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TTC November/December 2021

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Hello friends! Since as it seems I’m not going anywhere soon, I’ll be glad to have some company in here, sharing our concerns and daily updates while TTC!

Good luck to everyone!!

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2000 Replies Closed • 4 years ago • Edited



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Dragonfly I’m so sorry love! Seems like everything is piled up for you. Take a deep breath and seek some time for yourself just to detach from what stresses you out! Sending positive vibes your way and a hug

Punk Oh no! So sorry girl! Make sure to pamper yourself and hopefully in a few days you’ll be feeling much better! Here’s to a new cycle

AFM It’s currently 6:30am and I got up at 5:30am. I woke up and couldn’t get back to sleep.. feeling so anxious. I’m 10dpo and I’m pretty sure I’m out. I don’t feel anything different and I’m actually having all pms symptoms. I just want to get pregnant...

Yesterday I was watching the YouTuber I was talking about last week and on her 4th episode of her fertility journey and after 2 failed IUIs she got pregnant on her first IVF. I cried so much.. I felt her joy in my soul and I couldn’t wish about anything else at this point than to just feel like this for once in my life...

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4 years ago • Post starter

@Punk. Let's pray that the spotting turns to dark brown and then you get your BFP a few days later. If AF shows her ugly head, then I wonder that you may have a short leuteal phase and may need to take Maca to regulate or progesterone cream. I had to with my last pregnancy as I never spotted before AF.

@Alex. I didn't have any symptoms with my first pregnancy except for the obvious cramping the day of/after AF was supposed to show. Don't count yourself out yet. With regards to signs showing up when you ask. I believe in that too. I used to see the First Response commercials on TV and I'd get sad wishing it was me. Then I see all the cute baby commercials and my heart melts with joy looking at how cute they look.

AFM. Hubby and i talked a little bit last night and he even said, I know I don't treat you very well. So it was nice that he acknowleged it. We managed to BD last night and it wasn't in the cards for us. My app says that my ovulation is Monday and CTP says it was on May 8. If yesterday was ovulation per say, would we still be able to catch the egg?

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4 years ago

Dragonfly- If yesterday was O day- you have a fair chance still with BDing last night. You could still have a chance with today, too

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4 years ago

@Kahlan. Thank you for giving me some hope for tonight should we BD. Last night wasn't in the cards as he didn't cum. He seems to think it is his blood thinners. Not sure if that is the case or not.

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4 years ago • Edited

Well, 11dpo for me. Started testing at 7dpo haha I took several FRER's with not even a squinter. Then yesterday on a wondfo I thought I could maybe see something but also figured it was line eyes. Then the test dried and there was definitely a line. I don't get evaps on those tests so I was hopeful and doubtful all at once. I tested with another wondfo this morning with SMU (as FMU doesn't do a lot for me) and the faintest of faint lines came up within the time frame! Queue letting myself get sure excited! Well, I just went out and got another FRER and took it and it looks NEG. :'( Not sure what's going on but my hopes are getting dashed again. I don't know if I can handle to chemicals back to back.

4 years ago

@SheRiskers. Don't give up hope yet. The FRER could have been faulty or the urine was too diluted. When is AF due? I'm keeping my fingers crossed for you.

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4 years ago

CD 9 today. Out of the ordinary upset tummy all day today. I'm trying not to read anything into it, because I know it can just be a symptom of elevated progesterone and not necessarily mean pregnancy related. But its been aweful. Ive felt like I need to puke all day.


4 years ago

Hi ladies. Im cd9. Slight headache and nausea. Also had twinges the past 3 days. On my dashboard here it says im in low range for fertile days, however on the calculators and my period tracking app, it shows Im in a higher range. Trying for baby number 5 and hoping for girl number 2!

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4 years ago

Dragonfly They say that sperm needs some hours to travel to the Fallopian Tubes and sometimes days. On the other side the egg lives up to 24hours. So if the sperm is fast enough it should do the trick! Chances are slim bit still there for sure! Good luck girl!

Riskers I don’t want to be the downer here but I definitely don’t trust Wondfos AT ALL. I bought one batch, one time and half of them gave me lines. Some were very faint and some were very visible to the point when I uploaded pics to the gallery here, people agreed with the line. You can check if you want. It wasn’t the obvious line but it was enough to give me a heartbreak. I would wait for a few days and try again with FRER. I really hope you’re not the same case with me and this is actually your early bfp

Mill I know that nausea it’s not nothing to wish for but I really wish your upset stomach is pregnancy related! You just got me very excited! I know I know it could be anything but I really can’t wait to see your bfp!!!!

Hberry hi!! Do you usually have a stable cycle? If you do you can kinda calculate your fertile days. If you have a short cycle like I do, let’s say 24-25 days, then yes you should already be on your fertile days! I wish you a happy and healthy pregnancy with a baby girl soon!

AFM I’m 11dpo and I have been experiencing something totally weird and I never ever had this before. It’s actually pretty annoying too and I also don’t know What to do to calm it down. I’m feeling a very strange burning/pinching/stabbing sensation in my nipples. It’s mostly on the left one but at times on the right one too. I’m totally writing this down as something unusual for me.
My temps are also staying high but this is not unusual and other than the nips thing everything else is normal pms. On Saturday AF should be visiting me. Hopefully not!!

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4 years ago • Edited • Post starter

Alex- my averaged cycles are about 27 days. That's why it's kinda confusing when on here says I'm not but my period tracker says I have a higher chance

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4 years ago

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