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BYOB: Hoping for a New Years Baby!! *2012*

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Hi ladies!

Well I jumped the gun AGAIN and started a new thread! So lets kick it off the same as usual, with an update...

My name is Joy
I'm 27 (almost 28), dh is 28 we've been together 9yrs and married 2 or those
From Canada
I got pg back in the summer or 2010 (ntnp) then m/c'd at 8 weks
But we have escentially been ttc #1 for a year now
We have a nursery room all set up, all we're missing is the baby
I am currently 4dpo & am insisting that this WILL be my month
I have used OPK's for the last 5 cycles
Last cycle I started to chart my bbt
& this cycle I started chartting cm & cp
(as well as pressuring my ovaries to O & singing "just keep swimming, just keep swimming to dh's sperm after bd!! LoL!)

This is the best group out there - these ladies are all amazing!! They are my online bffs and I love them all! Dont know what I would do without you ladies!!

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280 Replies • 13 years ago



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ok, ladies... I need some advice.

Yesterday I got an internal ultrasound and blood work done on CD3 (yes, even with my period they did the internal).. So basically, I still have a cyst on my left ovary.
So I got the disappointing news that I can't do clomid this cycle. The success rates with IUI without clomid are not a lot better than just BD'ing the natural way. My health insurance will only cover 6 rounds of IUI. I used one.

So the question is do I do the IUI this cycle without clomid and try. Or do I take a cycle off until my cyst goes away and just BD naturally.

Basicially, my NP said that I likely won't conceive without clomid. So I also don't want to get my hopes up this cycle knowing that it is highly unlikely I will conceive.

what would you girls do?

13 years ago

Hi ladies You guys r lots of fun to talk to and read about!!

No news to report here, same old same old different day. BBs still sore and heavy, peeing a lot, crampy, cm is dry in the morning then heavier later on?!?

Broke down AGAIN and tested with a very wide evap line with wee bit of color, not going to get excited about that one!!

due tomorrow!! The wait and see game continues

to all

13 years ago

Bens10 (sorry, i forgot your name), I think that if you really want this cycle to count, then do all you can to make it work. If taking Clomid is the big helper then take it-as long as you are safe! She told you herself that you are NOT likely to conceive if not on clomid........go for it girl!

JACQUELYN to ALL OF YOU!!! [url=]User Image[/url

13 years ago

Taking Clomid this cycle isn't an option for me, unfortunately ...

13 years ago

Jiminy!!! I've been so busy and I feel bad for not keeping up with folks like I used to!!!!!

Welcome newcomers

I will try to get on after part 3 of this wedding tonight and respond to as many of you as possible and update you all on me, but I wanted to let you know I'm praying for you all!

And real quick:

Jamie- if I were in your shoes, I would hold off on the iui this cycle. If the odds of conceiving without clomid aren't much higher than natural bd I wouldn't want to waste an iui. Though I doubt you will need all six of them to conceive, you may want to save some to have more children with later. That's a bummer, I know, but that's what I would do unless I could afford to pay for fertility treatments out of pocket. I'm sorry this happened. I hope you heal this month so you can take clomid again next cycle.

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13 years ago

Hi ladies!!

Aisha - Have fun at part 3 or the wedding tonight!! How was your time with dh? Hope you guys had fun!

RJandJD - Sorry about your bfn.. hope af stays away!!

Jamie - I agree with Aisha, I think in your shoes I would just bd since iui doesnt give you a much better chance of conceiving this cycle. Then you can go full force with the iui when you are back on clomid, Has the cyst decreased in size at all? Or do you plan on having it removed?

Jaquelyn - Thats hun! I REALLY hope this is finally my month!! Good luck with the -ing!!

1stbabytry - Thanks for the vote of confidence! Haha! Happy Bday for tomorrow!!!

Lisa - Happy ing! I think I would be the same with the soft cups if I were in your shoes!! Leave it in for as long as it allowes, just to be safe!! Haha!

As for me... I had such a long day, was gone almost 11 hours!! It was super busy but a still a good day I am still having my funny cramps today, hope thats a good sign!!

