indulge and have a drink or 2 when AF shows. I only feel down for a little bit and then, like you, pick myself back up. Hoping your tww shows promising symptoms!!

@Hberry cant wait for you to test

4 years ago

@Hberry. I agree with BCoops. Can't wait to see your tests on Friday. Praying AF stays away.

@BCoops. When my AF shows, I yoo would have a drink (beer) and then pick myself up as there's nothing I can fo but hope that next month will be it.

AFM. I got my ultrasound booked for June 22 and it seems so far away. Yesterday was just an emotional roller coaster. Did something last night that I am not proud of (will not go into detail) as it was just my reaction and by the time I noticed it happen, it was too late and I feel horrible as that is so not me. Having some minor cramping and hoping that is a good thing and that nothing bad is going on inside. Also, any secretions my body comes out, I'm always checking it with toilet paper or tissue. I'm still on the fence about getting my tubes tied or not mostly because I am always worried about the "unknown" and whether or not if I can handle 3 kids as I have a rough time now. Would I require a C-section to do that?

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4 years ago • Edited

Dragonfly- we all do things that we aren't proud of. Everything will work itself out and be alright
MrsB- 2 more days but I have the worst urge to test now! Lol
I can now add pronounced veins on boobs to the growing list of symptoms. I also have purple "patches" (my guess is extra blood flow) on my boobs just like my last pregnancy. I also just have this feeling I am pregnant.

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4 years ago

@Hberry. Thanks girl. I appreciate it. I definately think you are pregnant but kudos for staying strong and not testing early. Friday can't come quick enough for you.

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4 years ago

Dragonfly- I'm going to try to convince the husband to stop and get tests tonight but I doubt he will. I just have a horrible urge to POAS right now
CTP has AF 1 day late. My other app says AF is due Friday. Oy...

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4 years ago • Edited

Hberry. I don't blame you for wanting to test early and that will put your mind at ease. Just don't get discouraged if it is a BFN, but we all know that is not the case lol. What does CTP have listed as your DPO?

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4 years ago

Dragonfly - 12dpo is what CTP has me as and AF overdue as 1 day

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4 years ago

*le sigh* I'm just sitting here at 5dpo with a whole lot of nothing going on. I had a minor cramp today but nothing else. How is everyone else feeling today?

4 years ago

Eee dragonfly congrats!! I haven't logged in in a while as I keep going back and forth as whether to wait a month to try again or go for it. But then I was literally like "I gotta see the bfps!" and sure enough you had one!! So happy for you! Last time with baby 2, you got preggers the cycle before I did so here's to hoping our rainbow is quick!

4 years ago

Hberry you’re really a hero having AF late and still not testing! I’m pretty sure you’re pregnant based on symptoms!! Fingers crossed!

Dragonfly don’t be so tough with yourself babe. Your hormones are all over the place now and as H said we all do things that we regret. The true mature thing is that you’re acknowledging it! How’s your days going symptom wise?

Punk oh girl I know the 5dpo phase.. so blah cuz it’s too early to have symptoms and too far so you can maybe feel implantation. You just want the days to run at this point! Hang in there.. you got this!

Riskers I’ll say if you feel emotionally ready go for it! So many women got pregnant right away! I’m having everything crossed for you and a healthy 9 months soon!!

AFM I think I ovulated yesterday at last. My temps went up this morning and last night I was feeling something I noticed I’m feeling every cycle on my O day. When is the actual O day I have major bowel pains and SORRY TMI trapped gas lol I started noticing it few month ago and now I’m certain that when I start felling pain like this I know that my temps will go up next day and I’ll confirm O. Anyone else having this?

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4 years ago • Edited • Post starter

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