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The EPO Experiment: Chapter 5

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Hi ladies...

Since we filled 14 pages already, and I'm bored, I figured I would jump the gun and start the new thread! Hopefully the start of a new thread will brng in some new ladies to chat with our amazing group!

For those who are new, I think it's appropriate to give a little spiel:
EPO is supposed to help create more cm when taken from cycle days 1- Ov. Stop taking it from Ov until your next cycle, which we all hope to ride through with warmer temps, high high cervixes and a BFP, not to mention love and support.
Some folk switch to flax oil after Ov, but some of us just quit and hope for the best.

Also maybe a quick introduction for any new-comers and a refresher for everyone else?

My name is Joy
I'm ttc #1
Have been ttc for nearly 2 years
I've had 2 m/c's
My last pregnancy I got pg on my 1st cycle using EPO!
I am currently on cd31 of a 30-34 day cycle
Hoping for a bfp, but not feeling too optimistic
didnt try the epo this go around, but if af shows this week I plan on giving it another try!

Good luck ladies!
Here's to another chapter!


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289 Replies • 12 years ago



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Happy Friday!

Joy - Oh so glad af is leaving. About time!!! Stupid Witch! Hope your having a great day!

Aryian - Hope af is staying away. Sorry about the bfn, they really do hurt. Hope your going to have a bfp soon.

Bee - Where are you? How is the swimming and the yoga going?

AFM - 7 dpo and not testing early!!!! Learned my lesson last cycle. Hurt so much. Think I'll wait till 11 or 12 dpo. It would be better to just wait for af, but I don't know if I can make it that long. I really want a caffeine fix, but I've stayed strong so far. What do you ladies think? Does drinking caffeine really make a difference or am I just suffering needlessly? Hoping to just stay home today. Its snowing and cold outside, perfect day to stay home.

Becca, age 29 ttc #1 for abt 1 year User Image

12 years ago

Becca: My choice for the coffee thing is doing a Half the Caffeine coffee. I also limit myself to 1-2 cups a day. I guess it's all in who you ask.

Joy: Hope AF is GONE for you.

AFM: didn't even bother testing today since bbt went down so low today. AF hasn't shown up yet, but she will. UGH. I had horrible cramps this morning too and had my boss ask me twice if I was ok to stay. I just grinned and said YUP, even though all I want to do is go home to bed with a hot water bottle and watch movies. Oh well at least it's Friday!
The toddler that I tend and I had some fun this morning making a rainbow garland and a pot of gold for decorations today. I love doing crafts with him! Super fun and cute.

~Ayrian User Image User Image

12 years ago

Hi ladies!

Ayrian - Thanks sweetie! Sorry about the bbt drop hope af doesnt show though!

Becca - Yay! Good for you with the will power!! I know how bad those bfns can feel... think I'll be waiting out af this cycle if I can make it that long! (We all know I wont be able to!)

AFM - I think af is gone!! Yay!! Dh and I bd'd today just for the hell of it, I wont O for another week or so though. Kinda boring part of the cycle now... Going out drinking and dancing tomorrow with my girlfriend to celebrate her engagement. Will be the first time I've drank more than just a wine spritzer since Halloween 2010!!


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12 years ago • Post starter

Hi Everyone.

Joy: Have so much fun out dancin and drinkin with your friends. so happy you get to go out and have a 'do over' from last weekend.

Sorry for the MIA today. Cd2 is always so hard on me. I get nausea, migraine headache, dizziness and just feel overall like crap. I stayed in bed most of the day with a hot water bottle on my belly. Just got up to make some potato and corn chowder for dinner. It seems like no one is feeling great in the house today and of course it has to be the sunniest and warmest day of the year and I'm stuck in a dark dungeon bedroom cause the light was too much for me. UGH!!!!
Oh well. tomorrow's another day.
Hope everyone else is enjoying their Saturday. Im so happy mine is just about over.

~Ayrian User Image User Image

12 years ago

Hi Ladies

Joy - Yay for party night, out on the town with your friend. I'm sure your having a blast as I'm typing this, Enjoy!

Aryian - Sorry for having to face another cd 2 with af and all of her horrible side effects. Bad headaches are so miserable. Hope your feeling better soon!

AFM - 8 dpo and no symptoms, nada, nothing. . . . . . I know its early, but I'm about positive that I'm out. I feel so normal. Not cranky, no cramps, no acne breakout, just normal. Ok yeah, its early, but I just have such a strong feeling that I'm no pregnant. Not even upset about it, I've basically just given up. After all we didn't get very much bd in and I don't need to get my hopes up. Really feeling burned out this month of ttc.