On a less upbeat note... today was my expected due date & on top of that ANOTHER girl working the event walked in pregnant this morning. AND tomorrow I am heading out to see my friends baby again. I am looking forward to seeing the little one, but just really hope my friend doesnt complain or anything to me, or "unintentionally" rub it it.

Anyway enough about that... I hope everyone had a good weekend!


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13 years ago • Post starter

Jaqueline, you can leave a softcup in for a maximum of 12 hours.

Jamie, I would not use the IUI this month and just I do not know how much those things cost, but I am sure it is NOT cheap, so you would be better off saving the ones your insurance will cover for a clomid month.

I just got home from taking my son and his friends to a movie and for pizza. He was like a little stud, haha. The boys that were invited could not go, so there was my son sitting between two girls his age and my friend from work's middle daughter (only 4 years old, but her older sister was one of the other girls there). I sat right behind them in the theater, lol. For now, they don't care because they are only 10 and I am still cool. In a couple years, it will not be that way, lmao!

Round two of tonight! I was hoping for a second round last night when we got off work and sent hubby a sexy text around lunch break and he responded by not reacting to the text at all and informing me he would need me to put biofreeze on him after work, ugh! We get paid decent for what we do, but JEEEEZEEEE! This work takes a real toll on our bodies. I am convinced he and I both will be in wheelchairs by the time we are 40, haha.


13 years ago

Hi ladies!!!! The wedding business is finally done! Unfortunately, it means I have less distraction from ttc. And right now I'm bored. I'm on cd26 (I think) and haven't Oed so right now I'm just waiting for something or rather anything to happen.

Joy- I'm sorry today was such a tough day But I have a feeling that in a week or so you will find out that you were indeed pg by your original due date YOU WILL GET YOUR BFP THIS MONTH!!!!

RJandJD- I'm sorry about your bfn, but maybe it wasn't really a bfn? Let us know what happens tomorrow!!!!

Jacquelyn- Thanks!!! He is a good man indeed!And your post wasn't long at all!!!! Maybe your sore body will make for some new and exciting bd positions; you know what they say "necessity is the mother of invention"

Cristine- Happy Birthday!!!

Carolyn- I'm your dh will get to come home early!!!!

Victoria- I'm sorry showed up. She pisses me off TTC has caused me to change "Mother Nature" to "Bi*** Nature" because no mother could be this cruel!!! My dh is trilingual. He learned Urdu and Punjabi first and then English when he moved to the US at the age of 5. I really want him and his parents to talk in front of our future babies (God willing) as much as possible so they will be trilingual too!!!

AFM- My body is doing nothing. I think I knew instinctively that I wouldn't O this month from the very beginning and said this would be a ntnp month. Maybe I needed a break though and this was my body's way of doing it? Since I'm not Oing, when my dh and I made love last night it was really the most sensual and passionate it has been in a while and I think it was because I was doing it purely out of desire for intimacy with him and no hidden agenda (and it's a good thing too because in the excitement of it all, some of the swimmers ended up on me instead of in me and if I were Oing I would have been angry at him but last night it was just funny). Even though I never tell my dh where I am in my cycle in order to keep him excited, I always know and I think that affects me subconsciously, and last night was the first time since ttc that I just had passion on the mind and wasn't thinking of him as a sperm donor

Now I just really want to get on with my next cycle so I can start my clomid again! I'm tired of being an infertile turtle!!!!


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13 years ago

Lisa - Aw sounds like your ds had a good time! LoL too cute!

Aisha - Thanks sweeit... surprisingly today wasnt too bad, having an event to keep me busy for most of the day was very helpful!! Infertile turtle, as irritating as it is, that is an adorbale nickname for it!! Hopefully I will get my bfp in a week or so and then you will get yours the next month right behind me (Cause we will peer pressure your ovaries again!! Haha!)

Well nothing new with me... still funny cramps and -ing for my bfp!!


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13 years ago • Post starter

Gooooood Morning ladies!!! I have great news! My DH was approved to come home early this week on Wed.

The operations are winding down and there isn't much for him to do so the general said he can come back to the states!!!!!! Yay! That means he will be here for my hsg and my O date next month and I will be IN for next month ttc!

Not to mention I have missed him!

13 years ago

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