Becca, age 29 ttc #1 for abt 1 year User Image

12 years ago

Hi ladies!

Becca - Sorry you're feeling so burnt out sweeite. I hope you're wrong about this cycle and you really are preggo!

Ayrian - I hate feeling like crap on a beautiful day... somehow makes it all the more depressing! Hope you're feeling better!!

AFM - Had a great time last night. Ended up staying at the house and drinking/dancing there most of the night, but we did get out to the bar briefly, it sucks so bad (live bad of old men that were set up on our dance floor... not cool!) so we literally pounded back our drinks and went back to the house! First time I have been drunk really in like 2 years! Lots of fun!

Hope everyone had a great weekend!

Daisypath Happy Birthday tickersDaisypath Happy Birthday tickers Lilypie First Birthday tickersDaisypath Happy Birthday tickers Lilypie Angel and Memorial tickers Lilypie Angel and Memorial tickers

12 years ago • Post starter

Hi girls,

I've been staying with my mom the past few days for the company, and so that I didn't have to worry about starting the fire in the morning.

Joy~ Woooot! Glad you had a fun time with the girls. My friends and I are the same- it's usually a better dance party back at the house ;)

Ayrian~ Corn chowder sounds yummy. I'm sorry you had a yucky cd2. My cd2s are always the heaviest too. Spring is coming and you have lots more warm days on the way

Becca~ Shucks, my sweet! I understand how sometimes it's nice just to put it out of your head and carry on as if it's not important. I'm all in favour of waiting until you're late to test. So much easier to cope with, rather than those awful days between an early negative and when AF arrives. Keep your chin up sweet thing You're not out by a long shot :)

Airiesing, sending love!
Laura, thinking of you!

Fun news girls: I have been feeling the first kicks! I think I mentioned before that I couldn't tell between flutters and gas... well in the past few days I've been able to put my hand on my belly and feel a few little boots.
Dh is away for another week and a bit, so I'm going to wait to tell him and hopefully he'll be able to feel it by then too.
Had a midwife appointment days ago and heard the heartbeat again, and lots of movement. My mom says I was really active in the belly too.
Anyway, just got home from staying in town for a few days, and the pup is worn out and sleeping. I got the fire going first try, and it's a balmy 10 degrees here. Overall a nice afternoon. I hope the snow melts soon so we can get through the muddy wet snow of early spring.
Have a relaxing Sunday,
xxoo Bee

User Image

12 years ago

Bee - Yay for feeling the first kicks!! Congrats!!

Daisypath Happy Birthday tickersDaisypath Happy Birthday tickers Lilypie First Birthday tickersDaisypath Happy Birthday tickers Lilypie Angel and Memorial tickers Lilypie Angel and Memorial tickers

12 years ago • Post starter

Hi Ladies.
Thank you all for the well wishes. CD 2 was rough - ended up with a menstrual migraine. I am grateful that it happened on the weekend because working with it is not happening. So, yay, didn't have to miss any work!

Becca: Good Lord, am I with you eye to eye, hand in hand about the ttc bs. I'm so exhausted about it, but refuse to give up.

Joy: So happy you had such a great time with your friend. You so deserve that time and I'm so glad you had it and enjoyed it!!!

Bee: OMG! I'm so excited you felt your little friend kicking you!! That is so exciting! Are you going to find out the sex of the baby? I'm so excited for you!!

AFM: CD3 and feeling much better, head wise anyway but cramps are kickin my butt. I sure do feel wiped out from this af. Dizzy, nauseous, backache, just overall uncomfortable. Ugh. Can't wait for her to leave!
I had a good talk with DH today and he agreed to take some fertility vitamins too! I have been taking mine religiously and asked him if he would take some to help his boys become a little stronger. He was a little reluctant(Damn male pride crap), but I convinced him that I believe his boys are good and strong, but it wouldn't hurt them to have a little "muscle building" to get them more excited about finding my egg! LOL. Anyway, he agreed so I'm going to order the Male Fertilaid for him and pray that he is good about taking them - if not, I'll hide them in his dinner. lol.
Well, Sunday night and I have so much still to do with being out of order yesterday.
Hugs and hand squeezed to all!

~Ayrian User Image User Image

12 years ago

Hey everyone, haven't tried anything to assist with getting pregnant just been tracking cycles and ovulation days so I think I'm going to go get some EPO tomorrow and try it. AF just started tonite so I'm gonna try starting the EPO and anything else that u guys might recommend??????? Pretty new to this site, been ttc since october 2011 but no luck yet, need some support because all these BFN are depressing :-(

Jamie Good luck to everyone! User Image

12 years ago

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